- Comment on Solar powered server rack 2 months ago:
That’s really neat thank you!
- Comment on Solar powered server rack 2 months ago:
interesting, I do have a UPS on my rack already so chaining it isnt an issue. everything is plugged into the UPS now so I was imagining just unplugging the UPS from the wall and into the anker box, then just figuring out how to add enough solar panels to power the rack but also charge the battery
- Submitted 2 months ago to | 13 comments
- Comment on Treat taking a dump like a sport 2 months ago:
That’s why my dog poops then immediately launches off into a zoomie sprint
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
You just have to ask about stuff. If they have a close relationship with their mom and you’re good at bonding with her then it should be very similar.
Relationships can be like a workout where it takes a bit of effort and energy but after a while it’ll get easier. At least that’s how it is with coworkers for me. I talk and ask questions and try to throw a joke in there and see what sticks, after a while we’re regular ol buds
- Comment on I could be friendly... *for money*! 2 months ago:
I think it’s a cultural thing. Here where I live it’s pretty mellow no one really cares or smiles, but I went on a trip to Brazil and everyone was super chill and happy, like every little shop you go to and everyone is super helpful and happy. Even walking down the street some car put up some loud music and people came from all around to start dancing and following the car around the block lol
- Comment on Too dumb to understand where the gas tank opening is 2 months ago:
My wife’s hyundai has two and each has an arrow going a different direction. Gets me every time because my car has the fill hole on the passenger side and hers is on driver side so I always look down at the arrow.
One I guess has the arrow to the right to signify how much gas is left and the other has an arrow to the left to say what side the pump is on but they are both the same icon
- Comment on Lazy scientists announce there are probably several kinds of squirrels but they move too fast to be sure 2 months ago:
Are the people that live around there also really mutated?
- Comment on Pointless existence 2 months ago:
The trick is to get all your bois together and buy a decent plot of land and build homes or a large enough house you can divide up
- Comment on vines of the animal kingdom 3 months ago:
Too bad they don’t know how to not dry up on the sidewalk yet
- Comment on her favourite colour is blue :) 3 months ago:
Nice now it’s a party
- Comment on Pluto's Orbit 3 months ago:
How can you be so sure it doesn’t just decide to leave
- Comment on Niantic uses Pokémon Go player data to build AI navigation system 3 months ago:
Lol I wonder if they will realize most players just hit scan and shake their phone at the floor to get the bonus real quick instead of actually walking around and scanning
- Comment on Petrichor 3 months ago:
Oh wow all this time I thought they missed the rains of Africa
- Comment on Upgraded My Razorleaf 3 months ago:
Thank you, I started with this guide then modified it
- Comment on Upgraded My Razorleaf 3 months ago:
It was in the photo mode in game
- Submitted 3 months ago to [deleted] | 4 comments
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 3 months ago:
But the profits!
- Comment on Say it again, Dexter 3 months ago:
Omelette Du Fromage
the big cheese
- Comment on On Mushrooms 3 months ago:
While on a shroom I had a vision that after we die and get buried we merge with the fungus and get to explore all the history or anyone else that has died and connected to that fungus, also why as humans we love to explore so we can die somewhere new and spread the seed
- Comment on It ain't much, but it's a livin' 3 months ago:
We’re duck brothers we don’t lay eggs
- Comment on It ain't much, but it's a livin' 3 months ago:
Just a regular Sunday night, laying eggs
- Comment on rocketman 3 months ago:
that fish didnt get the memo that we should have eyelids instead so crumbs can get in