- Comment on Overwatch 2 Spotlight: A New Era of Innovation and Excitement 3 weeks ago:
Bring back the original. Bring back Jeff.
- Comment on Manor Lords, the best city builder of 2024, hits 3 million sales as players continue to fill its maps with muddy medieval towns 3 weeks ago:
Is that Louis CK?
- Comment on What do people use for a shelf-stable backup 4 weeks ago:
Reminds me of project Silica. Media historically was more durable (stone/ ink and cloth paper, etc) but had a low data density. As density increased, so did fragility
- Comment on Don (Novaspirit Tech) passed away 4 weeks ago:
So sad, I remember seeing his YT vid announcing his health updates and mentioning he was getting things in order to make his network more manageable for his family :(
He seemed like a great dude.
- Comment on Healthiest way to charge Lithium Ion 4 months ago:
Exactly this. Everyone focuses on how fast you can charge a phone, but 99% of the time I’m charging over night and would prefer a slower charge.
I just capped mine to 90%, if that goes well I might go down to 80.
- Comment on Healthiest way to charge Lithium Ion 4 months ago:
Do you think trickle charging via wireless would be significantly worse?
- Comment on Healthiest way to charge Lithium Ion 4 months ago:
I was actually thinking of using the battery charge limit feature to prevent charging above 90%. Not sure I could do 80 without an charge during the day, lol
- Submitted 4 months ago to | 27 comments
- Comment on Why do I feel sick every time I go out to eat with my gf? 5 months ago:
This happened to me as well. I’d take a few bites of a meal and feel full/ nauseous; Sometimes even throw up it went away after maybe 6 months of dating and we joke about it now 12 years later.
We chalked it up to nerves, but no one can tell for sure. Best of luck OP! Guessing you really like this person.
- Comment on Homelab Organization 8 months ago:
StandardNotes for me
- Comment on Self hosting is hard. How do you overcome? 8 months ago:
I try to balance things between what I find enjoyable/ worth the effort, and what ends up becoming more of a recurring headache
- Comment on Have an old NUC... 11 months ago:
I have a somewhat dated (but decently specd) NUC running Proxmox, and it’s the backbone of my home lab. No issues to date.
- Comment on Dell tells remote workers that they won’t be eligible for promotion 11 months ago:
There’s other WFH options that won’t play silly games to try to force a RTS. They’re becoming very competitive, but they’re out there
- Comment on Question about horizontal lines (gantry) 1 year ago:
Thanks so much for all the pointers! 1, 3, 4 I will give them a try. I’ll have to see how to disconnect the threaded rod from the motor so that I can roll it on a surface (I’ve done similar with arrows in the past).
For 2, the top is open, nothing was modified. This printer was bought used years ago (maybe 4-5 years ago) and used to print perfectly. It was not used for the last 3 or so, and has gone through several moves. When we unboxed it again, there were a few broken parts that we had to reprint (the upper stabilizers that go around the support rod and threaded rod, and the y axis motor mount in the back). So it’s not inconceivable to think one or both of the rods could have been bent as well.
- Comment on Question about horizontal lines (gantry) 1 year ago:
Ah, it’s the part that the screws actually use to move the head up and down to which I was referring. It’s a couple black circles on the Prusa MK2.
- Comment on Question about horizontal lines (gantry) 1 year ago:
Awesome, this will be my weekend project. Thanks so much!
- Comment on Lines in prints 1 year ago:
Thank you, checking this now. I made a change I found on a video and made a new post here.
How did you relevel your gantry? From what I see, you can loosen the two things I pointed to in my new post.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 8 comments
- Comment on Lines in prints 1 year ago:
It does seem like one of the screws it touching the side of the stabilizer at the top, and the other is perfectly straight and isn’t, so I might need to look into that. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
- Comment on Lines in prints 1 year ago:
Thank you!
- Comment on Lines in prints 1 year ago:
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 18 comments
- Comment on Prusa MK4 vs Bambu P1S 1 year ago:
Ahahahah. That’s hilarious 😂. Well that makes the choice easy, thanks.
- Comment on Prusa MK4 vs Bambu P1S 1 year ago:
I’m the same way. All my smart devices are on their own VLAN with no WAN access (egress or ingress). Does Bambu require that?
- Comment on Prusa MK4 vs Bambu P1S 1 year ago:
Gotcha. I remember seeing that they are switching to injection molding in a recent YT video of their labs. I’m not sure what everyone is talking bout when they mention Prusa is less open source than before. Seems like just some misinformation I guess. Thank you for the reply.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 33 comments
- Comment on NAS/Media Server Build Recommendations 1 year ago:
I was using a WD PR4100, but I upgraded to a Synology RS1221+ and it’s been fantastic :)
- Comment on NAS/Media Server Build Recommendations 1 year ago:
I have a beefed up Intel NUC running Proxmox (and my self hosted services within those VMs) and a stand alone NAS that I mount on the necessary VMs via fstab.
I really like this approach, as it decouples my storage and compute servers.
- Comment on 💀💀 2006 was 18 years ago 1 year ago:
Already 20, loool. Enjoy it <3
- Comment on Keep in mind that social security is set to run out in 10 years time. 1 year ago:
Like millennials, right?