- Comment on Does drinking coffee reduce the amount of nutrients absorbed from prior meals? 3 months ago:
Oooh, I didn’t think of that. “Eat all you want without gaining weight with this one simple trick”
- Submitted 3 months ago to | 18 comments
- Comment on stop 4 months ago:
And that “no poop challenge” that was everywhere on lemmy about a year ago. Not sure whether that was a lemmy thing or wider, as I don’t use anything besides lemmy.
I’m glad a local culture is growing here naturally, but I didn’t expect it to be beans, jeans and no poop
- Comment on Lemmy devs are considering making all votes public - have your say 5 months ago:
I actually like the idea of being able to see how many upvotes/downvotes came from specific instances much more than seeing the actual users. It would cover some of the positives mentioned in the github discussion:
-Could help fight bot and multiple-account voting (if we assume that people who make multiple accounts do it on the same instance)
-Could help identify voting-patterns from specific servers (obviously)And then if something looks suspicious, the admins can already see who voted, so they could check out whether some user is abusing the mechanics.
I find that this approach might be worth talking about, but making user votes visible to all seems very unnecessary.
- Comment on Grok do a good 5 months ago:
This image always comes to mind:
- Comment on Why Sweden is light-years ahead on climate 6 months ago:
It’s great how they stressed in the video that the transition to green energy did not come at a cost of economic growth.
- Submitted 6 months ago to | 6 comments
- Comment on Trust issues 9 months ago:
I’m so traumatized by that video that now, 17 or so years later, I had to carefully scroll your comment in case the picture you posted was the screaming face
- Comment on Brought to you by the vertical mouse gang 11 months ago:
Well random cheap mice could die after a while (happened to my brother), or need battery replacements often (happens to a colleague). Logi MX vertical has the benefit that you can charge it, and it lasts quite a long time before you need to recharge it.
Though honestly I’d never spend €100+ on a mouse. My company offered money to buy office things, I didn’t need anything so I took the mx vertical haha.
- Comment on It’s Surprisingly Easy to Live Without an Amazon Prime Subscription 11 months ago:
I generally wait more than a month for things to arrive, be it random stuff from aliexpress or books from bookdepository (may it rest in peace), blackwells or kennys. It’s kinda the norm here, and we don’t think much of it.
- Comment on Duolingo lays off 10% of contract workers, partly due to AI 1 year ago:
Assimil courses, fsi courses, language transfer, Clozemaster (app), Pimsleur.
- Comment on Duolingo lays off 10% of contract workers, partly due to AI 1 year ago:
I second this. I did the Greek course and it was absolutely phenomenal.
You have a space in your URL btw.
- Comment on TEMET NOSCE 1 year ago:
In his two dialogues that deal directly with love, he excludes sexual relations either implicitly or explicitly. In “Sympsium” love (eros) allows you to reach an understanding of the form of the ‘Beautiful’, and love creates goodness, and people can only ‘give birth’ (besides physically, also mentally by creating things) in goodness, so that’s why they seek it, to create and achieve some immortality through their creations.
In “Phaedrus” he explicitly tells how one of the three parts of the soul (mind) is a wild horse that pulls the soul in lust, and reason (the charioteer) then proceeds to pull back with all its might as the emotional part of the soul goes towards sex, as love is there to remind the soul of beauty, which is the souls nourishment, not to “mount [others] like an animal”. That’s basically the tl;dr of his writings on love in those two dialogoues.
Platonic solids are solids Plato mentioned in “Timaeus”.
- Comment on Does anyone drink instant coffee anymore? 1 year ago:
Same. Instant in the morning and a normal one with grounding beans in the afternoon.
- Comment on Am I Doing This Right? 1 year ago:
Posts from this community popping up from time to time was actually what pushed me to start watching a few weeks ago. So, a big thank you to you all!
- Comment on Would a re-elected Donald Trump ruin Democracy across the globe in a domino effect? 1 year ago:
Democracy is very weak and that’s why it takes so much to keep it at place. One autocratic leader is enough to break it. We saw it in Germany before the war
It wasn’t “one autocratic leader” who broke democracy in Weimar Germany. Most of the judges, civil servants, parties and people were not happy with the transition from the German empire. Democracy breaks when nobody cares about it anymore. For Germany, this was most evident in the Prussian coup, when the state illegaly replaced the Prussian government, and nothing happened in response. This was taken to court and Prussia did have some success with it, but generally the deed was done. Imagine that during the next US elections it gets decided that California voted for the Republicans, and that goes through without much fuss. That is what causes democracies to fall, apathetic people and institutions, especially the latter. It’s the institutions that stand guard, like in 2019 when the Supreme Court declared Boris Johnson’s suspension of the parliament unlawful.
That’s not to say that democracy isn’t weakening globally, it’s just that this idea that Germany became a dictatorship because this one charismatic leader came and broke democracy is wrong. The Nazis, while not irrelevant in any sense, were not the main driving force behind Weimar Germany before 1933. The very reason Hitler became a chancellor was because the unelected conservative government thought that they could easily control him. The erosion of democracies happens in the institutions and people’s will, the autocratic leader just strikes the final blow.