- Comment on Funded in 5 minutes - the open source modular mini computer 'Pilet' is on Kickstarter 1 month ago:
Can you explain to me how pointing out that this device seems oddly pointless - not unlike several other people - is “toxic”?
- Comment on Funded in 5 minutes - the open source modular mini computer 'Pilet' is on Kickstarter 1 month ago:
Y’all know we have these things called smartphones right? And laptops?
Some are even open hardware.
- Comment on ugh i wish 2 months ago:
It’s a good point. And certainly a lot are resistant to any oversight or regulation. But I find right-leaning people are actually very quick to obey and are generally pretty compliant, for all the bluster. They are fearful people.
But also there is a strong incentive to ensure food you grow is not going to kill your customers or get you sued. But this only really works when it’s you as an individual. As soon as you are a corporation…
- Comment on ugh i wish 2 months ago:
Uh oh you violated the cardinal rule of Lemmy and posted an opinion at odds with the intent of the OP.
I agree raw milk is delicious. Too bad most people cannot experience that safely.
Moo moo! Moo!
- Comment on ugh i wish 2 months ago:
Imagine deliberately paying a premium for food that can make you seriously ill.
This applies to maybe 80% of what’s in a grocery store.
- Comment on ugh i wish 2 months ago:
I greatly enjoy eating vegans. Very lean and easy to catch.
- Comment on ugh i wish 2 months ago:
I heard bleach works good too.
- Comment on ugh i wish 2 months ago:
Considering farms are pretty much exclusively in rural areas and how rural areas generally lean politically, it’s a testament to the human immune system that food poisoning deaths aren’t more widespread
It may be helpful to read up on food-borne illnesses and their vectors. I say this because what I interpret from your comment is that rural areas are “dirty” and that right-leaning areas are somehow “dirtier” by virtue of being lax in food safety.
Strictly speaking this isn’t the way it works and it’s important to understand how contamination occurs. Almost all pathogens end up in food in two ways: field hands with inadequate sanitation and contamination through handling, processing, and packaging. The vast majority of these cases occur when food supply chains are long and complex and when safety is compromised in the name of profit. For example cutting corners in poultry handling or paying farm workers by the unit rather than by time, such that they are strongly incentivized to urinate or defecate in the field.
Food production regulations are actually quite stringent further along the supply chain (See the Food Safety Modernization Act and Produce Safety Rule) but there are gaps (this is an ag joke) on the production side, particularly in enforcement.
Your best bet is to seek to shorten the supply chain for the food you buy. Avoid processed foods and buy as close to the source as you can. Favoring organically-grown produce direct from a farmer just about guarantees that your food is safe. For example, organic regulations through the National Organic Program require a long period of time between use of manure and harvesting to ensure pathogens break down. It’s a common misconception that poop is used directly on growing crops.
Some reading:
USDA food borne illness guide: fsis.usda.gov/…/foodborne-illness-and-disease FSMA Final Rule on Produce Safety: www.fda.gov/…/fsma-final-rule-produce-safety
- Comment on ugh i wish 2 months ago:
Filthy farming practices don’t help.
No they don’t. And that applies universally.
- Comment on ugh i wish 2 months ago:
How was I judging?
If you read all of bluewing’s comments, the tone comes off, imo, as talking down to those of us who are concerned
And yet they specifically acknowledged the importance of pasteurization, etc, while simply saying in the right setting raw milk is tasty. That’s not judging that’s simply providing their perspective.
You are being overly sensitive and… IMO & LOL, “exuding a sense of superiority”. Don’t take it too seriously but I always find that basic hypocrisy - and I acknowledge we all do it - just so hilarious.
- Comment on ugh i wish 2 months ago:
NO NO NO raw milk bad! Alternative ideas bad! New evidence bad! Bad things bad!
- Comment on ugh i wish 2 months ago:
When kept below about 3C raw milk can last 7-10 days. The problem mainly is in the handling - the longer it’s shipped and more it’s handled the higher the likelihood it ends up above safe temperatures, reducing that time significantly. And we’ve all seen how grocery stores handle their perishables… LOL.
- Comment on ugh i wish 2 months ago:
Judging us in the way you are isn’t okay.
But judging bluewing… totally ok?
- Comment on ugh i wish 2 months ago:
LOL… the downvoting. I think as usual people read the first sentence and that’s it. So you saying “pasteurization is a good thing” got lost.
But totally agree - raw milk, in the right situation and handled appropriately, which means COWS YOU KNOW is just so much better. To the point where after our one neighbor we’d get it from moved away I just stopped drinking milk at all.
- Comment on Is it possible to install my own OS on a "smart" TV? Is that a thing? 3 months ago:
You are missing out on some greeeaat discount opportunities.
- Comment on YSK: US Senate offices pay attention to how many constituents are calling them on a topic. Democracy doesn't end at the ballot box 3 months ago:
“Do what I want or else…”
- Comment on YSK: US Senate offices pay attention to how many constituents are calling them on a topic. Democracy doesn't end at the ballot box 3 months ago:
Cool. I’m actually in the same boat. My House rep is a Republican fuckwit who’s been in office for a billion years, give or take. We agree on exactly nothing. I still call and email for the simple reason that even though he will always go with the majority opinion if I don’t do it then there will never be a chance for it to not be the majority opinion. I know it seems futile but it still important to represent our views and make sure those we disagree with aren’t the only thing the hear.
- Comment on YSK: US Senate offices pay attention to how many constituents are calling them on a topic. Democracy doesn't end at the ballot box 3 months ago:
I think the lack of correlation between public opinion and government policy is more than satisfactory to demonstrate how much our federal legislators care about your phone calls, yes.
I hear you and acknowledge it is frustrating. But your assumption seems to be that your view is shared by all and thus “public opinion” aligns perfectly with what you believe or at least that a majority agrees with you. We all do this because we imagine our opinions to be sensible and hey, why wouldn’t other people share them? But they don’t.
- Comment on YSK: US Senate offices pay attention to how many constituents are calling them on a topic. Democracy doesn't end at the ballot box 3 months ago:
“We should call our representatives”
“na na why should I bother? This requires effort and I have to figure out what to say. And anyway my cynicism dictates that it doesn’t matter. na na blah blah”
“How do you know, you’ve never tried”
“I just know blah blah they don’t care blah blah”
“Well, you’ve definitely proved that not calling produces no results”
- Comment on YSK: US Senate offices pay attention to how many constituents are calling them on a topic. Democracy doesn't end at the ballot box 3 months ago:
How do you know? Have you ever actually tried?
- Comment on Can someone define "liberal" (in its use as an insult) for me? 6 months ago:
^ perfect answer, IMO.
- Comment on Statistics 6 months ago:
Cows are smarter than they look. Long ago I worked in a dairy operation and they would do things like if you weren’t super careful in a milking stall they’d casually lean to one side (“oopsie! my bad”) to squish you. Or let the poop rip at just the right moment.
I don’t blame them one bit.
- Comment on YouTube tests server-side ads to make your coveted blocker obsolete 7 months ago:
Yeah, Nebula is quite good. Really like Curiosity Stream too… I subscribe to both.
But alas, most channels I follow are Youtube only and not likely to change :(
- Comment on YouTube tests server-side ads to make your coveted blocker obsolete 7 months ago:
But do you have a viable alternative in your back pocket?
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
yes, not even dial up (i think)
Apparently some still do exist. 56 KBps… woohoo.
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
That literally is, it’s called Oneweb. SpaceX even launch their satellites rather amusingly.
You need to correct your post. As has been pointed out, Oneweb is not available for residential use. You simply cannot order it. The best you could do is go in with neighbors and set up community broadband. They don’t publish prices but I read somewhere that you are looking at $1500 per month or more.
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
Of course you get downvoted. Because people don’t know. Let me try to help educate y’all.
In many rural areas in the US there is NO (as in zero, nada, zilch) cable, DSL or even mobile/LTE. Nothing. I know because I live in one of those areas. So your internet options are:
- Read books and talk to people
- A traditional satellite provider like Hughesnet or Viasat, where you’ll have 10 GB daytime MONTHLY quotas, 800ms latency and extremely poor service.
- Twiddle your thumbs and call it twidder.
Until Starlink came along I could not work remotely, stream any content or game. Despite being usually 20 MBps down, Hughesnet was so high latency that page loads were usually 10-20 seconds or more. A lot of things that had short timeouts simply didn’t work. So yeah, I self-flaggilate every time I pay the bill but Starlink has allowed us to have a normal internet life.
- Comment on "Hey Google, Turn my balls off" 7 months ago:
Wait won’t this turn off their brains? How will they breathe?
- Comment on No matter what I do before I die, I will not have a gravestone this cool. 7 months ago:
make the tombstone the sofa… problem solved
- Comment on Pigs in a blanket for the lazy 7 months ago:
Interesting. Must be an east coast thing. Or maybe I just don’t get out much.