- Comment on !cassettebeasts@lemmy.world - A community for all things Cassette Beasts 2 weeks ago:
Omg yayyyy!!
- Comment on What's the game you play when nothing else sounds good? 2 months ago:
I was going to say, mine is Burnout Revenge. I think last I looked though only Burnout Paradise was available on Steam for me.
- Comment on All Of Apple’s Foldable iPhone Prototypes Have Visible Creases, Which May Explain The Company’s Apprehension Towards A Launch 5 months ago:
Unsure. I can only go off anecdotes and what ive been told but maybe that illusion works on the kids?
At 3:50 it looks like the phone is being opened to watch something. . Looks large to me
The tech specs here
Anyways, that was his reasoning. Lol its still a nice phone. Maybe he used same justification to get this nicer phone with his wife. He has the Google fold while the other guy has Samsung.
- Comment on All Of Apple’s Foldable iPhone Prototypes Have Visible Creases, Which May Explain The Company’s Apprehension Towards A Launch 5 months ago:
I know a few people at work that have foldables. Both are not going back and the crease really isnt noticeable.
One guy has the Google Pixel Fold. His kids share his phone to leave his wife’s phone alone when they are watching something. It makes it easier to share with his kids because its a larger screen. When it was smaller they fought more because they couldn’t all watch on a small screen. Hes reaping benefits too. Ive seen him have it open to watch NFL highlights lol.
The other person I know is a manager and its just really nice.
I don’t have one myself because its pretty $$$. If I valued phones I would pick one up myself. Year after year they have gotten significantly better with the crease and hardware. They’re often very beast with hardware features.
- Comment on Smart TVs take snapshots of what you watch multiple times per second 5 months ago:
Question, what separate device is best and most privacy focused? I just imagine getting a firestick, google Chromecast, etc would also give away data?
- Comment on I'm not a good liar but need to pretend I like my current job and not rant about how much I dislike it till I find a job I like more. How do I make my coworkers and supervisors believe this lie? 6 months ago:
Also, yes, the Union rep that said you can get fired is wrong. Its super super super hard to fire people under Union. Even nurses that dont do their nursing interventions or watch Netflix day. Its truly wild what some Union nurses get away with. Pros and cons…
- Comment on I'm not a good liar but need to pretend I like my current job and not rant about how much I dislike it till I find a job I like more. How do I make my coworkers and supervisors believe this lie? 6 months ago:
Nurse manager here. I’m really confused why you would need to lie? Especially if the PIP is “unenforceable”.
If you want to quit bedside just do it. Theres so many other fields of nursing out there. Honestly and genuinely speaking, you sound miserable :(
P.S. Peds pts may be compliant but overbearing parents with unrealistic expectations or peds deaths are not fun to deal with. Its not all rainbows… I would never touch nicu, PEDs, picu for that reason
- Comment on Redbox’s disc rentals are over 7 months ago:
Ah hoy! Just did a quick search. Seems the quality has significantly increased there too!
- Comment on Redbox’s disc rentals are over 7 months ago:
Thank you! I remember my local library had dvds. I don’t remember any BluRays. Will check it out!!
- Comment on Redbox’s disc rentals are over 7 months ago:
Understood. I honestly don’t know many alternatives to Redbox besides those for renting movies… Even then, as others have mentioned, there’s a difference between streaming and playing a blu ray. All movies I rent are <$2.50 from Redbox, nicer quality vs. >$5 Amazon.
- Comment on Redbox’s disc rentals are over 7 months ago:
Personally a little sad over this. Have a bluray player and sometimes I want to be able to choose and pick a newer movie in 4k… Much cheaper than Amazon and Vudu to rent.