- Comment on What's easier to shoot, a bow or a firearm? 6 days ago:
An untrained bowman will have a hard time to hit a stationary target 7m away. A revolver will hit most of the time and even without any training you will find it easy enough to load the weapon. Maintaining a bow is not much easier than a revolver.
- Comment on i took an iq test and it was nice and i took my time doing it but the answer was 86, is that bad?? 6 days ago:
Not using proper punctuation or capitalization will hurt your future job opportunities more.
- Comment on BRASSICAS 1 week ago:
Literally none.
- Comment on YSK that scientifically and zoologically, there's no such thing as alpha males, and a human "alpha male" personality is a transgender identity/gender performance 3 weeks ago:
OP, are you high right now?
- Comment on Gowron delivers every single time 👌 4 weeks ago:
What’s up with the order? (Please tell me it’s a hidden message or code!)
- Comment on xcoffee 4 months ago:
“Whoever takes the last cup brews a new pot.” I think that’s already mentioned in the Bible as the “golden rule”.
- Comment on 👁 👁 5 months ago:
Both images are heavily edited. With different filters. Any assumption about their real colors is moot.
- Comment on Ryzen CPU owners can now download better gaming performance thanks to a Windows 11 update 6 months ago:
You wouldn’t steal a RAM!
- Comment on I don't remember this scene from Indiana Jones 6 months ago:
You can’t imagine a archeologist burrowing a hole in the desert?
- Comment on Technically Correct 6 months ago:
I wouldn’t trust the plumbing in the UK. They do crazy two-faucet stuff.
- Comment on 🐊🐓🦖 6 months ago:
Yeah, it’s like being related to your family. Most people would consider your relatives to be related to you.
- Comment on 🐊🐓🦖 6 months ago:
The joke is that birds aren’t only related to dinos, but are dinos themselves.
- Comment on Technically Correct 6 months ago:
I wouldn’t drink tap water outside of continental Europe. Maybe the original OP is simply in a third world country like the US.
- Comment on Bill Gates says not to worry about AI's energy draw 8 months ago:
Bill Gates says the massive power draw required for AI processing is nothing to worry about as AI will ultimately identify ways to help cut power consumption and drive the transition to sustainable energy.
The final solution the AI comes up with: Cut the power of the poor, euthanize the old and weak.
- Comment on Elon Musk Begs Advertisers to Return as Twitter's Revenue Plunges 8 months ago:
“Give me 60 billions this year, or the Tesla stock will lose even of more of its price next year!” – Elon, probably.
- Comment on PSI 8 months ago:
The average Green Winged Macaw can generate around 400 PSI in one bite – that’s much stronger than the average human bite!
Moluccan Cockatoo: It’s bite force suprasses even that of the Macaw, weighing in at over 500 PSI.
- Comment on What if as I get older, like a Mandela effect, everyone's understanding of what the average life span is increases? 9 months ago:
- Comment on Why are male social workers so different? 10 months ago:
passive-aggressive defensiveness
Um, what?
If you had 17 case workers, then I guess 16 weren’t a good fit for you, not only 2.