- Comment on Sweden starts building 100,000 year storage site for spent nuclear fuel 5 weeks ago:
People wanting to save the environment for our children, by leaving nuclear waste with a half life time of 24.000 to billions of years for them to take care of, are a certain kind of stupid.
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 2 months ago:
Also nuclear waste doesn’t have to be a problem. If anyone was willing to cover the cost of burning it in a breeder reactor for power or burry it forever. It just is because it’s expensive.
But it is a problem. Finding a place that can contain radioactive waste for millions of years is incredible difficult. If you read up on it, you get disillusioned pretty fast.
- Comment on This man is a parody of himself 4 months ago:
I like to think that he forgets, keeps trying and then makes a new post about it
- Comment on If Jesus can turn water into wine, but wine is still mostly made of water, can Jesus apply his powers recursively and create more and more concentrated wine? 4 months ago:
Then you can use jesus to convert the water component again and repeat the process.
I have a cheap knock off jesus from Alibaba and even he can turn wine into winier wine, if you tell him that it’s just red water. Maybe you are using your jesus wrong?