- Comment on Now that Trump is getting real chummy with Putin where does that leave China? 6 days ago:
Devil’s advocate opinion.
After spending a fair bit of time in China, I’ve come to understand one thing. A weaker America is good for China, but, China does not want to lead the world. Sloppy seconds works better from China.
Many years ago, Richard Branson, wrote that in his fight with British Airways, he actually preferred being second. This because nobody is gunning for you. Everyone always guns for gold, but a silver is not a bad thing either but nobody is in the race thinking, golly, I’m going for silver this time.
So, China has no real interest in the liabilities that come with leading the world. It’s a headache that does not benefit them. Own the infrastructure, mine the planet, sell plastic crap, that is fine, but rule the world, problems. Everyone turns to you for solutions or is trying to bring you down. Better to just chill.
- Comment on Right-wing YouTubers back South Korea president's last stand 2 months ago:
Nuts, right?
- Comment on Best HDD/SSD for local media hosting 3 months ago:
Thanks for this.
- Comment on Best HDD/SSD for local media hosting 3 months ago:
Used to run over 40 drives. Backblaze pointed out those Toshiba’s. Man they do not die.
- Comment on which VPS do you recommend? 5 months ago:
One of the best decisions I made, two years later. 💪
- Comment on Do you selfhost your own blog/website? 5 months ago:
I self host a Grav site among other things on a 15 Euro VPS.
Also, I started with Ghost but the fact that they locked up the newsletter side of business to a single provider and were unwilling to rework things at the time made me walk away. Yes, I know you could go code side, and add others, but that was a complicated setup in itself. Grav works perfectly for me.
- Comment on Current best lemmy clients 6 months ago:
- Comment on Shopping app Temu is “dangerous malware,” spying on your texts, lawsuit claims 8 months ago:
Been this way for many years. Ads don’t bother me. And if its continuous help, then we roll with it. But someday I may do the thing.
- Comment on Shopping app Temu is “dangerous malware,” spying on your texts, lawsuit claims 8 months ago:
Support his development. I will pay to remove the ads at some point when I am not being lazy. Many people like him because he listens, makes changes, has tremendous support and so on. Not to say that others don’t but that is just how we roll.
- Comment on Shopping app Temu is “dangerous malware,” spying on your texts, lawsuit claims 8 months ago:
He is the dev who made Boost.
- Comment on Shopping app Temu is “dangerous malware,” spying on your texts, lawsuit claims 8 months ago:
I’m all for Libre but in this case u/rmayayo is my leader.
- Comment on Shopping app Temu is “dangerous malware,” spying on your texts, lawsuit claims 8 months ago:
- Comment on Shopping app Temu is “dangerous malware,” spying on your texts, lawsuit claims 8 months ago:
Been using Boost since it was a Reddit client. By default, it is my go to.
- Comment on Shopping app Temu is “dangerous malware,” spying on your texts, lawsuit claims 8 months ago:
The irony
- Comment on Self-hosted website for posting web novel/fiction 9 months ago:
I am currently using this to do exactly what you are doing. I moved from Ghost cause of many reasons. Can share links in PM if you want.