- Comment on Got myself some energy monitoring Zigbee plugs and made an interesting discovery 4 weeks ago:
(dimming my bedroom lights)
Thats terrifying. Your desk outlet should not share a circuit with your bedroom lighting circuit, that makes no sense (unless you’re talking about a desk lamp).
And regardless, if a 700W load can make your lights dim, then there’s a major wiring issue in your house. Don’t plug in an electric cooker, kettle, or space heater until you get that checked out.
- Comment on Got myself some energy monitoring Zigbee plugs and made an interesting discovery 4 weeks ago:
If I’m reading that correctly, that shows the system is drawing around 100W just sitting idle.
Something is not right there.
Either the power meter is way out of calibration, or there is a configuration issue with your PC. Maybe you have a performance setting that is causing the CPU and GPU to not idle down ever? Or a rogue antivirus software that is cranking the CPU constantly?
Are there any spinning disk hard drives in your PC? They can sometimes use around 5W each on idle. That was the biggest cause of idle power consumption on my old xeon server, with 8 HDDs.
PSU choice can also affect it. Eg, if you buy into marketing and buy a monster 850W PSU, but it’s idle all the time and only uses 450W under load, then the PSU is spending the whole time outside it’s efficiency curve, and can end up causing more power draw than expected.
- Comment on Weekly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing this week? 1 month ago:
if you identify as “scandisk/defrag watcher”, it’s for you
I am who you describe, and this made me realise that a progression/idle game based around a disk defragging mechanic would be amazing, and would scratch a deep itch for many people.
- Comment on What are your Homelab goals for 2025? 2 months ago:
I need to move my mishmash of hard drives, fans, cables, and NUC into a proper NAS box, with a proper power supply and a mini itx motherboard.
- Comment on Name a game game: "...and then it ends with you fighting A GOD." 2 months ago:
Yeah, but you don’t find that out until later games. At the end of Chronicles, it certainly looks and feels like fighting a god.
- Comment on Name a game game: "...and then it ends with you fighting A GOD." 2 months ago:
Xenoblade Chronicles
- Comment on Games that stuck with you 8 months ago:
Another vote for outer wilds. Its weird how often it pops into my head.
- Comment on Finally joined the "work was throwing it out" club 1 year ago:
Nope, were shiftin’ back, bby.
- Comment on What's your favorite note-taking application? 1 year ago:
I started using Trilium in early 2020, with version 0.40.2. Roam had released in 2019 and was growing in popularity quickly, I heard a lot about Roam, it looked cool, so I googled for an open-source self-hosted knowledge base note taking app with similar features to Roam, like notes arranged in a knowledge graph, and a backlinks explorer for each note. The only one that was available then was trilium. Looks like you’re right, the development of trilium was started in 2017, before Roam existed. This is a great interview with the creator, answers a lot of the questions I had. console.substack.com/p/console-169
Obsidian didn’t come out until a few months later (and remained under the radar until 2021), all my colleagues and friends use Obsidian now, but I prefer trilium. I had never heard of logseq before I read this thread. Just a quick glance, I see the first 0.1.0 version logseq was in April 2021, just before the first obsidian release.
- Comment on What's your favorite note-taking application? 1 year ago:
Trillium was originally created to be an open source replacement for Roam Research. It’s similarities to Obsidian are purely coincidental, probably because Obsidian is designed to be a cross between Roam and Evernote.
- Comment on Can anyone tell me what format this uh.. nested dictionary is? 1 year ago:
It’s not really a standalone file format, it’s executable Lua code.
It returns a new item with the given table contents.
That format with the keys in square brackets is the “long-form” method of creating a new table, that’s allows the use of spaces and dashes in the key name.
Maybe this is the lua-equivelent of a python Pickle file?
- Comment on Advent of code starts in less than 12 hours! 1 year ago:
Lol, that reminds me of when I was in Uni, I had a systems development class, they taught in C, all the lectures, tutorials and assessments were done in C. Our final assignment was handed out the week the first Rust v1.0.0 build dropped in 2015. I had been following the hype around the development of Mozilla’s new language, and I was so keen, I asked my professor if I could complete my final assignment using Rust. He said it’s a great idea. Then cut to me furiously trying to learn Rust in just two weeks, so I could even start the assignment, including C interop, implementing functions with c-style interfaces for callbacks, and lots of unsafe blocks for memory manipulation and pointer manipulation. In the end I was just forcing Rust to be C.
I did get an A though, mostly because the professor couldn’t understand any of the Rust code.
- Comment on What is your favourite font for code ? 1 year ago:
I was using Inconsolata for about 5 years, then switched to Inconsolata-g when that came out, for another 5 years. But it’s a pretty old font and is TrueType so doesn’t render well on Linux and it misses out on a lot of new font features.
In 2019 I went hunting for a new favourite font, and tried out a whole bunch, giving each one a week in my IDE to really get to know it. During that time I realised I had a bunch of basic requirements for a font that some do better than others:
Similar characters should be distinct: eg, uppercase O and number 0. Uppercase I, lowercase l, and number 1. It’s weird how many popular coding fonts fail to make these clear.
Not too wide, and not too narrow. You’d think monospace fonts are all around the same size horizontally, but a standard 80-column slab of code can vary greatly in screen space width depending on the font, some are much too wide. I like to have the option to tile three code panes side-by-side on a 1080P screen.
Easy to read. For some reason a lot of coding-specific fonts affect my ability to quickly and easily read the code, and some give me a headache.
I realised that my use of Inconsolata for such a long time in the early stages of my career definitely shaped my preferences. I was looking for something similar to Inconsolata. That was when I discovered Fantasque Sans Mono. It’s a kind of weird looking font, maybe a bit too playful for a serious coding font, but I found I could read and parse code much faster (maybe it helps with mild dyslexia?), each letter is very distinct from every other. It has elements of handwriting, it has elements of a dyslexic font, it has similarities to Inconsolata.
I’ve been using Fantasque (with Nerdfonts mixins) for 4 years now. Since then there has been a renaissance of code fonts, like Jet Brains Mono, and First Code. I like those, they are good fonts, but I keep going back to Fantasque, it feels so comfortable to use.
- Comment on Watch out for devs trying trick bug reporters into doing work 1 year ago:
That last sentence makes me think this is a tonge-in-cheek post, sarcastic and looking for a reaction. Subtle trolling. Ignore it and move on.
- Comment on PasswordManagement: which one of these options would you choose? 1 year ago:
I use option 1, I host my keepass db file on a free secure nextcloud storage account, and use nextcloud client to keep it synced to all my devices. It’s available offline on all of my devices too, in case the server goes down. I use KeepassXC on my PCs and KeepassDX on Android, to open the files.
- Comment on What to play after experiencing Chrono Trigger? 1 year ago:
Its not a very “patient gamer” recommendation, but Sea of Stars came out a couple of weeks ago, it is a modern game inspired by retro JRPG titles like Chrono Trigger. I haven’t played it yet, but it looks super cool.
- Comment on Ender 3 Pro motherboard recommendations 1 year ago:
I’d take this opportunity to upgrade to a Klipper setup. Find which board fits the Ender 3 Pro that can be flashed with the Klipper firmware, then get an external klipper controller, go from there.
- Comment on Changed ISP and server now unreachable 1 year ago:
The new ISP would have given you a new IP address. Do you use a dynDNS to automatically update the record? Or do you need to manually update your domain’s DNS service to point to the new IP address?
- Comment on Where can I learn Docker fundamentals? 1 year ago:
Same, that’s how it was explained to me too. It spent over a year learning docker the wrong way, and trying to use it as a replacement for VMs, after a coworker told me that.
- Comment on Where can I learn Docker fundamentals? 1 year ago:
Sounds like you, like a lot of others, have come to docker from the perspective of “it’s like a mini virtual machine”. Maybe you’ve used VMs before, like virtualbox or VMware or EC2. Maybe you have experience with setting up a cluster of VMs, each with their own OS, own SSH client, own suite of applications, and an overlay network between them all. Maybe someone told you “you should use docker instead, it’s like mini lightweight VMs”. And you’d be right to assume this is the wrong perspective to approach docker, because it leads to the problems you have faced.
Instead, try to think of docker containers as standalone applications. They don’t contain a kernel, they don’t have SSH, no Nano or VIM, just simply the Application, in a container, with enough supporting filesystem and OS libraries to make the application work.
That perspective is what helped me to get better at docker, I know it’s not exactly answering your question, but it might help.