- Comment on AI-powered vending machines that sell bullets could be hacked, says a cybersecurity expert 3 months ago:
Why does a vending machine even have AI in the first place?
- Comment on Steam does the opposite of forcing Arbitration on its users 4 months ago:
I just saw the Uber case and realized that this in definitely way differently in the US. I was not aware that completely getting around the law was such a common practice. I thought that Disney thing was a rarity
- Comment on Steam does the opposite of forcing Arbitration on its users 5 months ago:
How often are you reading about someone suing and then that lawsuit (which is already in court) being dropped because they got a better offer for an arbitration out of court? For me that’s a very common thing to read for bigger cases.
But I agree that forced arbitration with not even a chance to take it to court if you don’t like the offer is horrible for the consumer
- Comment on Steam does the opposite of forcing Arbitration on its users 5 months ago:
Arbitration doesn’t save money. You still need lawyers.
of course - but usually it’s way faster than getting a proper court-ruling - and since lawyers are paid per hour that makes a big difference
- Comment on Steam does the opposite of forcing Arbitration on its users 5 months ago:
Isn’t it often in both parties to settle things out of court? For the one that’d sue it’s usually more money at less cost and the company gets around possibly having a bad precedent set and the bad publicity to potentially losing in court.
This is probably aimed at people creating issues in the hopes of getting a settlement for something that has a slim (but Nonzero) chance to hold up in court.
It’s a company - I think this aims at people only bringing serious claims and reducing the paperwork for them - but since it’s Valve people will glorify everything they do
- Comment on Donors 5 months ago:
Anonymous usually means that they don’t want their name to show up publicly.
There’s almost certainly knowledge of who that money is coming from at least with a couple of persons that received the funds.
- Comment on Donors 5 months ago:
Should it? I get that political parties should report donors - but for nonprofits and other institutions I feel it’s not that necessary since they are directly investing that money in projects (that the donor may choose - but if that’s not the case then that investment isn’t happening) - for political parties and politicians it can be seen as a bribe as the things they invest in usually don’t have a direct return of investment.
And there should be rules and regulations making sure that that donation is not ending up in some kind of contract for the company of the donor but that whatever that investment is funding has a transparent process
Where do we draw the kind? Should donors to libraries be made public even if that person wants to remain anonymous but fund an expansion? Should donors to non-profits be made public?
- Comment on Stardew Valley 1.6 is Coming November 4th. 5 months ago:
That guy legitimately made his hobby into his job.
There’s 0 reasons for him to still keep updating the game with as much content as he’s doing except for his own satisfaction. Truly the best developer a game can have
- Comment on Very insightful 5 months ago:
Sounds like something Leon Skum world say
- Comment on Nissan develops paint that keeps cars cool in summer heat 6 months ago:
Also great for city climate since heated up cars are acting like a heat battery making it significantly slower for a city to cool down once the sun goes away
Ideally there would be no openly parked cars but I guess this is the next best thing
- Comment on Titan Quest II | Showcase 2024 Trailer 6 months ago:
I’m pretty sure one of the newer add-ons of the original game has controller support as one of its features
- Comment on Titan Quest II hands on gameplay (Fextralife at Gamescom) 6 months ago:
Titan Quest is my personal GOAT game. Aged fantastically well, too.
Really interested to see how this will go
- Comment on Today's featured article on Wikipedia: Outer Wilds 6 months ago:
My go-to game for the question: “if you could forget a game just to experience it all over again” such a perfect game
- Comment on sounds like he's fun at the office 7 months ago:
Yeah and that all those changes where within the span of a month, 10 years ago
- Comment on Now we know how much it costs to make a $2,800 Dior bag 8 months ago:
No that’s totally disgusting - I was only complaining that it’s not the full “this is how much it costs” equation
- Comment on Now we know how much it costs to make a $2,800 Dior bag 8 months ago:
But as with all products production cost is not really saying that much
How much money did the design process take as they surely have some extremely high-paid people doing that? If you then include their deliberate small number of produced goods in order to stay exclusive that design cost is distributed across only a couple of thousand bags. Also what about the designs that didn’t become bags at all?
I’m not saying it’s worth that price at all as their main drawing point is marketing but just looking at the production cost is a very short-sighted view and a very populist framing, too.
There’s a reason why actually rich people don’t walk around with the stuff those luxury brands sell in their stores - it’s just peacocking to show how much money you can afford to waste and nothing else
- Comment on Thanks, Google 8 months ago:
Is that a regional setting? Never saw “fewer turns” as an option in my app. Only saw “most environmental” when it takes a shorter router even though it’s slower