- Comment on Trump to get $25 million in settlement with Meta 5 weeks ago:
Basically just a bribe at this point lol
- Comment on Misogyny identified as breeding ground for extremism in UK, says leaked report 5 weeks ago:
- Comment on [Opinion] Goodbye to the lost children of Gaza. You were loved, you are remembered, you did not deserve it | Nesrine Malik 1 month ago:
implying the adults deserved it
- Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 Has Finally Hit Overwhelmingly Positive On Steam 1 month ago:
Haven’t played it in a few years. For me it was an enjoyable enough game, but the problems were with the glitches and stuff. I played on Xbox one at launch and it wasn’t unplayable or anything.
It was just that everything outside of main story missions and some of the side quests was crappy filler. The city was beautiful and a cool environment to run around in, but there was hardly anything to do in it. So many of the side missions are just “go to building, shoot ten guys”, with a god damn text pop up of what could generously be called “flavour text” in lieu of any kind of interesting dialogue.
There were a few fun fleshed out characters, but coming from the people who made the Witcher 3 the lack of charm and intrigue in most of the side jobs was such a let down. The lack of a lived-in feeling world was a let down too. No matter how many issues they’ve fixed I don’t know how it could turn from a 6-7/10 to a 9-10 for me
- Comment on Australian government drops misinformation bill 3 months ago:
Tbf the last thing the Albanese government needs is truth being disseminated
- Comment on DOJ wraps up ad tech trial: Google is “three times” a monopolist 3 months ago:
🎵 you’re once… twice… three times a monopolyyyy 🎵
- Comment on BACK IT UP 3 months ago:
Nutraceutical sounds like the most quack shit
- Comment on Fossil fuel bosses get ‘red carpet’ at Cop29 despite concerns over influence 3 months ago:
shocked-pikachu almost like cop achieves nothing
- Comment on Warcraft 30th Anniversary Direct on 13 November - WoW 4 months ago:
Can’t wait to see how they trample its legacy even more!
- Comment on Should you trust that doctor? 4 months ago:
Where is House MD?
- Comment on Amid gruesome hospital scenes, the true death toll in Gaza might be much higher than we think 4 months ago: