- Comment on I Used to Teach Students. Now I Catch ChatGPT Cheats. 3 days ago:
Most of the comments here appear that way. It’s kind of darkly humourous considering the essay.
- Comment on Grubhub is laying off about 500 employees, or ~23% of its workforce, following its takeover by Wonder in November 2024. 1 week ago:
Speech and thought are bidirectional, meaning not only is there the obvious relationship of thought influencing language but there is a less obvious relationship where language actually changes how we think. Much like how the food you consume becomes your bones, muscles and nerves, you literally “are what you eat” when it comes to words, speech and thoughts. In that sense the language of a message gives us insight into the mind of the author beyond their literal intent.
Which is scary when you consider people actually think in a manner that produces this ultra processed corporate diarrhea. It’s no wonder these people believe LLMs can replace humanity when their thoughts look like this. Shit is like reverse poetry. The only coherent message I see is that companies delivering ultra processed foods have ultra processed minds. Guessing that wasn’t their literal intent.
I hope the people affected end up with something better.
- Comment on Caption this. 3 months ago:
Homer, are you still holding the can?
- Comment on Blizzard Co-Founder Reveals True Reason For Departure 5 months ago:
I worked there during this time, and this pretty much confirms what everyone feared when the merger was announced. Part of me wants to read this book, but I know it will make me really mad.
Just a little anecdote, we had a meeting shortly after where Frank Pierce told us that major changes would basically happen over Morhaime’s dead body. So when he left (and Pierce also) it was clear that it was over.
- Comment on Using The Wind And Magnets To Make Heat 8 months ago:
The article doesn’t really do Tim justice. He’s a bodger who is basically a genius for what I can only describe as Goblin technology. His projects are as much about fun and experimenting as having a result. In the first windmill video he acknowledged that he could just buy a small electric windmill, but that’s not the point.
I mean, this is the dude who made a narrow gauge railroad and a compressed air locomotive to transport wood to his terrifying biochar chopper and crucible.
- Comment on Ironing 8 months ago:
Yep, old shirts came out of the wash looking like a fucking Calabi-Yau manifold, even casual wear.
- Comment on Study that asked people to count squashed bugs reveals worrying results 10 months ago:
I’ve been fighting tree of heaven for years, and I’ve had the most success with triclopyr ester mixed with oil. The product I use is called Pathfinder. Can’t use it close to water though. But I’ve been able to take a couple totally infested acres down to just the occasional seedling. No hacking required, which is nice, just soak the trunk around the base in late summer.