- Comment on Palworld Lawsuit 4 weeks ago:
Even if there weren’t a million examples of prior art, the fact that patents on game mechanics are even allowed is just awful for the industry as a whole, and we as players should absolutely rail against this. Every game borrows from other games’ ideas and mechanics - I’d bet money that there hasn’t been a single fully “original” game in 20+ years. If companies are allowed to patent every little mechanic (even ones they didn’t come up with), the industry as a whole will just become impossible to operate in.
- Comment on I never realized this 4 weeks ago:
My wife and I actually did this, sort of. Not a completely new name, but we took her grandmother’s name, rather than either of ours. Or, her great grandfather’s name, I suppose.
- Comment on Do you want the murderer of the UnitHealthcare CEO prosecuted? 1 month ago:
But instead of giving up, we should be trying to fix these issues.
Genuine question - how long do you think we should try to fix the issues before coming to the conclusion that they can’t be fixed through conventional means? Do you think we should resort to nonconventional resolutions at all, if the conventional ones cease to function or don’t yield results? If not, why not?
- Comment on *Everyone liked that* 1 month ago:
it is literally illegal for a CEO to do the right thing if it will cost shareholders
- Comment on You know what would be cool? If all those (job name) simulator games could all be joined. 2 months ago:
The only downside is that the participants need to be familiar enough with their chosen game to do a randomizer which means roping in casual players is difficult.
Casual players can be fine with some games. Some actually become easier with Archipelago (e.g. Noita, Risk of Rain 2) since you’re getting meta-progression between runs that normally wouldn’t be there. Others though are especially punishing for new players (Doom comes to mind - you have to be pretty intimately familiar with the levels. There’s keys hidden in secret areas sometimes, for example, and ammo can be very scarce.)
- Comment on your mom falls significantly faster than g 2 months ago:
When you carry a ton of feathers, you also have to carry the weight of what you did to those poor birds…
- Comment on Having $270 billion dollars and spending the bulk of your time trying to make more money is like weighing 900 pounds and thinking "ooh, I bet I can get to 1000". 2 months ago:
There’s no real difference between $213 billion and $270 billion when it comes to buying power. Both are effectively unlimited. Both could buy small countries if they wanted to. But there sure is a difference when it comes to ego, because when we talk about it, we’re always treating it like a great thing to be the richest person in the world, instead of sociopathy.
- Comment on Having $270 billion dollars and spending the bulk of your time trying to make more money is like weighing 900 pounds and thinking "ooh, I bet I can get to 1000". 2 months ago:
As long as we keep treating wealth like a scoreboard, this will continue. If we collectively demonized people with unreasonable wealth, ostracized them from society, and stopped glorifying it and treating them like celebrities because of it, we might be in a better spot.
- Comment on Discord's Most Important Legal Battle... Involves Piracy 3 months ago:
You’re the hero the internet needs.
- Comment on Denuvo respond to their rep for tanking games - "I'm a gamer myself, and therefore I know what I'm talking about" 3 months ago:
Yeah, and at that point I’ll also just wait for a 50% off sale, whereas I would otherwise have been a day 1 purchase.
I feel like this happens a lot, honestly - there’ll be a game I’m really excited for, and either it’s got some shitty DRM, or it’s a timed Epic exclusive, or whatever else, and then a few months later when I could be playing it, I’ve mentally moved on to other things and I end up just buying it much later on deep sale if at all.
There’s a lot of games coming out all the time; if I get past that initial hype period around launch without buying a thing, it’s 50% or more off, or I won’t buy it at all.
- Comment on Denuvo respond to their rep for tanking games - "I'm a gamer myself, and therefore I know what I'm talking about" 3 months ago:
It’s really a shame, because I was super excited for MH:Wilds, but the confirmation that it will include Denuvo killed my enthusiasm completely.
- Comment on Bullet Hell game players' ecstasy! 3 months ago:
Vampire Survivors’ genre has been coined ‘Bullet Heaven’, literally the opposite of bullet hell. The fact that it has the tag on Steam is kind of meaningless. Monster Hunter: Wilds’ Steam Page has the Dating Sim tag, but I’m willing to bet I won’t get to romance a Rathalos.
- Comment on Getting my daily news from a dot matrix printer 3 months ago:
I’d actually be interested to see a cost breakdown between this and just buying a newspaper subscription; it looks like he spent about $100 on materials, plus then there’s the ongoing costs of electricity (negligible), printer ribbons, and paper. Ribbons appear to be about $1 / ea if you buy in bulk, and I don’t recall how much printing you get out of a single ribbon, but let’s assume a 24 pack is enough to last you a year. Paper seems to be about $30 / 1000 sheets, so assuming he sticks to the single-page-per-day format, that’ll last almost 3 years.
So up front costs, $100 Ongoing costs, $35 / year, roughly.
Newspaper subscription is about $150 / year, so this’ll actually be cost effective if he keeps it up. Of course, you’re getting a lot less news than you would from a newspaper subscription, so the relative value is questionable there.
- Comment on YouTube Shorts can now run up to three minutes 3 months ago:
I swear some of those long-form video essays on games have longer runtimes than it would take to just play through the game from start to finish, but that’s okay, I’m still here for it. Love me some excruciatingly in-depth analysis of video game minutia.
- Comment on Someday, when society goes fully paperless, paper cuts will be a thing of the past 4 months ago:
Hah… I assume you were referencing this, but just in case you’re not familiar…
- Comment on Someday, when society goes fully paperless, paper cuts will be a thing of the past 4 months ago:
unless you write a letter to your lover in the dragon realm
Tell me more! How does one acquire a lover in the dragon realm?
- Comment on In rare move from printing industry, HP actually has a decent idea 4 months ago:
The example in the article reduces a recipe print from 47 pages to 1 by using AI to remove all of the filler garbage and leaves just the recipe instructions. Slightly different than just rearranging elements.
- Comment on I had to install directx 9 to run gta 4 on windows 11 4 months ago:
GTA4 is 16 years old at this point. Why would you expect it to support DirectX12, which is 7 years newer than the game?
- Comment on if you ever traveled 1K miles by bus, would you recommend it? 4 months ago:
I took a ~1200 mile bus trip about 20 years ago; it had multiple layovers and took about 36 hours total so it sounds very similar to the trip you’re taking. Frankly I would not do it again. This is from a trip up the east coast of the US so my experience might not apply in the country you’re going to.
I’d have to wait between 3 and 5 hours to board the next bus. Optimist me says great! I could go sightseeing, but with a large and heavy backpack this might not be a good idea…
If you’re using bus terminals in big cities, don’t expect to be able to get anywhere interesting and back again in that time. Large bus terminals are crowded (basically like a small airport) and sprawling and you’ll likely be fairly overwhelmed just trying to get to where you need to go to. They’re also generally not located in the middle of metropolitan areas; you’d most likely need to take a taxi to get to wherever you wanted to sight-see. It would not be a pleasant experience. If you’re considering this, check a map of the area around the terminal first and see if it’s even an option; don’t just wing it, and plan to need more time when getting back to the terminal than you think you should, especially if it’s a non-English speaking country.
Then there’s food, which at bus stations or in tourists areas is neither good nor cheap no matter where you are, personal hygiene, pickpocketing… I’d be traveling solo.
Expect to pay more than you otherwise would. Consider bringing food with you if you’re concerned about that.
are travelers allowed to eat in the bus? Am I allowed to bring my own food?
Yes, and yes, at least for the US-based busses I’ve ridden on. They’re pretty chill. Don’t expect to have a tray table or anything, though; don’t bring messy things. Something like a bagged sandwich, or snack items, though, should be fine.
The busses themselves were fairly comfortable, much moreso than a plane - the seats are well cushioned, you have room to move around. The ride itself was not bad. However, the layovers are killer. None of the legs of the trip were long enough to really sleep, either during them or between them; it’s hard to sleep on a bus (for me, anyway) - they’re not the smoothest rides, and sleeping at the terminals didn’t seem wise. I was a bit stressed about either missing my connection or someone nicking my stuff, though, so that added stress definitely made the trip worse than it could have been. I felt pretty awful by the time I reached my destination and just could not wait to be off that bus. Thirty six hours is a lot longer in practice than it sounds like when you’re planning things.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 months ago:
I mean, the link is right there in the screenshot: dubvee.org/modlog?other_person_id=4948197&type=Mo…
You were apparently permanently banned from their instance due to being toxic, and what you’re seeing in that screenshot are the individual communities mirroring the ban from the instance to the community level. What “toxic” consists of is really known only by the person who issued the ban, and whether or not you even care is really up to you. It could have been for something legitimate, or it could have been completely bogus, and I’m not going to scour your comment history to try to figure it out; chances are you know what you did, and if you don’t, it’s probably just some mod on a power trip, who knows?
- Comment on Donald Trump says he’ll task Elon Musk with auditing the entire federal government 4 months ago:
It’d actually be funny to see him try. Don’t give him the ability to do anything, just task him with writing a comprehensive report about his audit. Give him oversight and heavily review his findings (and question him about them in detail, require in-depth explanations). Contract him to do this, with heavy penalties written in for failure to deliver.
- Comment on Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before 5 months ago:
Definitely another great one!
- Comment on Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before 5 months ago:
It’s unfortunate that RPGMaker games have such a consistent and distinct aesthetic, it’s really obvious when a game was made with the engine, and a lot of the reviews mention it, too.
That said, this is definitely one of the best RPGMaker games I’ve played. They really stretch what’s possible with it. Can’t get away from that look, though.
- Comment on Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before 5 months ago:
The dev is also very responsive! I left a (positive) review with some critical feedback and they commented on it very quickly and had a bit of a dialog with me about the comments I’d made; they ended up revising the Steam page based on review feedback (mine and others), too, which made me want to support them even more!
- Comment on Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before 5 months ago:
If you enjoyed it, you might also enjoy Chants of Sennar! It’s also about translating languages; it’s more puzzle-oriented and less story-based; there’s a story to uncover, but it’s not as clear-cut and narrative driven. Still a great game, however!
- Comment on Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before 5 months ago:
Heaven’s Vault is a game about archaeology and translating a dead language. You explore a unique solar system and discover ruins, in which you uncover artifacts, and bits of text. Through context clues, you translate the passages to uncover the storyline. It’s not difficult, so if you’re looking for a puzzle, this won’t really do it for you, but it’s more of a narrative experience. If you aren’t sure about a word or phrase, you can give it a guess (based on assigning words from a collection of possible translations to specific symbols), and the game will remember that choice and let you slowly revise your translations as you find new text that rules out prior incorrect guesses. There’s an interconnected storyline with multiple paths to follow, and a very unique world - haven’t seen anything like it in other games.
- Comment on Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before 5 months ago:
In Grotto, you play the role of a soothsayer living in a cave who is occasionally visited by members of a tribal society living nearby. They come to you with problems, and they want you to present your opinion, but you can’t speak. You have access to constellations of stars, which each hold different meanings, and you must present your answers in the form of a single constellation, which the petitioners are left to interpret.
You’ll feel a bit of frustration as your intended message is missed completely in favor of something that the petitioner wanted to hear, and the same constellation might mean different things to different people, but that’s just part of the game. The story unfolds around you and its progression is communicated to you only through the explanations your petitioners give for their visit. Each is a uniquely unreliable narrator, so what you believe is for you to decide.
Two endings, and an interesting story with some occasionally unexpected consequences that might make you feel bad, so if a game giving you a case of the sads is unappealing, maybe take that into consideration.
- Comment on Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before 5 months ago:
Ooh, I’ll play.
Final Profit: A Shop RPG is an RPG about a deposed elf queen who opens a humble shop and slowly advances through the ranks of the Bureau of Business with the eventual goal of defeating Capitalism from within. It’s unique. It has some incremental game like mechanics, and can get a little repetitive in the mid-game, but it has a surprisingly compelling story and a lot of unfolding mechanics that keep it interesting all the way through.
Roughly a 30 hour playthrough with many endings, NG+ and some optional challenge modes that remove or change some of the most obvious strategies for advancement, so if you finish it and still want more, you can play through again with a somewhat different experience.
- Comment on Bypass Paywalls Clean Shut Down For DMCA Anti-Circumvention Violations 5 months ago:
I’d go so far as to say no op eds at all. If I’m paying for news, I want factual, high quality, ideally unbiased news, not some chucklefuck’s opinion. I can get some chucklefuck’s opinion all over the internet for free. (Case in point: You’re getting it right now, for free, by reading this comment.)
- Comment on Are there any video games in the Warhammer universe that are actually good? 5 months ago:
Darktide is, too, if you prefer WH40k to WHFantasy.