- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 2 weeks ago:
The US is less one country than the EU members are and we are a long way off of becoming one.
- Comment on Fingerprinting: Critics say Google rules put profits over privacy. 3 weeks ago:
Yeah ofc, it’s another way of funding a company and the investors want their return on investment as well. Our savings, pensions, index funds etc are also investing in these publicly traded companies and we also want whatever roi we can get.
Governments just need to do their fucking job to prevent ani consumerism. But considering there are still a lot of people defending stupid rules and regulations (especially about anti consumer practises in the US) I doubt it will change anytime soon.
- Comment on Google is on the Wrong Side of History. 3 weeks ago:
Yup, but most people have savings or some kind of pension, both are often put into the stock market by the bank or pension fund to give us the interest we want.
We need to try and exercise more of our power as stakeholder in these companies, in the end we still have the power to not use products from these massive corporations. Stop order from shit like Amazon, but go and order from smaller stores, switch search engine and browser, etc.
- Comment on In light of recent events, here's OpenStreetMap editors discussing naming of the Gulf of Mexico 3 weeks ago:
It’s calles the Gulf of Mexico, people should stop using different names in different languages and use the actual name.
Like The Netherlands is called The Netherlands and two of it’s provinces are called Holland
- Comment on I miss when you could get a flagship phone that could fit in your hand 3 weeks ago:
The market wanted thinner phones and most people want wireless earbuds anyway.
- Comment on I miss when you could get a flagship phone that could fit in your hand 3 weeks ago:
It’s not that it isn’t the biggest market it’s just that it’s not big enough to be worth while. An 8 year old Android is not going to be supporting all apps, which often makes it unsuitable for people as well. That doesn’t help the whole ordeal either.
Probably because people (like audiophiles) buy things like the Fiio M15S or cheaper alternatives if they really want good sound quality. Idk any who wants to spend 1100 euro on a MP4 player that is bigger than most phone’s, but hey.
- Comment on I miss when you could get a flagship phone that could fit in your hand 3 weeks ago:
What phone do you have then?
Apparently the market is not big enough for phone’s to really exist with all the features everybody want for an acceptable price. Otherwise more options with good sound quality and SD card slots exist. But the nature of how DAC’s works is that it is hard to fit that in a slim phone and especially if you want long battery life etc.
Maybe taking two devices is a bit stupid, but on the other hand you can also ask yourself how often you can leave your phone at home or wherever when you want to listen to music.
I would also prefer a phone that has a good DAC, has a SD card and has good working apps. So unless Apple is going to start making that again (they never will), I’ll probably stick with an iPhone and a separate audio device or wireless buds/headphone. Android is not for me and finding the correct Android is a bullshit mess. But I know of others who are interested in an Android device with a good DAC.
- Comment on Jeep Introduces Pop-Up Ads That Appear Every Time You Stop 3 weeks ago:
That depends on the business culture and how good their advisors are. And also the size if the business matter.
But yeah generally angelosaxton companies who have a mangement structure that’s way more in depth than it needs to be fuck these things over
- Comment on I miss when you could get a flagship phone that could fit in your hand 3 weeks ago:
A MP4 player can play games or display books/comics. The once from FiO basically are Android devices from which you cannot call (or maybe with an internet connection you can).
Being on the go without an internet connection is getting rarer and rarer anyway so that is less of an issue for most.
Truth of it all is that most people want tinner phones and/or wireless earbuds/headsets and the people who do not are for a big part audiophiles who want better audio quality than a phone is going to offer. So there is only a relatively small section of users who prefer the audio jack.
I used to want one and a SD card and a good 3mm jack as well, but it just doesn’t exist. So I switched to using a NAS (a raspberry Pi can get your pretty far), plus an iPod or Spotify with dongles or just wireless.
- Comment on I miss when you could get a flagship phone that could fit in your hand 3 weeks ago:
Yeah man cause a SD card that sits in your phone also works as a backup solution.
- Comment on I miss when you could get a flagship phone that could fit in your hand 3 weeks ago:
Yeah that is fair, but I preferred that a lot more than just using the 3mm jack on my Redmi Note 13 Pro. Man the DAC in that thing sucks.
- Comment on I miss when you could get a flagship phone that could fit in your hand 3 weeks ago:
Because most people don’t need a 3mm jack anymore, I prefer to use a USB-c dac anyway the sound is better.
And I offload the data to a NAS anyway so the storage is irrelevant anyway.
- Comment on I miss when you could get a flagship phone that could fit in your hand 3 weeks ago:
An external DAC is better anyway, just put that on your headphones.
- Comment on I miss when you could get a flagship phone that could fit in your hand 3 weeks ago:
Just get a USB-c dongle and let that sit on your headphones. These days nearly everything has USB-c anyway and the sound is way better. The last phones I had with the USB-c jack (RedMi Note 13 Pro and iPhone 4 before that) all sounded worse than me using a cheap DAC. Getting an expensive DAC will improve the sound even more.
Personally I say that most would need to get a NAS before they need a SD card or you need to get a dedicated Camera or MP4 player if your pictures or music exceed the 500GB max and streaming isn;t an option using a NAS.
The rest of your points are valid.
- Comment on I miss when you could get a flagship phone that could fit in your hand 3 weeks ago:
I am happy with the size of my iPhone 16 and pretty sure there are other brands that don’t have these massive phones as tablets.
- Comment on Time to get serious with E2E encrypted messaging 4 weeks ago:
A CPA is required to use experts in fields to they are no expert in, but the proces part of the entire situation is very import as well so that’s why I suggested a CPA do it. (Plus a signature from a CPA means more)
- Comment on Those YouTube ads everyone hates made $10.4 billion in just three months 4 weeks ago:
Yeah they are and they need to act like seperate businesses to each other. But Google is just going to loan YouTube money when it needs to. Google is basically playing the game with infinite money.
- Comment on Those YouTube ads everyone hates made $10.4 billion in just three months 4 weeks ago:
Or you can setup RSSFeeds direcrly and also include news articles and other stuff
- Comment on Those YouTube ads everyone hates made $10.4 billion in just three months 4 weeks ago:
Youtube started when hosting video’s was way easier. The files where smaller, the bandwidth of most people wasn’t that great either. Storage was more expensive though.
These days everybody wants 4K footage and everybody was 100-1000+ mbps internet and we have 4K screens so we can also watch it.
The competitors who host it are either paid up front or porn sites. Because there is no real way to start up a competitor to YouTube. I decided to accept that and I have RSSfeeds of all the creators I like to watch so I bypass the algorithm
- Comment on Those YouTube ads everyone hates made $10.4 billion in just three months 4 weeks ago:
Safari in itself also blocks a lot of ads, but if that is not enough IOS users can also install Firefox. There is no reason to watch ads anymore
- Comment on Those YouTube ads everyone hates made $10.4 billion in just three months 4 weeks ago:
Sadly I still see that ads benefit a lot of my clients. The more advertising they do the more revenue they get, but this is only for small to medium sized companies. However if every company in the world spends 100k on adverts on platforms like Google we would easily surpass the 10b.
Dropshippers are the best example of this. No ads means no revenue.
- Comment on Those YouTube ads everyone hates made $10.4 billion in just three months 4 weeks ago:
Dutch is way worse than English regarding inconsistencies it’s not even funny.
Sadly Dutch is adapting to make some thing “proper” Dutch which where never proper Dutch and sound wrong to every native Dutch speaker. Like “groter als jij” instead of “groter dan jij”.
- Comment on Time to get serious with E2E encrypted messaging 4 weeks ago:
A CPA is required to higher other professionals when their knowledge doesnt reach to the subject in question, so yeah they would get a security or privacy specialist to help them. The upside of using a CPA is that they would look at the entire process. The rapport of a CPA is going to be a lot more expensive though.
In the US people defend that companies don’t publish their annual reports, plus some people also defend these companies regardless of what they do. It’s almost religion. But if you would require companies to at least publish some figures and require bigger companies to have a statement signet by a CPA then more of these companies would have issues. Since a CPA can generally get in a lot of trouble if they mess up (at least here in NL)
They don’t need to be hostile audit’s, heck that’s probably the worst way of doing it. Work together with the company and help them to pass the audit and they will be more transparent .
- Comment on Time to get serious with E2E encrypted messaging 4 weeks ago:
There should be a difference between using Whatsapp while in a county with good privacy laws (like one of the EU member) or one without.
As far as I know Meta only collects and abuses data it get’s from people where there are now laws in place to prevent it (so why wouldn’t they do it).
We should normalise the audits on security and privacy that are done by proper accountants. It doesn’t help that a lot of people call bookkeepers accountants which isn’t correct, but a signature from an accountant (CPA/AA/RA or whatever) should have some impact to prove the services are secure or private.
- Comment on Good morning I choose creativity and recycling. 4 weeks ago:
But you should first try to reuse something bedore you start to repurpose (or reuse it). If it can’t be repaired or it isn’t viable enough (because nobody want’s it or nobbody wants to pay for the repair) then reuse it
- Comment on Good morning I choose creativity and recycling. 4 weeks ago:
No it’s not, the full ladder is basically (and even legally here in NL )
- Refuse and rethink
- Reduce
- Re-use
- Refair/refurbish
- Recycle
- Recover
But the saying is often used as “Repair, Reuse, Recycle” in the right to repair programs.
- Comment on Good morning I choose creativity and recycling. 4 weeks ago:
Reparing is the first one, idk where reduce comes into the saying.
Maybe we need to include a 4th R?
- Comment on I wonder how things are going in America today... 4 weeks ago:
Ideally people wouldn’t use abbreviations in general context. Searching for it on Ecosia doesn’t help that much either.
But coalitions are a mess on their own, just check politics in Europe. At least Geert Wilders is only an example for Trump and nowhere near as bas
- Comment on YSK in the U.S., you can buy produce directly from black farmers and they will ship it to you. It can cost less than your supermarket and will piss off people in power. 4 weeks ago:
Bidets aren’t common in a whole lot of countries. Heck there are probably more countries where a bidet is uncommon than common.
- Comment on YSK in the U.S., you can buy produce directly from black farmers and they will ship it to you. It can cost less than your supermarket and will piss off people in power. 4 weeks ago:
Depends ofc where you look, what country etc. And if you count people living here who themselves don’t count themselves as an European