- Comment on It’s Time to Stop Taking Sam Altman at His Word 5 months ago:
AI is worse than crypto. Most crypto projects use proof of stake which is way more resource efficient than mining. Also the morning that does happen usually happens where there is excess generation instead of azure datacenters
- Comment on Reddit is making sitewide protests basically impossible 5 months ago:
I believe mods tried this and reddit purged the mods when subreddits only allowed John Oliver images.
- Comment on Why do phone manufacturers use in-display fingerprint readers instead of fingerprint readers on the power button? 5 months ago:
Android can be configured to require a pin after a reboot which is an ok compromise if you want to invoke the fifth amendment
- Comment on Elasticsearch is open source, again 6 months ago:
Usually in the observability space it is primarily based on the volume of data and sometimes seat count. Especially if it’s freemium like elastic where users can get an idea of volume by running a POC of the free version
- Comment on Why is DNS often joked about in the I.T. Industry? 6 months ago:
When it is the cause of a problem it’s not always obvious at first so you spend hours troubleshooting the broken app until you look at DNS and a simple DNS issue
- Comment on Telnyx for personal VoIP use? 11 months ago:
I have been using cheogram but I’m not sure where their servers are hosted cheogram.com
- Comment on 1 already gone 11 months ago:
The empty window is actually an ancap that sells flags
- Comment on Any free jmap email service? 1 year ago:
Devs understand http and json way better than imap and http can support modern security protocols like oidc which standards imap doesn’t support which can make using foss email in a corporate environment
- Comment on Because AI and Crypto use to much electricity, what if a law was made that they had to power it with green energy? 1 year ago:
Only proof of work crypto currencies require a ton of energy and the only way it’s profitable is by buying energy that would otherwise be wasted like methane flaring or excess renewable generation.
- Comment on How is it possible to start a business if you have no money and skills, but have an idea? 1 year ago:
A common pattern is partner with someone with three required skills and you do all the admin work. The option is to learn those skills yourself. Be careful not to be an idea guy. Actually work and gain some skills to provide value
- Comment on Would you work for a corporation that you oppose ideologically, if the pay is good? 1 year ago:
I try to avoid to it but no job will be perfect. You could life style creep and that nice salary turns into handcuffs and you might have issues going back to making less at a more ethical company
- Comment on What alternative to 'postman' are you using? 1 year ago:
Thunderclient for vscodium