- Comment on Texas Needs Equivalent of 30 Reactors to Meet Data Center Power Demand 1 week ago:
How do you condense the steam back to water?
- Comment on flouride 3 months ago:
It’s 10 million times more acidic than drain cleaner!!! And the government is trying to force you to drink it by forcing it to be used in municipal drinking fountains
- Comment on flouride 3 months ago:
Just because a concentration is low doesn’t mean it’s safe. Water with 0.7 mg/L of Po-210 is lethal.
You can put an amount of it in a 55 gallon drum that is not visible
It’s a natural substance
Fluoride is in fact safe at the amounts that the FDA regulates but saying it’s a small concentration or that it’s natural are not the reasons it’s safe. It’s the hundreds of peer reviewed research articles that show that it’s safe
- Comment on Microsoft builds first datacenters with wood to slash carbon emissions 3 months ago:
The nuclear plant isn’t obsolete… it’s a PWR and with modern fuel cell designs it can reach the same efficiency as modern plants
- Comment on Microsoft builds first datacenters with wood to slash carbon emissions 3 months ago:
Like starting up a nuclear power plant to avoid burning fossil fuels?
- Comment on But yes. 3 months ago:
And then using that salt to heat water into steam and using that steam to turn a turbine