- Comment on Feedback about our name: someone's concerns on sharing 3 months ago:
I wonder if companysite. would be more expensive than a portfolio. There’s value in identity trust and countless ways to do that but the Internet gravitated to squirreling away domain names.
- Comment on Feedback about our name: someone's concerns on sharing 3 months ago:
That’s a lot of hats for one person to wear, no wonder you’re having so much trouble managing your configuration. Sounds like it’d be easier to have a single registry with an open top dot and delegate all that management.
- Comment on Feedback about our name: someone's concerns on sharing 3 months ago:
Thanks for proving my point lol how do gtlds make your work much, much harder??
actively worse
- Comment on Feedback about our name: someone's concerns on sharing 3 months ago:
The anti-gtld propaganda is spicy hot lately, anything is a keyboard rage trigger.
- Comment on Beware Hollywood’s digital demolition: it’s as if your favourite films and TV shows never existed 4 months ago:
Here’s a random paranoid tangent before lunch! I was reading recently about the evolution of theater in England over a hundred years from ~1550-1650. Elizabeth ruled during the first part of that interval, and Shakespeare wrote. His plays included perspectives from wide slices of society and were performed for royalty and commoners alike. Elizabeth died and private theatrical commissions began to outgrow public theater, which according to wikipedia “sustained themselves on the accumulated works of the previous decades”.
Starting in 1642 theaters were closed entirely by act of a Puritanical Parliament. That ban lasted 18 years and once the audience was Quite Thirsty, the English Restoration restored theater abstractly and filled it with bawdy raunch.
Yada yada, Disney then hired a crew of weepy Christian writers in the 20th century to repackage folk tales into Little Mermaid and Iron Man, which seems parallel enough to Shakespeare retelling Ovid. Film flourished, and in the early days of broadcast TV anybody could star in their own very own program. The Writers were on the brink of delivering us Heroes, but they up and left before they could save the cheerleader.
Now this age of regurgitated, computer animated-and-written, crowdsource produced art seems familiar, too. We’re filling the gaps with what we know, and the Appalachians wielding the pen are finding gaps they didn’t know were there. It’s odd being here, but my point is that if we are stuck in a loop then there’s the potential that on the horizon is a period of Hollywood producing a bunch of light hearted Boob Comedies.
- Comment on You have been banned from /c/Lemmyshitpost 4 months ago:
moralizing “diminishing relationships to promote etc” sounds like ayn-rand-libertarian-christian-nationalist-trumper lizard folk valuing the ability to say horrible things to people then hoist blame on them for corrupting society while camouflaged behind a veil of repentant self-exile
- Comment on If "Master/Slave" terminology in computing sounds bad now, why not change it to "Dom/Sub"? 6 months ago:
I mentally replaced cars with boats recently and it’s been inducing nautical terminology everywhere I speak. Cap’n and Crew sounds great for this usage, it feels honest without the shock of great grandpa’s heavyweight authoritarianism. I usually wind up stepping down to Spongebob or Pirates to filter out seriousness too, as long as the packet arrives and the replicas are jolly.
- Comment on Custom ROMs have had just about enough of being Android's second-class citizens 6 months ago:
The pattern feels like a-b-c sometimes, but the rebranding keeps the story feeling fresh
- Comment on Custom ROMs have had just about enough of being Android's second-class citizens 6 months ago:
besides these two lazy kids and the witch who just wants to eat there’s also the hungry stepmom who pushed the idea and the dad who went along with it (until both women die and he ends up the hero)
- Comment on Custom ROMs have had just about enough of being Android's second-class citizens 6 months ago:
Heracles could shoot the eagle and break the chains, but then Prometheus might inform Zeus of the path to Troy. Titanomachy is one way of exchanging fire, but I’m human and content to hand it back and forth between each other. The pain of letting go is nuclear enough after Gaia and Uranus’s Family Vacation tore valleys through the mountains.
- Comment on Ah sweet! 6 months ago:
There’s bacteria that grow in the roots of legumes that are capable of capturing gaseous nitrogen. That nitrogen makes its way to the soil, where the trees can suck it up to produce protein, like sunflower seeds. I eat those and by the time I urinate and die the nitrogen has been so concentrated within me that I burn a small hole in the ground for the fungus, sun, and time to decay and heal.
If I could photosynthesize the carbs needed to bootstrap this operation I would. If I could plant a piece of myself and feed it rainwater and atmospheric nitrogen to grow a steak I would. If I could leave behind shelter I wood.