- Comment on US bans Kaspersky antivirus software due to 'national security risk' 8 months ago:
Common sense.
- Comment on Scientists Fear Starfield May Spread Across Multiple Console Generations 11 months ago:
Everyone wants an open world, nonlinear game and hates level based structure. However at the same time most people just do the main quest and maybe just a few side quests. Skyrim forced you to walk everywhere outside of the main holds while starfield is a fast travel simulator. Ironically, the way most people play Skyrim results in the same level based structure. Both games had a shit ton of side stuff to do, but Skyrim forced you to pass that stuff on the way to your objectives, while in starfield you have to consciously go out of your way to find side stuff to do on the map.
TL;DR starfield needs better flight and fuel mechanics to force you to engage in side content and spread out the objectives, and a survival mode.
- Comment on New Study: 54% of American Adults Read Below 6th Grade-Levels 1 year ago:
The issue is those benefits like free healthcare, scholarships, and such is that they aren’t also given to actual US citizens, we treat illegals better than our own.
- Comment on New Study: 54% of American Adults Read Below 6th Grade-Levels 1 year ago:
Our ancestors didn’t drag their children through barbed wire and didn’t demote US citizens to 2nd class by receiving free healthcare and benefits. They also didn’t steal to such a degree that the police gave up on enforcing the law.
- Comment on New Study: 54% of American Adults Read Below 6th Grade-Levels 1 year ago:
Large number of poorly educated, easily manipulated people? You mean like the immigrants the left is letting in in droves?