- Comment on Kagi search engine now has a Fediverse search option. 2 days ago:
In the order of 40000 people, so pretty tiny compared to the big search engines.
- Comment on No beans, only dogs 4 weeks ago:
A candidate for genuine Dutch hot dog-like food are maybe broodjes rookworst:
Or maybe even worstenbroodjes, now that I think of it…
- Comment on Post your setup. no matter how uggo 3 months ago:
This is how I started in a tiny room. I am not proud, but maybe good to show between all the shiny thongs here.
- Comment on Garfield 8 months ago:
Definitely not new. However, in many practical applications you can sorta kinda ignore it (but definitely not all!).
- Comment on sweet dreams 10 months ago:
Just testing how deep Cunninghams law will go haha
- Comment on sweet dreams 10 months ago:
Nono, these are d orbitals. Although p orbitals are equally silly.
- Comment on Professor meow meow 10 months ago:
Anyone have an recent example of FDC Willard being thanked in a paper? I couldn’t find any, sadly
- Comment on Public Broadcasters of Europe, Let's All Join Mastodon! 11 months ago:
I found 2, but I am sure there are more.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Christian Horner?
- Comment on Musical Genius 1 year ago:
Yeah, F1 driver Max Verstappen is in a similar situation. Clearly insanely talented, but probably got there by having a childhood which was pretty fucked up (left at gas station by father in Italy if he lost a karting race, etc.).
Maybe we miss out on a couple of savants without this kind of treatement, but it is a pretty good tradeoff, especially if you think about all the kids that did not make it to the top, and just had a abusive childhood without anything to show for it.
- Comment on Does Harry Potter only know fifth grade math? 1 year ago:
Just a warning: this takes pretty much every bad FF trope you can think of and turns it to max. Awful reading.
- Comment on life hacks 1 year ago:
I get cold just thinking about this. Turning off the shower is my least favourite part of showering. Why repeat the experience several times in one session?
- Comment on Stephen Fry wants King's Guard to ditch bear fur 1 year ago:
Oh it is completely irrelevant for Fry’s point. Just thought it was interesting.
- Comment on Stephen Fry wants King's Guard to ditch bear fur 1 year ago:
Maybe surprising, but yes. The pope is an example. Historically it was not super uncommon, nowadays Malaysia and Cambodia for instance still have an elective monarchy.
- Comment on Smart Potties: High-Tech Toilets Offer a Futuristic Flush. One Costs $20,000. 1 year ago:
Way ahead of you:…
- Comment on The World’s Oldest Active Torrent Turns 20 Years Old 1 year ago:
For the lazy: “The oldest surviving torrent we have seen is a copy of the Matrix fan film “The Fanimatrix”.”