- Comment on would getting back with an ex be a bad idea? 21 hours ago:
It’s ok for him to have poor mental health, but he should’ve said something rather than ghost you.
I would not get back together with him. At least not until he deals with his issues. But I do think he just wants the “safety” of having you there, and doesn’t actually respect you enough for a healthy relationship
- Comment on PeerTube: the Fediverse’s decentralized video platform (part 1: first impressions) 2 days ago:
For some reason, at the start, most videos I got recommended in the mobile app were in french.
I guess I need to find some channels I’d want to subscribe to, and go from there
- Comment on Do tell!!! 2 days ago:
- Comment on Why can't we go back to small phones? 5 days ago:
Exactly my dilemma
- Comment on Why can't we go back to small phones? 6 days ago:
Even for the government you need apps nowadays. Yes you can try doing things in person but wait times aren’t reasonable. I’ve been trying to get a dumb phone for myself but still find I need a smartphone for specific apps a couple of times a month…