- Comment on Homelab upgrade - "Modern" alternatives to NFS, SSHFS? 3 weeks ago:
This is just block device over network, it will not allow the use cases OP is asking for. You will still need a filesystem and a file-serving service on top of that.
- Comment on YSK in the U.S., you can buy produce directly from black farmers and they will ship it to you. It can cost less than your supermarket and will piss off people in power. 4 weeks ago:
I am not saying you should just ignore it, or making it taboo. But Americans have gone to the very extreme version where skin-tone apparently has to determine who you are. It seems you have made it taboo not to define yourself by your skin-tone.
I truly do not understand how you cannot see the problems with that.
- Comment on YSK in the U.S., you can buy produce directly from black farmers and they will ship it to you. It can cost less than your supermarket and will piss off people in power. 4 weeks ago:
Do you ever stop to consider that it may be exactly because of your obsession with the skin tone of people, that you have so much racism?
Try imagining being just as obsessed about eye colors. It seems ridiculous right?
- Comment on YouTube is Losing The War Against Adblockers 6 months ago:
Once upon a time Google used few and non-intrusive ads. The ads were soo well-placed and relevant, that they almost seemed like a service to the user, rather than being forced upon you. Some of us even added exceptions for Google ads in our ad blockers, so we would not miss out.
I miss those days.
- Comment on Shower thoughts are just thoughts but in a shower 8 months ago:
- Comment on Am I supposed to ask stupid questions here, or *not* ask stupid questions? 9 months ago:
That is a stupid question
- Comment on Follow-up question to mounting encrypted drives 1 year ago:
What he means is, your security considerations here must come from some perceived threat. What kind of threat do you forsee that requires this high level of security?
Usually when you consider security you start with a treat model, describing the scenarios you want to protect your systems from. And based on that you decide the necessary technical security measures that are relevant.
- Comment on How OpenAI's origins explain the Sam Altman drama 1 year ago:
It is time to rename the company. OpenAI is not open anymore, and has not been for a while now.
- Comment on What does going to a mental institution do for you? 1 year ago:
The mental health institution helps by taking you out of your everyday problems. They provide a safe simple environment, where all you have to focus on is yourself and your mental health.
In a way it is putting all the problems outside of yourself on pause, so you can focus on your mental health.
- Comment on Why do all these companies developing privatised software use the word "Open"? Real question. 1 year ago:
I agree, it is much more clear. I do like Free also, but it is confusing in English.
- Comment on Why do all these companies developing privatised software use the word "Open"? Real question. 1 year ago:
It has evolved of cause. One of the sources you referred to, the OSI, has a clear agenda to define the term open source software according to their own definition. They are advocating that we use the term in the more narrow sense as you described, rather than the more original broad sense.
The Wikipedia article basically just cites OSIs definition. If you dig into the talk page on Wikipedia it is clearly a disbuted definition that is currently written.
While I absolutely am a proponent of free, libre or open source software, no matter what we call it, the narrow definition OSI suggests of open source software is still not how most people understand the term.
Narrowing the term open source software the way OSI proposes increases the confusion, it doesn’t help.
- Comment on Why do all these companies developing privatised software use the word "Open"? Real question. 1 year ago:
You are cherry-picking quite a bit in that Wikipedia article. There is also a whole section discussing the confusion between the terms open source, free and libre.
I would venture that the most commonly understood definition of the term is that open source software simply means what it says, that the source code is openly available. And nothing more.
Free or libre software expresses the intention you describe explicitly, that the recipient is allowed to share and modify the software. Thus removing ambiguity.
Open Source is indeed a term existing for many years, probably a lot longer than you are thinking about. Trying to redefine that as meaning anything more than what is says is what is causing confusion.
- Comment on Why do all these companies developing privatised software use the word "Open"? Real question. 1 year ago:
- Comment on Why do all these companies developing privatised software use the word "Open"? Real question. 1 year ago:
No I am using the term for how it was originally used, back in the free software movement days in the 70s and 80s.
Open source means nothing more than the source beeing open for all to see. What your are describing we called Free Software or later FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) but the open source part is redundant in that acronym.
Also some started using Libre instead of Free, as Free sometimes are confused with Gratis. That is where the expression Free as in Freedom cones from.
- Comment on Why do all these companies developing privatised software use the word "Open"? Real question. 1 year ago:
If you can look at the source code it is open source.
- Comment on Tired at work? Now you can sleep vertically... 1 year ago:
Knock these over and stack them 2 at a time. It will take up the same space but allow people to sleep normally.
- Comment on Scrolled across this ad on Reddit for an AI service to speak with the deceased 1 year ago:
Not just dystopian, but downright preditory.
- Comment on Scrolled across this ad on Reddit for an AI service to speak with the deceased 1 year ago:
It was ment to replicate you. By telling it about yourself it learned to replicate you, hence the name Replika.
Now it makes no sense. You can’t even talk to it about normal stuff, everything turns sexual straight away.
- Comment on She Was Supplementing Her Income 1 year ago:
Yes. She has to plan for a lifetime of income over about 10 years. Taking that into account the earnings from OnlyFans are not that large at all.
- Comment on Self hosted voice assistant 1 year ago:
Mycroft is the closest thing I can think off.
- Comment on San Francisco says tiny sleeping 'pods,' which cost $700 a month and became a big hit with tech workers, are not up to code 1 year ago:
I won’t leave any, ha.
- Comment on San Francisco says tiny sleeping 'pods,' which cost $700 a month and became a big hit with tech workers, are not up to code 1 year ago:
Yes, you are right. But no way in hell am I going to pay for my own coffin.
- Comment on San Francisco says tiny sleeping 'pods,' which cost $700 a month and became a big hit with tech workers, are not up to code 1 year ago:
And when your are done, you get to sleep in one for free.
- Comment on Removed the basement wall and saw this big crack. What should I do? 1 year ago:
We are not going to attract users if there is no good answers to such a post.
- Comment on Everyday is like living through spring summer fall and winter. 1 year ago:
This is showerthoughts, not stonerthoughts.
- Comment on Apple to Limit iPhone 15 USB-C Cables to USB 2.0 Speeds: Report 1 year ago:
This is absolutely wrong. The spec mandates that USB-C ports provides at least USB 3.1 support. Also USB-C is mandated for USB 3.1.
So to be compliant every USB-C port must support USB 3.1 at least. And you cannot support USB 3.1 with anything other than a USB-C port.
- Comment on Exploring the internals of Linux v0.01 1 year ago:
Thanks for posting this, it was a very interesting read.
I supriced me that the author could not compile the kernel with current GCC toolchains. I thought backwards compatability was king in the world of C.
- Comment on AI Is Starting to Look Like the Dot Com Bubble 1 year ago:
The transformation will be subtle and steady. The hype will burst and crash.
- Comment on AI Is Starting to Look Like the Dot Com Bubble 1 year ago:
It is not a competition. But your claim that normal working people was not hurt by the dotcom bubble can not be dismissed.
- Comment on TikTok users in UK to be left with ‘more toxic’ version of app, say campaigners 1 year ago:
Nobody is going to choose that option in the EU anyway. TikToks “special” algorithm is what attracts people. The app becomes boring if you disable it, users who try will quickly reenable it again.
TikTok knows this. The option is only to appease EU legislators so they do not outright ban TikTok.