- Comment on why do transphobes mention pedophiles/compare them to pedophiles when most trans people (as do most people) hate pedophiles? 2 days ago:
Well he works for Ford. Half the place is Arab here.
My opinion is tame compared to his take.
I think you’re still under the impression this is 2019. Trans rights are dying. Thankfully. You can’t convince kids that castration is normal like you used to.
- Comment on why do transphobes mention pedophiles/compare them to pedophiles when most trans people (as do most people) hate pedophiles? 2 days ago:
- Comment on why do transphobes mention pedophiles/compare them to pedophiles when most trans people (as do most people) hate pedophiles? 2 days ago:
Yea and I had to deal with creeps like you my whole life too. Can’t wait until it’s against the law entirely to transition.
- Comment on why do transphobes mention pedophiles/compare them to pedophiles when most trans people (as do most people) hate pedophiles? 2 days ago:
Of course, anyone disagreeing with you is AI.
You drank the Kool aid. Sorry but although it is incredibly lucrative with all the surgery and pills, it’s insane to try and twist people into a different gender.
And just because there is a perceived moral superiority about it, it’s gonna keep happening, ppl will continue to get mutilated and off themselves when they realize this didn’t fix their problems. Or turn into you, twisting more ppl so the medical system can grind more money.
- Comment on why do transphobes mention pedophiles/compare them to pedophiles when most trans people (as do most people) hate pedophiles? 2 days ago:
Honestly I believe in like everything the democrats do except accepting trsns ppl. Doctors fuckrd that one up. Like lobotomies, opiad epidemic, like how they folded basic nutrition guidelines for profit which enabled the obesity epidemic. Like how they decided to put a bunch of children on low doses of speed because they couldn’t sit for 8 hours straight
Evrry trans person is a victim of medicine malpractice. I pity them dearly. The doctors I have less sympathy for, but still some pretty strong emotions. None of them positive.
- Comment on why do transphobes mention pedophiles/compare them to pedophiles when most trans people (as do most people) hate pedophiles? 2 days ago:
I’m gonna do even worse to spite your shitty attitude.
And guess what bitch, I deal with kids all the time at work and always tell them your trsns bullshit is a cult. Fuck you pedo
- Comment on why do transphobes mention pedophiles/compare them to pedophiles when most trans people (as do most people) hate pedophiles? 2 days ago:
Idc. Go live your life.
- Comment on why do transphobes mention pedophiles/compare them to pedophiles when most trans people (as do most people) hate pedophiles? 2 days ago:
I’m not a republican so I agree with most of whst you’re saying.
Subsidize small businesses, invest in the community, snd arrest doctors who perform this kind of treatment. And tax billionaires.
Democrats would always win if not for this identify politics bs. If not for your bullshit.
- Comment on why do transphobes mention pedophiles/compare them to pedophiles when most trans people (as do most people) hate pedophiles? 2 days ago:
Projecting lol
- Comment on why do transphobes mention pedophiles/compare them to pedophiles when most trans people (as do most people) hate pedophiles? 2 days ago:
Ok. Well I need you to understand saying this kind of stuff is why ppl want to stop transitioning from happening all together. I used to be an ally myself. But people like you hurt minors so 🤷
- Comment on why do transphobes mention pedophiles/compare them to pedophiles when most trans people (as do most people) hate pedophiles? 2 days ago:
Dude I’m trying to point out your own clear bias towards the trans community. You clearly are emotionally invested in it, saying zero trans people are pedo (not true, and you’re correct if they are it’s probably not because they are trans. On the other hand, it is more likely to trans individuals usually are more inclined to have other mental issues, which implies less stability. But there is just so many variables to account for human behavior, you can’t really be certain if that would make someone more prone to pedophilia. Buy I’m rambling.
My problem here is you seem to be acting like trans people are superior. They are just people like the rest if us.
- Comment on why do transphobes mention pedophiles/compare them to pedophiles when most trans people (as do most people) hate pedophiles? 2 days ago:
I mean some are going to be. You think absolutely zero trans ppl are pesos? Wild take lol
- Comment on why do transphobes mention pedophiles/compare them to pedophiles when most trans people (as do most people) hate pedophiles? 2 days ago:
I think a lot of parents are skeptical of the treatment and do not like the push for gender conforming procedures on minors. And if you look at some communities, reddit tor example, they are absolutely giddy to try and get minors able to legally transition.
From a parents perspective who wouldn’t completely trust a procedure, or maybe just doesn’t want their child to change or maybe get hurt, it’s actually really sickening to read how giddy some of these people are to push this idealogy on others kids.
So yea, from that point it’s easier to just call them a pedo, essentially just bully them away from your child.