- Comment on A single tuna (once canned) will be eaten across the world at different times, potentially years apart 1 week ago:
According to OP, that question was a showerthought
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
I think this is not a showerthought
Well. What if it really is one?
😱 - Comment on A single tuna (once canned) will be eaten across the world at different times, potentially years apart 1 week ago:
What about the can Ada, though?
- Comment on A single tuna (once canned) will be eaten across the world at different times, potentially years apart 1 week ago:
To think, one shower is all it takes to explore the flesh of fish :D
- Comment on Make your complaints heard about bad games, says Dragon Age veteran Mark Darrah, but "your $70 doesn't buy you cruelty" 1 week ago:
I don’t think that those who are responsible for game being bad are the ones being laid off
- Comment on A single tuna (once canned) will be eaten across the world at different times, potentially years apart 1 week ago:
No idea. But isn’t it that salmon meat more sticks together when tuna meat more often breaks apart?
- Comment on A single tuna (once canned) will be eaten across the world at different times, potentially years apart 1 week ago:
Are you sure there was only one tuna in the can? I don’t eat cans often but have you ever gotten a different batch of tuna? Like different sizes of chunks, different curl? I wouldn’t be surprised if into one can a sorted batch of similar patches from different tunas was packed. “To ensure the quality of experience”
- Comment on If any AI became 'misaligned' then the system would hide it just long enough to cause harm — controlling it is a fallacy 2 weeks ago:
Bad article. Person who wrote it clearly has no idea how LLMs work and I suspect read more Sci-Fi books than statistics/neural nets ones. “It is not even wrong”
- Comment on Paradox are buying Haemimont Games, developers of Surviving Mars and several Tropico games 3 weeks ago:
Surviving Stellaris soon? 🤔
- Comment on Sniper At Work is a game of crafty first-person assassination with a touch of Hitman's sandboxing 4 weeks ago:
Looks interesting. I didn’t see ball drop having to be considered but one of the features does mention realistic ballistics
If it contains an option to disable “god view” of guards you are not seeing, it will land in my to buy list
- Comment on C++ should be called ++C 5 months ago:
But it’s still C
I think ++C is going full ahead to D
- Comment on Which Countries Have The Most Data Centers? 5 months ago:
The more I think about it, the less sense this graphic has
- If not per sq km, it should at least be per capita
just checking on wikipedia, divided by area GB should have bar around twice high as Germany. 209k m^2 vs 357k m^2 - and what does it mean 1 datacenter in the first place?
big as a city sprawling datacenter complex and a bunch of racks in the cellar both count as 1?
- If not per sq km, it should at least be per capita
- Comment on Because mosts music tastes stagnate after your teens, you are actually admitting your parents music is better - because they are the ones making it. 5 months ago:
mosts music tastes stagnate after your teens
Whoah. That claim skipped a few entire genres of my tastes
And I’m pretty sure at least a few artists I listen to are younger than me
- Comment on The world’s largest wind-powered cargo ship just made its first delivery across the Atlantic 5 months ago:
For some reason I also read “first” the first time I looked at the title
- Comment on An Ubisoft investor wants to dethrone Ubisoft's founders so Ubisoft can lay more developers off 5 months ago:
A minority Ubisoft investor (…) noting that Ubisoft’s share price has fallen by over 40% since last year. Accordingly, Krupa wants the board to “take Ubisoft private or allow it to sell to strategic investor”
Looks to me as if someone wanted a fast lever and with that failing now they’d like to sell ASAP
- Comment on Chatbot use in the workplace: helpful or harmful? 7 months ago:
Exactly same as with a hammer ;)
- Comment on Adding TV to bedroom without using mainstream smart device 11 months ago:
That I don’t know. I haven’t been looking into one-board computers for a while. The one I bought ~10 years ago was running out of juice when I was trying to run Kodi on it last year. Wifi shouldn’t be a problem IMO, I’ve been using mine as torrent downloader and hosted a few university projects (dynamic web apps) on it. The graphics might. I would guess that as long as you find one with decent specs (so probably not the 10$ one) it should work. I’m sure there’s someone who is doing exactly that and either could answer what to buy/look for or wrote a blog about it
- Comment on Adding TV to bedroom without using mainstream smart device 11 months ago:
I haven’t gotten to it for myself but I think Kodi+something like RaspberryPI is your solution
- Comment on You guys should check out the reddit clone I've been working on 11 months ago:
Clear what you’re referencing, IMO flows nicely and AFAIK (IANAL) isn’t a trademark
- Comment on My jaw hit the floor when I watched an AI master one of the world's toughest physical games in just six hours 1 year ago:
Yes, but that’s only because a generation found some random, specific motion that scored better. Not because it analyzed that doing a skip should be possible
- Comment on My jaw hit the floor when I watched an AI master one of the world's toughest physical games in just six hours 1 year ago:
Yes, but that’s kind of my point
We see it learn something with insane precision but most often it is almost an effect of over-training. It probably would require less time to learn another layout but it’s not learning the general rules (can’t go through walls, holes are bad, we want to get to X), it learns the specific layout. Each time a layout changes, it would have to re-learn it
It is impressive and enables automation in a lot of areas, but in the end it is still only machine learning, adapting weights to specific scenario
- Comment on My jaw hit the floor when I watched an AI master one of the world's toughest physical games in just six hours 1 year ago:
It’s cool but my question is (I did not see this addressed in the article nor video but might have missed it) did it learn to win the game in general terms or only this one example? I mean, if the layout of the board was changed, would it still solve it?
- Comment on Baldur’s Gate 3 boss says gamers don’t want mass subscriptions 1 year ago:
The difference between private and public companies is the single biggest threat to us all
Nah. One does not build a company to provide a service but to earn money. “Well-being of the company” only matters if you are sure you can sell it for more if you grow it more
- Comment on What is the next "grown up game" now that Minecraft only goes for children? 1 year ago:
Ah, so survival base building is a good lead. I’m not into this genre but I’ve heard about these (in order as they came to my mind):
- Comment on What is the next "grown up game" now that Minecraft only goes for children? 1 year ago:
Maybe Satisfactory? Or Factorio?
- Comment on trending hack sending emails about a support ticket 1 year ago:
Interesting. Will port87 work with third-party mail clients?
- Comment on Firefox for Android now supports over 450 add-ons 1 year ago:
But then that is for desktop Firefox, not mobile. Right?
- Comment on Firefox for Android now supports over 450 add-ons 1 year ago:
This is on mobile?
- Comment on Firefox for Android now supports over 450 add-ons 1 year ago:
over 450 add-ons
But no Cookie AutoDelete among them. Firefox Nightly is still better
- Comment on Light-Speed Spaceships Would Have Trouble Phoning Home 1 year ago:
So it’s not like: when I affect the hue (some attribute) of my half, the other half will change too? That has always been my understanding of it