à la con
- Comment on Petrichor 3 months ago:
i Kind of doubt it. in a video i saw if the process they were using hardfired bricks. i don’t believe any organic compounds would survive the heat.
(dung might be a better term for what you were referring to. i seem to remember that because of the way they feed their cattle the dung has a very high fibre content which makes it a good source for building material. it’s nowhere as gross as the diarrhea like consistency we get from cows in Europe)
- Comment on Petrichor 3 months ago:
I’ve never smelled the stuff but apparently the smell of rain is something people try to bottle.
- Comment on Owl Pellets 3 months ago:
what’s with the femur? is it on purpose?
- Comment on Excuse me? 3 months ago:
the abstract of the PDF provided in the link has more commas. (not sure if any of the terms mean anything though. i know jackshit about any of this)
- Comment on Excuse me? 3 months ago:
someone fucked up the commas
- Comment on MDPI 4 months ago:
this is my impression. back when i still was in academia it would pop up from time to time but i never published there since i never cited any of their journals in the first place. (why would one publish there when all your peers are somewhere else). nowadays i sometimes get requests from them to my personal email for special issues which i just ignore. (it’s academic spam essentially).
have a look at retraction watch retractionwatch.com/?s=mdpi
- Comment on MDPI 4 months ago:
some might regard it as a predatory publisher
- Comment on Flaw in Git bloated Microsoft repository by a factor of 35. 4 months ago:
thanks for the reply, but i think i got that. from the linked article:
For example, if you changed repo/packages/foo/CHANGELOG.json, when git was getting ready to do the push, it was generating a diff against repo/packages/bar/CHANGELOG.json! This meant we were in many occasions just pushing the entire file again and again, which could be 10s of MBs per file in some cases, and you can imagine in a repo our size, how that would be a problem.
but wouldn’t these erroneous diffs not show up in
git diff
? it seems that they were pushing (maybe automatically?)without inspecting the diffs first - Comment on Flaw in Git bloated Microsoft repository by a factor of 35. 4 months ago:
maybe I’m missing something but wouldn’t this show up in a diff before pushing?