- Comment on Change NHS: Help build a health service fit for the future 4 months ago:
i’ve literally seen it myself. shut yo european ass up
- Comment on Change NHS: Help build a health service fit for the future 4 months ago:
because the politicians destroying UK healthcare specifically cite the american model as something to follow, genius. and what other model is that of privatization? when that’s what they’re saying and doing, yes, that’s what people will compare it to. how slow are you?
- Comment on Change NHS: Help build a health service fit for the future 4 months ago:
clearly the solution to the problems in the UK is just do whatever america does. that works out great for us over here. we don’t even have to worry about going to the doctor because we can’t afford it. problem solved!
- Comment on xcoffee 4 months ago:
my sibling does this to avoid having to turn off/rinse the coffee maker. they’ll make just enough coffee for like one and a third of a cup, then be like “hey you can take the rest of that coffee”. i look at it and it’s not nearly enough for even a small cup. i just leave it there, on, lol
- Comment on OpenAI CEO: We may have AI superintelligence in “a few thousand days” 5 months ago:
so like, 100,000 days or how many thousands of days? who tf measures time like that?