- Comment on If we're living in a simulation, why would the simulation creators allow the sims to ponder and speculate whether or not they live in a simulation? 2 months ago:
Obviously for the lols.
- Comment on What has Critical Theory actually achieved? 3 months ago:
Read the criticisms. Seeing everything as a struggle to dismantle structures of oppression, exclusion, and domination is a mental illness.
- Comment on If a leftist ran for president, would liberals support him? 3 months ago:
Nobody agrees on what those words mean so it’s a confusing question. Clearly he would have had a better chance of winning.
- Comment on what can I use to cushion my knee when exercising with it on the floor so it doesn't hurt? 3 months ago:
It will get easier the more you practice and your bones will get stronger. If I’m uncomfortable I just change positions.
- Comment on Is it okay to take drugs to make yourself a better person? Does it make a difference if "better" is mental or if it's physical? 4 months ago:
No. And it makes no difference if it’s mental or physical. Take only what’s prescribed by your doctor for medical necessity.
- Comment on What is the argument for making poor/working class folks shoulder the burden of taxes? 4 months ago:
Great question but you are asking the wrong people as you can see. You won’t find serious arguments or alternative views here.
- Comment on Is American politics really as seemingly satirical of itself as it is portrayed? 4 months ago:
Grossly misinformed. The clown show is what they want you to see. Behind the scenes it’s no longer a show, the clowns are real, the frogs are gay, immigrants eating dogs, and I have concepts of a plan.
- Comment on At what point when learning a new language do someone become bilingual? 5 months ago:
Write hello world and immediately slap it on the resume.
- Comment on Do animals feel love and emotion? 5 months ago:
Some do and some don’t. Depends on the individual, like with people.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 months ago:
5 perfectly balanced and happy to explore any reasonable deviancy within the safety and privacy of a healthy and lawful relationship.
- Comment on Why is space 2 dimensional? 5 months ago:
Because everything is in the process of falling the same direction. It’s like if you throw a bucket of water and ask why none of the droplets went sideways.
- Comment on How the hell do I sign up for facebook? 5 months ago:
New rules stipulate the butthole must be visible for your privacy and security.
- Comment on How do I alleviate bitterness due to lack of intimacy? 6 months ago:
You build resentment when you act in a way that’s not in full accordance with yourself. Notice the problem and try to do something about it. You can change your behavior or change your mind.
- Comment on What is going to happen when AI becomes extremely advanced? 6 months ago:
Same plan as always. Numbers go up, but not yours. You work more for less.
- Comment on Are LLMs capable of writing *good* code? 6 months ago:
No. To specify exactly what you want the computer to do for you, you’d need some kind of logic-based language that both you and the computer mutually understand. Imagine if you had a spec you could reference to know what the key words and syntax in that language actually mean to the computer.
- Comment on With the amount of microplastics we're carrying around in pretty much every tissue in our bodies, is our weight measurably different as a result? 6 months ago:
Yes. The global obesity epidemic? It’s all plastic.
- Comment on I feel like a flashbang went off in my head, so the only question that I can think of is, "What now?" (Details in body.) 6 months ago:
What now is a stupid question, so you’re in the right place. Maybe you’re looking for strangers to give you general advice. Try talking to a family member, friend, or professional.
- Comment on What's the best way to measure the size of the government? 6 months ago:
Everybody steps on a scale. The cheeseburgers must be acounted for.
- Comment on How exactly does one eat 1500 calories a day? 6 months ago:
With practice. A lowered metabolism won’t prevent weight loss. You never need to eat more to lose weight. An alternative is to just keep doing what you’re doing so long as it’s working. No, you never have to eat calories back.
- Comment on What is the anime obsession with maids? 6 months ago:
They’re cute and they serve you and they’re socially plausible. Say no more.
- Comment on Can you "change" the environment in your "local" area? 6 months ago:
Yes. You can restore the natural environment for the local wildlife. Every plant and animal counts. But large scale effects like the weather would require national cooperation.
- Comment on if the total fertility rate drops and stays below global replacement rate, will humans disappear? 7 months ago:
No, because it won’t stay down that low. No need for funny maths; some people enjoy making babies.
- Comment on Is everyone so depressed now partially because modern science has probably proven there is no god / afterlife? 7 months ago:
No. It’s because of lifestyle choices affecting diet, exercise, and sleep. But it does help to believe in something and feel a strong sense of purpose and meaning in life.
- Comment on What is the actual point of a bra? 7 months ago:
- sports: chest binding
- aesthetics: style choices
- modesty: cultural views
- Comment on When was the last time you made Jello? 7 months ago:
Never. Pudding, custard, and mousse, occasionally.
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
Propaganda. Block, report, unsubscribe, or leave the platform.
- Comment on What is DNC is working with RNC 7 months ago:
Many people already know this and can’t do anything about it. Please resume your regularly scheduled busywork routine.
- Comment on Is there any real physical proof that Jesus christ ever existed? 8 months ago:
Some people say yes, some say no. Christians, agnostics, and atheists on all sides. I hope that answers your question.
- Comment on Why not serve fried chicken on Juneteenth? How is it different from serving corned beef on St. Patrick’s day? 8 months ago:
Ignore what everyone on the internet says. They are wrong. Eat what you want. Just make sure everybody participating is comfortable. If you’re not sure then ask them directly and listen to what they say.
- Comment on Is triple triple the same as triple triple triple? 10 months ago:
Triple: x + x + x = 3x Triple triple: 3x + 3x + 3x = 9x Triple triple triple: 9x + 9x + 9x = 27x