- Comment on Feedback about our name: someone's concerns on sharing 4 months ago:
beautiful instance lore
- Comment on Feedback about our name: someone's concerns on sharing 4 months ago:
lol I hadn’t seen the acronymized instance name. was the fact that it’s sjw intentional?
- Comment on Custom ROMs have had just about enough of being Android's second-class citizens 6 months ago:
you’re already over my head but you can talk to the devs. they have a matrix chat they link on their site
- Comment on Custom ROMs have had just about enough of being Android's second-class citizens 6 months ago:
that’s one I haven’t heard of. how is it functionally?
- Comment on Custom ROMs have had just about enough of being Android's second-class citizens 6 months ago:
not really. after enabling oem unlocking in developer options you just boot it while holding one of the volume buttons and you’re able to unlock the bootloader.
root is not typically available and you don’t need it for most uses besides development, but even then, I would recommend not using a phone you daily for that.
- Comment on Custom ROMs have had just about enough of being Android's second-class citizens 6 months ago:
- Comment on Custom ROMs have had just about enough of being Android's second-class citizens 6 months ago:
graphene sandboxes Google services so they don’t run as root on your device. I haven’t encountered an app I can’t get running on graphene yet and having Google play installed as non root is a far sight better than stock.
my biggest problem with lineage was compatibility with banking apps so I reluctantly switched but graphene is a solid choice in operating system for privacy and security.
- Comment on Custom ROMs have had just about enough of being Android's second-class citizens 6 months ago:
I would recommend buying a used phone from the most recent generation. I had my pixel 5 die on me about 7 months after I got it used due to a major Android update. Phone crashed hard and bricked, so don’t get a 5 (even though it was my favorite design of the pixels). I have an 8 right now I bought it refurbished on Amazon. It works great and I know it will last a while being the most recent model. Also check FB marketplace if you have a Facebook account. People in my area are selling phones often.
- Comment on Custom ROMs have had just about enough of being Android's second-class citizens 6 months ago:
I’ve been using graphene for years at this point and it’s the best operating system I’ve ever had on a phone. Before this my favorite phone was a jail broken iPhone 5c. I even got a pixel tablet to take notes on for college recently and put graphene on it as well.
Only thing Google has right atm is leaving the bootloader on their phones unlocked.
- Comment on Real criminals, fake victims: how chatbots are being deployed in the global fight against phone scammers 7 months ago:
dang did I get lucky somehow? I haven’t gotten a scam call in years at this point. I figured this was a problem of the past people. how often are you guys getting spam calls still?
- Comment on hooooly shit! has anyone else played journey? 8 months ago:
PS3 had more shimmery glittery sand. you can add it back into the game by making the changes mentioned in the alternate method at the bottom of this guide they messed up the sparkles in the later releases. doesn’t hit the same.
- Comment on Monthly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing? 10 months ago:
- Comment on Skyrocketing bluesky engagement since opening to the public 1 year ago:
whoever made that graph needs to learn how to properly space their horizontal axis labels