- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 3 months ago:
Imagine this (not so) hypothetical scenario:
Yellowstone or another supervolcano erupts and leads to a few years of volcanic winter, where there is much less sunshine. This has historical precedent, it has happened before, and while in and of itself it will impact a lot of people regardless of anything else, wouldn’t you agree it would be better to have at least some nuclear power capacity instead of relying solely on renewables?
Sure, such a scenario is not probable, but it pays to stay safe in the case of one such event. I would say having most of our power from renewables would be best, having it supported by 10-20% or so nuclear with the possibility of increase in times of need would make our electric grids super resilient to stuff
- Comment on And you will never catch up as Bezos make 8,000,000 per hour 5 months ago:
He’d still have a lot of property to his name, a lot of other assets and stuff that aren’t tied to an arbitrary stock market. Even if you crash it, mansions and luxury cars would still be very valuable. He will never not be a billionaire due to that.
That is, unless you redistribute his wealth. Then yeah, he wouldn’t be filthy rich anymore.
- Comment on Venom vs Poison 5 months ago:
Would you say the same thing about being envious and being jealous?
- Comment on Some subreddits could be paywalled, hints Reddit CEO 6 months ago:
If Reddit pulls these kinds of moves two more times or so, I’m 100% certain Lemmy will have all the niche communities you’d ever want. This place is much better!
- Comment on Microsoft is reportedly banning Palestinians in the U.S. for life for calling relatives in Gaza 7 months ago:
AllYouPlay and another online game store wouldn’t let me register with a protonmail address
- Comment on Microsoft is reportedly banning Palestinians in the U.S. for life for calling relatives in Gaza 7 months ago:
There were 2 online game stores that wouldn’t allow me to register with a protonmail account, I AllYouPlay and another one that I can’t recall, which was weird to me
- Comment on Microsoft is reportedly banning Palestinians in the U.S. for life for calling relatives in Gaza 7 months ago:
Some sites and services won’t accept accounts with e-mails outside of the mainstream ones though.
- Comment on Get in the Hilux 7 months ago:
Everything that needs to be done for society to maintain itself can be done if everyone works 20 hrs a week. The rest is just to allow some other people luxury lifestyles.
- Comment on Get in the Hilux 7 months ago:
You are not only working to mentain a functional society, you are also working to constantly grow it (each year more stuff must be made, more money must be earned, more of everything) it and also to create a very big surplus for the rich. We also burn perfectly edible food, ruin perfectly wearable clothing and make electronic devices that intentionally break in a few years to get you to buy another one sooner just to get the 1% more money. If we didn’t do all that and they lived normal, non-luxury lives, everyone would have a lot more free time. If everyone worked only 20 hours a week, we’d make enough to sustain our society.
- Comment on The theory that we live in a simulation involves simulants running their own simulations; wouldn't that require impossibly more resources for the main sim? 7 months ago:
Very simple. I’m the only one being simulated, all of you people are AIs. /s
- Comment on Old-timey doctors 8 months ago:
Do you have a ghoti-ing licence for that joke? Wild ghoti must be preserved, you know!
- Comment on [Meta] Did we drop the "what are you playing" monthly thread? Also, mods haven't been active for a while, should someone take over? 8 months ago:
One of the few games I always come back to
- Comment on After announcing increased prices, Spotify to Pay Songwriters About $150 Million Less Next Year 9 months ago:
No, the solution would be for every app to be able to licence the music without any exclusivity, making them compete over the features their apps and services have instead of on the music itself. Video streaming is an oligopoly right now, which can be just as bad as a monopoly.
- Comment on After announcing increased prices, Spotify to Pay Songwriters About $150 Million Less Next Year 9 months ago:
If a friend asks me to help with something, I don’t removed and moan about my unpaid labour. Fuck that, they’re my friends and I wouldn’t take the money even if offered. That’s just what friends do. The same applies to if I wanted to do something nice for them, like sending them a cool mixtape I made. That’s how you build communities! Focusing on payment like you do reduces everything to capitalism but with even less empathy and humanity.
- Comment on Dispose of them 1 year ago:
Don’t worry, Randy’s going to help you with that sooner or later