- Comment on I made a new player model for myself 2 months ago:
I love it! This is really well done! Thanks for sharing it with us :)
- Comment on fatty lumps 3 months ago:
Check it out!
- Comment on It ain't much, but it's a livin' 3 months ago:
I bet it’s a tiny hieroglyph of a penis.
- Comment on Close the damn window 3 months ago:
They probably found it already censored like that, unfortunately. I keep seeing it more and more often in places where it’s just not necessary and makes no damn sense. That shit is unreasonably annoying to me for some reason, lol.
- Comment on This feels wrong. I love it. 3 months ago:
Every now and then, do ya fall apart?
- Comment on Stop Wasting Pumpkins! 3 months ago:
That’s what the pumpkin told them, too!
- Comment on Stop Wasting Pumpkins! 3 months ago:
A ‘smash party’ could sound like some sort of euphemism, I suppose. I’m guessing that’s what they’re referring to. They’ve just got a much dirtier mind than the rest of us.
- Comment on Stop Wasting Pumpkins! 3 months ago:
It’s not like it’s one or the other. We need to improve in both of those areas.
- Comment on Stop Wasting Pumpkins! 3 months ago:
I was thinking more like a 1Guy1Jar type of thing, but with a pumpkin. At least it won’t shatter into glass shards this time!
(I can still clearly hear the sound of the glass after all these years…)
- Comment on This might also apply to conferences. 5 months ago:
Haha! I’m the EXACT same way. I’m glad I’m not alone. I feel for you!
- Comment on Americans used record 100 trillion megabytes of wireless data in 2023 5 months ago:
Not enough, I can tell you that! We need more Danny Devitos.
- Comment on This Hi-Tech Bird Feeder Lets Clever Magpies Exchange Bottle Caps for Food 9 months ago:
I remember seeing that, too.
- Comment on madlad 9 months ago:
How neat! Thanks for explaining for those of us who aren’t in the know. I appreciate it!
- Comment on This Hi-Tech Bird Feeder Lets Clever Magpies Exchange Bottle Caps for Food 9 months ago:
How neat! I’m also curious about the impacts of this type of thing like you mentioned. Hopefully it’s a net positive. 🤞 It’s a super cool concept! Thanks for sharing it here!
- Comment on I lost mine 9 months ago:
You must be quintuple responsible!
- Comment on checkmate, big geology!! 9 months ago:
But if we regulate burp strength, ejaculation mass, and toxic fumes, my husband won’t have any hobbies left!
- Comment on (Re)Caption this. 9 months ago:
I like the way your brain works.
- Comment on Political Science 9 months ago:
Probably gettin’ laid left and right
- Comment on Evolution isn't linear. 9 months ago:
Right? It’s absolutely perfect and spot-on and I love it
- Comment on A few crochet easter eggs that I finished recently! 10 months ago:
You’re so very welcome, of course! :)
- Comment on A few crochet easter eggs that I finished recently! 10 months ago:
Aww, these are super cute! You did a great job! I especially like how you put the whole thing together with the stick and everything, it works well together and is a nice aesthetic. I love it! Thanks for sharing with us :)
- Comment on fossils 11 months ago:
Mammals only got yeeted to their own evolutionary tree branch 40 million years prior to those that would be considered reptilian (sorta dinos too) which was somewhere in the realm of 250 million years ago.
As someone who was raised and taught to believe that the earth was only a few thousand years old (by ‘that kind’ of Christians/churches,) this still blows my mind to read! I’ve known what I was taught was bullshit for at least around fifteen years, but it’s like my little pea brain still just cannot compute it. Wild stuff!!
- Comment on know the difference!! 11 months ago:
It’s a pretty nasty sexually transmitted disease. One of many!
- Comment on Caesar 11 months ago:
Did he have a wife? I wonder what her name was.
- Comment on Can someone explain why authors do this? 1 year ago:
Thank you! I had no idea what this was talking about but was curious, so this is perfect. I appreciate it!
- Comment on Let's meet those headlines 1 year ago:
Does whatever a particle can!
- Comment on Let's meet those headlines 1 year ago:
Nope, Chuck Testa.
- Comment on Coalition tells Cop28 it will back tripling of nuclear energy if Peter Dutton becomes prime minister 1 year ago:
Lmao that’s like when one of the awful US senators of the state of Oklahoma (basically Texas but worse) brought a snowball onto the Senate floor as ‘proof’ that ‘global warming isn’t a thing.’ How absolutely ridiculous. I’m sorry you guys have to deal with nonsense like that, too.
- Comment on Take a breather from GTA 6 hype with Flock's brilliant new demo 1 year ago:
Aw, this looks cute and fun! I hope I’m able to try it out some day! :)
- Comment on Hummingbird feet 1 year ago:
I’m lurking through posts trying to distract myself because I’m in an overwhelming amount of pain, and this comment of yours just made me actually laugh out loud a bit. Thank you for that! Especially the ‘putting on Groucho Marx glasses to defend your own point pretending to be someone else’ part. That whole situation, and the way you just described it as if it were happening in a bar instead of on a forum, just amuses my way too much. Also, I just accidentally typed “anuses” instead of “amuses,” which also amused me way too much…
Anyway the point of my rambling is you’re fucking funny and I appreciate you, dammit.