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- Comment on Having $270 billion dollars and spending the bulk of your time trying to make more money is like weighing 900 pounds and thinking "ooh, I bet I can get to 1000". 2 months ago:
He doesn’t have $270 billion dollars. He has $270 billion dollars worth of assets.
- Comment on 82-year-old Las Vegas McDonald's worker can't afford to retire after decades of service 5 months ago:
The article is light on details, but I am assuming he was a draftee in Vietnam, which means he served for about 2 years. You become eligible for a military pension after 20 years of service. I’m not sure what you mean by “we’ll past social security” - ‘well past social security’ ? If so, He is totally eligible for social security. The catch is, your SS benefits are based on what you contributed when you were working. Again, details are scant in the article, but it sounds like this guy didn’t have many high paying jobs during his lifetime.
- Comment on How come liberals dont hate conservatives the way conservatives hate liberals 7 months ago:
What political opponents have been killed? Of any political stripe??