- Comment on Just discovered Mini Metro, a puzzle game where you have to create metro lines. Very addictive, but also chill, and currently 50% off on Steam 1 month ago:
Doesn’t look like it’s on sale, at least in the US
- Comment on Has the USA turned into an oligarchy? 1 month ago:
Well in 2015 Jimmy Carter said that the United States is "just an oligarchy, with unlimited political bribery being the essence of getting the nominations for president or to elect the president. And the same thing applies to governors and U.S. senators and congress members. "
That same year The Economist’s Democracy Index downgraded the United States to a “flawed democracy” and it has continued to trend downwards since then.
If you’re looking for something more recent, Bernie Sanders is saying the same thing: “We are moving rapidly into an oligarchic form of society. Never before in American history have so few billionaires, so few people, have so much wealth and so much power”.
So between the massive (and growing) income inequality in the country, and rulings like Citizen’s United it’s hard not to believe it’s not at least on the trajectory towards an oligarchy. Now throw in the blatantly corrupt picks of the Trump administration, where cabinet positions are favors to rich friends, or being given to billionaires with a direct interest in killing the government agency they are running - not to mention all the things he’s routinely done / will do to enrich himself / friends with tax payer dollars and it certainly seems like an oligarchy to me.
And just on a personal vibes level, living here, it feels like legislation to help normal people or solve normal people’s problems is almost non-existent. And when it does happen, it also conveniently throws a ton of money at the rich at the same time (see recent tax cuts, pandemic relief funds, etc.). Even something like the Affordable Care Act, which did a ton of net good things for this country, enriched a whole lot of private healthcare companies along the way rather than creating an actual public option with negotiated prices to keep government costs down.
- Comment on Scenes From A Hat 6 months ago:
Sounds like a problem with Memmy. Does this link work?
- Comment on 600 more active users in the last few days, from 47225 to 42827 in two days 6 months ago:
Out of curiosity, what content are you looking for? Discovery on Lemmy can be a problem, but sometimes the communities are there and even active, just buried.
But may I also suggest searching by Top Day/12-hour/6-hour to see the most active posts. Lemmy’s scaled algorithm still doesn’t get it quite right IMO.
- Comment on Linux Mint 22 released: An attractive option for migrating away from Windows | Windows 11 system requirements block millions of PCs from upgrading, while Linux Mint continues to work on older hardware 7 months ago:
I know for me, at least with gnome, toggling between performance, balanced, and battery saver modes dramatically changes my battery life on Ubuntu, so I have to toggle it manually to not drain my battery life if it’s mostly sitting there. I don’t know if Mint is the same, but just throwing out the “obvious” for anyone else running Linux on a laptop.
- Comment on Should I or should I not use a VLAN? I have trouble understanding the benefits for home use 10 months ago:
Out.of curiosity, what switch are you using for your setup?
Last time I looked, I struggled to find any brand of “home tier” router / switch that supported things like configuring vlans, etc.
- Comment on Should I or should I not use a VLAN? I have trouble understanding the benefits for home use 10 months ago:
Maybe I am not thinking of the access control capability of VLANs correctly (I am thinking in terms of port based iptables: port X has only incoming+established and no outgoing for example).
I think of it like this: grouping several physical switch ports together into a private network, effectively like each group of ports is it’s own isolated switch. I assume there are routers which allows you to assign vlans to different Wi-Fi access points as well, so it doesn’t need to be literally physical.
Obviously the benefits of vlans over something actually physical is that you can have as many as you like, and there are ways to trunk the data if one client needs access to multiple vlans at once.
In your setup, you may or may not benefit. If you were using vlans I think you’d have at a minimum a private and public vlan, separating out the items that don’t need Internet access from the Internet at all. Your server would probably need access to both vlans in that scenario. But certainly as you say, you can probably accomplish a lot of this without vlans, if you can aggressively setup your firewall rules. The benefit of vlans is you would only really need to setup firewall rules on whatever vlan(s) have Internet access.
- Comment on Hades II - Sign Up for the HADES II Technical Test 10 months ago:
I loved the original Hades, but I played it after it left Early Access.
It’s going to be really hard to resist jumping in early with Hades II.
- Comment on TrueNAS scale VMs unable to see/connect to the host and vice versa 1 year ago:
I ran into the same thing. I’ve always just worked around it, but I believe I did find the solution at one point (can’t find the link now).
But if I am remembering right, I believe you need to manually create a bridge between the two networks - by default it isolates the VMs from TtueNAS itself for security reasons.
Sorry I can’t link the exact fix right now, but hopefully this will and you on the right direction.
- Comment on What are the recommended scripting languages for complex shell scripts beyond bash? 1 year ago:
I ran into this exact situation at work - though for me it was more the case that getting approvals for new software / installing new dependencies in our system is a massive pain.
So I went with Python since it’s already installed on basically any Linux system. It was fine - I mean Python is a good language and can certainly handle string processing and data manipulation with relative ease.
I still think the Python docs are pretty bad, and I wasn’t thrilled with the options for calling a subprocess in Python - they all felt kinda clunky, though I was barred from using the newest versions since I had to run an older version of Python.
But I ultimately got something that worked and it was certainly better executed / shorter than the bash equivalent it was replacing.
- Comment on Linux file system developer: we're severely under-resourced 1 year ago:
You offered a lot of suggestions, and I’m sure people will disagree over the specifics, but I think your overall point is excellent and not talked about enough. I wonder if anyone has ever even attempted a survey on the ages of maintainers/contributors? I bet it’s skewing older fast.
Nothing wrong with that of course, especially given the project’s age, complexity, and being written in C - but you’re right, at some point you have to attract new talent - people can’t maintain forever.
I’m a 29 year old developer - I didn’t even know you could do git patches via email until recently. And while it’s super cool, it also sounds kinda terrible, especially at the volume they must be receiving? Their own docs are saying the mailing lists receive some 500 emails per day and I can’t imagine the merge process is fun.
So many doc pages are dedicated to how to submit a patch - which is great that it’s documented, and I’m sure it will always be somewhat complicated for a large project - but it also feels like things that are all automatically handled by newer tools / bots which can automatically enforce style checks, etc.
I guess they could argue that the complicated process acts as a filter to people submitting PRs who don’t know what they are doing, but I’d argue it also shuts out talented engineers who don’t have 40 hours to learn how to submit a patch to a project on top of also learning the kernel and also fixing the bug in question.
From what little I read of their git process, does anyone know if there’s anything preventing the maintainer of a subsystem from setting up a more modern method for receiving patches? As long as the upstream artifact to the kernel has the expected format?
- Comment on A list of casual communities on Lemmy (that aren't just tech news & politics) 1 year ago:
For anyone finding this in the future:
The latest version of LASIM (0.2.1) has a Settings tab that allows you to choose what you want to upload.
If you are using the JSON file posted above, you’d want to choose just “Upload Community Subscriptions” on this tab so that your profile settings, etc. are not changed.
- Comment on Interesting stats from this mornin' 1 year ago:
My understanding is that all free .ml instances got removed as well - could be a sizeable chunk.
- Comment on 1 year ago:
FYI I made a little tool for migrating / backing up your Lemmy subscriptions, blocks, profile settings, etc.
Nothing to be done for fmhy now that it’s gone, but for the future, it might help to have a backup.
- Comment on is gone [update from the team] 1 year ago:
I posted this on another thread about this, but I’ll repost it here:
I have made a tool that can backup / copy your account settings, subscriptions, and blocks to a new account:
There are others out there as well if you look.
Obviously the loss of .ml communities would still be catastrophic to Lemmy, but at least your new account won’t start from ground-zero, and you can be less effected by downtime by having 2 accounts with the same subscriptions.
- Comment on Welp that answers a lot of why all .ml are down 1 year ago:
FYI I have made a tool that can backup / copy your account settings, subscriptions, and blocks to a new account:
There are others out there as well if you look.
Obviously the loss of .ml communities would still be catastrophic to Lemmy, but at least your new account won’t start from ground-zero, and you can be less effected by downtime by having 2 accounts with the same subscriptions.