- Submitted 2 weeks ago to | 45 comments
- Comment on The U.S. Has Dozens of Secret Bases Across the Middle East. They Keep Getting Attacked. 6 months ago:
I mean... yes? Why would they not get attacked?
- Comment on Report: Israeli military says it failed to protect civilians 7 months ago:
I mean true enough but they're not talking about Palestinian civilians. Their "failure" (can't call it a failure when it's on purpose) was to protect Israeli civilians.
- Comment on ‘Constant anxiety’: hundreds of Palestinians face eviction threat in East Jerusalem 7 months ago:
Just in case anyone thought Palestinians would be safe if they were just "peaceful".
- Comment on Microsoft is reportedly banning Palestinians in the U.S. for life for calling relatives in Gaza 7 months ago:
Jews are not the only semites
Okay this only really works as a gotcha. It doesn't do anything to address the point being made. That aside,
Please point to where the anti Israeli movement hates All Arab and Hebrew speakers?
I misread their comment and thought they were talking about Palestinian resistance in Palestine, not the worldwide Anti-Zionist movement so nevermind anything I said up there.
- Comment on Microsoft is reportedly banning Palestinians in the U.S. for life for calling relatives in Gaza 7 months ago:
Denying that there's an antisemitism problem in the Palestinian movement doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Uh... Did you expect them to not be antisemitic. I mean it's not a good thing but what other outcome did you expect from 75 years of Apartheid and genocide?
- Comment on Microsoft is reportedly banning Palestinians in the U.S. for life for calling relatives in Gaza 7 months ago:
The PLO isn't worth supporting at all. It's worth tearing down and starting over.
- Comment on Microsoft is reportedly banning Palestinians in the U.S. for life for calling relatives in Gaza 7 months ago:
Do you ignore the majority of Palestinians support Hamas?
Imagine supporting the only viable resistance organization when you're subjected to a slow-burn genocide. The humanity!
- Comment on Microsoft is reportedly banning Palestinians in the U.S. for life for calling relatives in Gaza 7 months ago:
Your point being what? That they fund Hamas so they're helping?
- Comment on Microsoft is reportedly banning Palestinians in the U.S. for life for calling relatives in Gaza 7 months ago:
You can look into any Islam media and you would find they actively burn u.s. flags on state media and call for our destruction.
Well yes. Do you have any idea how much US neo-colonialism has harmed the Middle East over the past 70 years? Your country supports ISIS for fuck's sake go touch some grass.
- Comment on Microsoft is reportedly banning Palestinians in the U.S. for life for calling relatives in Gaza 7 months ago:
That sort of thing is only important when the other side is not Israel. See: USS Liberty, Shireen Abu Aqleh.
- Comment on Microsoft is reportedly banning Palestinians in the U.S. for life for calling relatives in Gaza 7 months ago:
The ADL has always been like this. Remember when they defended Apartheid?
- Comment on Kami 8 months ago:
I love this.
- Comment on Yemen: Houthis Disappear Dozens of UN, Civil Society Staff 8 months ago:
Okay the Houthis are fucked up but what does Israel have to do with this?
- Comment on So is Israel just going to finish Palestine off? 8 months ago:
There's also a good possibility that one of the high ranking military officers will use the opportunity that will arise from the chaos to orchestrate a coup and put themselves in power.
That is, admittedly, a possibility I hadn't considered.
This treaty has been active for 50 years, what would Israel gain from destroying it?
If the treaty remains active then makes sense, but I doubt anyone will care about a peace treaty with a failed state. You know how when a country just falls apart its neighbors go after the pieces? That's the sort of scenario I'm envisioning here. Admittedly my thinking might be overly simplistic, and I should've considered more orderly possibilities, but at least in the Syria-style absolute chaos situation I'm imagining (which after thinking about it isn't as likely as I thought) of I don't see why they'd honor the sovereignty of a state that ceased to exist, in the same way nobody really cares about Syria as a sovereign state anymore.
- Comment on So is Israel just going to finish Palestine off? 8 months ago:
Is there something on the ground that is not apparent in the media our Egyptian diaspora?
Not really; it's just that I doubt the army will give up power peacefully. Hence civil war or violent revolution. And in both cases it wouldn't be strange if Israel decided to expand into Sinai during the chaos.
- Comment on So is Israel just going to finish Palestine off? 8 months ago:
You only say that because you don't know how Egypt is looking like right now. Egypt's economy is the worst it's ever been in decades because of mismanagement, and it's not getting better. We're seeing the government build new bridges and cities using our tax pounds while people can't buy food. They're borrowing money at absurd rates to try to keep the whole thing from collapsing and paying back by selling the counter piecemeal to gulf states while refusing to actually fix anything. People keep having to find places to cut back on food and other essentials just so they don't starve. We can't get enough fuel for the country so blackouts have been going on for a while and it's killing newborns in hospitals. Hell, a guy I know had a 9-hour long blackout recently.
Egypt's economy is in free fall right now and there's not much more room for falling before people starve. Some kind of revolution is going to happen within the next few decades (because people don't like to die of starvation) and you know what happens when the people try taking back control from a military dictatorship. Where exactly it'll be on the Frenchrevolution-Syrian civil war (which started because the Syrian government refused to give up its power) spectrum I don't know, but given what I've seen from other examples in the region and the behavior of Egypt's government I am very much not optimistic.
- Comment on So is Israel just going to finish Palestine off? 8 months ago:
Uh... Egypt did not collapse in 2011. That was a regime change. I'm talking about a Libya or Syria-style failure to keep existing as a sovereign state.
- Comment on So is Israel just going to finish Palestine off? 8 months ago:
Huh? Are we having the same conversation?
- Comment on So is Israel just going to finish Palestine off? 8 months ago:
Uh... I think you missed the part that said "when Egypt inevitably collapses".
- Comment on So is Israel just going to finish Palestine off? 8 months ago:
Uh... Have you heard of the word "settlement"?
- Comment on So is Israel just going to finish Palestine off? 8 months ago:
Hmm... For a more realistic answer not necessarily. This isn't the first time they invaded Lebanon. I'm admittedly not aware of why they left the first time, but from what I know at least in the short term they're mostly content with the territory they currently control.
- Comment on Israel Opposes Rebuilding Gaza’s Internet Access Because Terrorists Could Go Online 8 months ago:
A nation under digital subjugation. How is this even remotely OK?
Yeah that's Gaza. No seriously, the surveillance Israel subjects Gaza to would make the Stasi blush.