- Comment on Dark mode’s bright future: How dark mode will transform Wikipedia’s accessibility 7 months ago:
Are you also upset when they do a donation drive and have a pre-article header literally asking for money?
- Comment on Portable CD players are back and now work with wireless headphones 7 months ago:
Heck yeah!
I had a Sony atrak 3+ player back in the day (around 2002, probably, because I used it at work) which was just an mp3 file compression alternative served up on a special cd player instead of an mp3 player… they tried… anyway I had a re-writable disc that I’d add stuff to whenever I downloaded it, and I think the one cd had like 1800 songs on it or so (and lots of space left)
That didn’t skip, even working a physical job, unless I banged it against something. Part of why I got it. But when I put regular discs in, they would skip a lot if I didn’t have it laying flat.
- Comment on Portable CD players are back and now work with wireless headphones 7 months ago:
This is one of those “they were so concerned with if they could do it, they didn’t stop to think if they should” sort of things.
Portable cd players were never actually that portable, because cds are just big. Minidisc players sure, but those never really caught on. MP3 players, however, caught on because they are small and easily portable, and the library doesn’t take up a binder.
- Comment on Michigan’s “Fair and Reasonable” Reforms Allowed Car Insurers to Charge More in Black Neighborhoods – The Markup 7 months ago:
Normally I’m not a fan of transparent background scrolling content (it’s obnoxious and a waste of space) but the little car was a cute touch. Entirely unnecessary, but cute.
- Comment on Real criminals, fake victims: how chatbots are being deployed in the global fight against phone scammers 7 months ago:
Keep in mind that all of these could be more or less stopped if there was any real desire to do so.
But there isn’t.
- Comment on gaudy and not my vibe 7 months ago:
I tracked down the house I lived in until I was 5. I have lots of pictures of it in its glory and I remember it fondly.
It was an old 1800s school building that my parents converted into a house. Very cool building, lots of old-school charm (hehe).
Finding it was a huge mistake. The present owners don’t even live in it, they built a house just to the side of it and use the old structure as support for solar panels, and probably storage for the junk sprawling over the property. Which… I’m down with solar but it’s so sad to see something with so much history, charm, and character… absolutely ruined in under 30 years.
- Comment on VA-11 Hall-A devs’ next game is a modern successor to horror strategy classic Parasite Eve, and that has me unreasonably excited 7 months ago:
Oh man, parasite eve was so frustrating, but such a good game!
Is it considered strategy because of the (vvvvvvvvvery) limited ammo/supplies? I… wouldn’t have pegged it that way, personally, hence the question.
Idk if it would be my cup of tea these days, but I’m kinda excited to try it either way :)
- Comment on Freeloaders 7 months ago:
It’s often both because funneling! Yay!
- Comment on What's up with all the "___punk" stuff? 8 months ago:
Yes! Ok that probably helps a lot. Because I’ve seen a HUGE rise in _core (cottagecore, goblin core, Forrest core, witch core, etc. and that’s just here on Lemmy)
I hope that takes off more and leaves Punk behind so it can fit better. :) I’m sure the distinction exists for a reason.
And yeah steampunk is sort of the odd duck in what the other major __punk actually hit, but I did have some friends waaaaaaay back when steampunk was brand new, big into it, and they took it all the way to the social changes necessary for never evolving past the Industrial Revolution… so I’m probably heavily biased by that (then again in highschool they had canes, waistcoats, and top hats, and basically cosplayed as English gentlemen all the time so… probably not an ideal sample!)
- Comment on What's up with all the "___punk" stuff? 8 months ago:
I probably have explored furry punk to some extent - any game/cartoon in which the main character is a non-human animal technically counts for that, I should think. Bonus if they are anthropomorphized. But it’s not called furrypunk afaik, or I’d probably throw that in too.
Beyond that I have no idea what those things even would be. Tho the current state of the US is very meat based so I think you’d have to go vegpunk on that one, at least where I’m at, for it to be an alternative option.
- Comment on What's up with all the "___punk" stuff? 8 months ago:
Isn’t factorio just pixel art? I wanna say 8/16 bit but it certainly is not that :p
Fwiw my only experience with factorio is that dude who made a working computer, built his own optimization, and ran doom on it (very very very slowly) so I’ve only seen it in that one video.
- Comment on What's up with all the "___punk" stuff? 8 months ago:
I tend to agree with that sentiment. Hence the confusion over everything being __punk.
- Comment on What's up with all the "___punk" stuff? 8 months ago:
I’m probably equally old so yeah that’s sort of how I envision it as well.
That helps, actually, more than one might expect.
- Comment on What's up with all the "___punk" stuff? 8 months ago:
When I think of __punk, I think about it having a whole -way of life- change, not just an aesthetic change. Cyberpunk incorporates all of the dystopia of deeply embedded tech and stuff. Solarpunk is the whole “living with nature” ideal, even steampunk had to reimagine how things would work (tho admittedly that’s way more of an aesthetic than the other two imho).
So it’s basically a meaningless term then? That’s disappointing. I really want to explore other… hypothetical options I suppose.
- Comment on What's up with all the "___punk" stuff? 8 months ago:
I mean I get that it’s used that way, but that doesn’t address what I want to know - are these “more than aesthetic”, or is it watering down what punk means by being applied too broadly?
I’m tend to think it’s the latter, because while the three I called out specifically are an aesthetic, they are also “alternative present/future” in a rebellious and/or politicized sort of way. They are sort of “what if?” Or “this would be good/bad/interesting”.
I don’t think the others really have that quality, but I’m not deeply involved with anything that would really help sort it out. So here I am :)
- Submitted 8 months ago to nostupidquestions@lemmy.world | 69 comments
- Comment on Looks like paradise 8 months ago:
🎶outdoor… Wisconsin 🎶🎶
- Comment on Can't get that metallic taste out of my mouth 8 months ago:
It’s not true for any piercing, so no.
The jewelry should be non-reactive metal, and thus doesn’t have a distinct flavor. Unless you’ve never tasted anything cooked on stainless, in which case you might notice it.
But likely? No.
- Comment on Ironing 8 months ago:
I did that in the military. They were less keen and some shit hit some fans or whatever. So I got me some safety pins for my neckline and they shut the fuck up and my millennial self rejoiced.
- Comment on Snail Girl Summer ☀️ 8 months ago:
Most terrestrial snails are hermaphroditic, so boys can also be snail girls, if they want :)
- Comment on Unrealistic Body Standards 8 months ago:
- Comment on Singlehood is on the rise around the world. New evidence suggests many single people are choosing to remain single and living happy lives. 8 months ago:
Considering the lifescript tells people they are a failure if they are not paired off (and reproducing in the suburbs as a single income family, all unattainable goals these days), you do actually have to choose. It’s easier for a lot of people to have a string of bad relationships than “give up” as you put it, and nobody ever says “don’t date anymore!” Quite the opposite.
But at a certain point a person may realize the effort isn’t worth whatever nebulous “reward” supposedly comes from being paired off, because they can get all the same stuff from other social bonds. Then they choose to stop engaging, even passively, with the dating scene. (By passively, I mean they are no longer receptive to the idea of dating, even if the planets line up)
I see this as a very deliberate choice. It’s one I made for myself. It’s a harder choice for a lot of people because it means focusing on other relationships, building up the social circle you need to have your emotional needs met, and loving yourself as you are with no change needed to accommodate another. But it’s an equally valid choice all the same, especially when our species doesn’t do monogamy well at all, but does do social-support bonds very well.
It has nothing to do with learning to love yourself to be a better partner. People who have deliberately chosen to stay single don’t care if they are a good monogamy partner because that’s not what they are looking for, and they actively don’t want it if it does show up. Implying it is is like all those people who tell people that have chosen not to have kids “well you’ll change your mind!!” It’s dismissive of the decisions they made for themselves for reasons no-one else is privy to. And all those people who were told they’d change their mind about kids… didn’t change their mind, shockingly.
- Comment on X is about to start hiding all likes 8 months ago:
I mean now that you can’t see shit without being logged in, they already sort of did that for a lot of people.
- Comment on I need to wake up early 9 months ago:
You sound like you don’t have adhd, which makes routines like that a problem. I do, which is why I don’t recommend things with short battery life.
I’m just saying that not everyone is great with “one more device to charge every day” when all they need is a vibrating alarm and there are options that don’t require that.
- Comment on I need to wake up early 9 months ago:
If only the battery lasted more than a day, day and a half tops…
I’ve had numerous watches, just because I need an alarm on me for medications (ranging from cheap $30 models, through Fitbit/athletic watches, up to the Apple watch), and they basically all have the vibration feature. The Apple Watch has probably the worst battery life of any of them I’ve tried, and I’ve tried really hard to extend it…
Some of the really dirt cheap ones you pair with the watch, set the alarms, then unpair (because they are cheap Chinese brands with all sorts of tracking if you use the app), and the battery on the watch is good for like a week. If you want to keep the shitty app running, or have a spare device to pair it with, you can change alarms on the fly.
Either way, I wouldn’t recommend an Apple Watch to someone who just wants a vibrating alarm. They are not good for that single use, unless you actually want all the other stuff it does and are fine with the crap battery life. Same with any major smart watch. If all you need is an alarm, they are super overkill and just one more thing to keep charged.
- Comment on School board votes to restore Confederate names to schools in Shenandoah County - It Passed 9 months ago:
If not for the social aspect of it I’d be on board also. I struggle to live that closely with others.
It’s the sort of thing I’d like to see done with existing abandoned malls, though. Might cost a bit to retrofit, but I think you could easily get away with shared facilities (bathrooms/kitchens) and separate living space, as long as it doesn’t cost a lot to live there. Make them communal living spaces that function as a whole indoor community.
- Comment on School board votes to restore Confederate names to schools in Shenandoah County - It Passed 9 months ago:
My highschool literally used the blueprints, with very few changes, from the local prison to build the school.
We had cell blocks for home rooms, and you’d just go between the four classrooms/cells within the block for the day, then another 4 the next day (so alternate classes on alternate days). No windows in most classrooms, just the cell blocks.
The hallways could all be monitored from a single central location, and it was riddled with security cameras.
The only things it didn’t have were the fence around the outside, guard towers, and bars. They even used the same color scheme, but in reverse. It was incredibly un-subtle and not a comfortable place to learn…
- Comment on Dating apps are as if someone turned the job application experience into a pastime activity 9 months ago:
Idk, my step dad met my mom in the 90s by taking out a personal ad in the paper. It said, in full (minus A/S/L and contact info):
“Can’t dance, won’t cook, never had a job. Frog seeks princess.”
So it can be done in a text-length message. It’s rare to find a good match that way though (and they weren’t!), because it’s very little to go on.
- Comment on kissies 9 months ago:
You wash your face regularly throughout the day? How much dos your skin hate you?
- Comment on Can we all agree that whatever version of predictive text we have nowadays is crap, and has been for a long time? 10 months ago:
Yet if you want to start with well, it’ll always change itself to we’ll. Because of course. (Which I had to go back in and edit twice to make it read how I wanted, because it’s aggressive and will do what it wants even several words later, so be real fucking careful.)
Same with Wed (like Wednesday)/wed and we’d (which I originally wrote in the opposite order but when I wrote the second one it decided I wanted to change the first to match… so fun!)
But one can’t turn off autocorrect because that’s a disaster too… impossible to hit the right letters.