- Comment on As Kingdom Come Deliverance II releases, what are your memories of the first title? 2 weeks ago:
- Great RPG
- I don’t like RPGs that much
I’m a backer of the first title. I don’t regret it. I’m just a little sad that it didn’t captivate me to the point of continued play where I’d get more out of it.
- Comment on | Game Lengths, Backlogs and more! 2 weeks ago:
I love the concept, and that it exists, and that my Browser extension Augmented Steam shows me playtimes on store pages,
but man I hate that it always logs me out and then regularly presents me with the worst captchas I’ve ever seen. Adding times could also be a little bit better UX-wise.
I still make use of it though, submitting game completion times, because it’s a good thing to collect and share collectively.
- Comment on What are patient gamers thinking about Marvel Rivals ? Looking for a game to replace League of Legends 1 month ago:
Overwatch was converted into/replaced by Overwatch 2. Overwatch 1 became Overwatch 2.
They’re still actively working on it. In the live-service manner. Even considering and experimenting with main gameplay formats.
- Comment on A Pivot To Indie won’t save us [AURAMBLES blog] 1 month ago:
re screenshot; Raise your hands 🙌
Have you participated in game jams?
Their clear scope and limited timeline means [more likely] something gets done and completed, to some degree.
“patient” probably means I’m not doing it beyond some scattered attempts.
I don’t really get what you mean by that. I don’t see patient as “letting it slide [off]”.
- Comment on What are patient gamers thinking about Marvel Rivals ? Looking for a game to replace League of Legends 1 month ago:
I tried it. I didn’t like/enjoy it.
From your description, to replace LoL with a more populated game so it has a broader player base, it’d be a fit. It’s free to play, so why not try it out?
For me,
- gameplay/mechanics: generic, like all the other titles
- guidance: bad, confusing
- matchups/difficulty: genre problem of diverse characters and abilities, and at times you don’t know what’s happening. Diverse skill levels, and team matchups. Sometimes your team is getting stomped and you have no idea how or even if you could have influence on that. (I switched class and it got even worse.)
- polish/UI/UX: lacking, unoptimized, at times confusing
Honestly, if you want a personal, subjective recommendation, I would recommend Overwatch over Marvel Rivals. It’s easier to get into, also still popular, also free to play. Alternatively, SMITE, which could be considered a middle ground between top down MOBA like LoL and dynamic hero shooters. I played SMITE for a long time, but have not for a while now. Both titles keep shoving pay-content on your screen, but you can ignore all of them.
Have you played Awesomenauts?
- Comment on Can you see yourself cutting off by a generation of gaming? 1 month ago:
I don’t see any generation of gaming. Maybe because I don’t buy and play on consoles. Even consoles have started to lose generations with backwards-compatibility, re-releases, upgrades, and digital stores.
I play what interests me. And I buy even more than I play of what interests me.
The idea of having enough or too many games to play, I think I reached on about 1.3k games in my Steam library. Because a year has 365 days, so 1300/365 = 3,56, so I could play a different game every day for 3 years. That’s unrealistic to match [for me]. Now I have 3.8k games in my Steam library. Which is fine by me; I support what looks interesting to me, and maybe I’ll get to them, or some I prioritize, and some are bundled noise or freebies.
I’m not going to stop stumbling over new and interesting games though. And most certainly not evade them when I stumble over them.