- Comment on What are your Homelab goals for 2025? 2 months ago:
Move from Ubuntu to Debian and add more cameras to frigate.
- Comment on Amazon will “ramp up” Prime Video ads in 2025 5 months ago:
And they’ve already ramped it up quite a bit. Been watching a show for couple of months, used to be one ad per episode, which I could handle, now it’s like every 10 minutes. So I’ve already cancelled and found the show using other ways.
- Comment on I wrote a web front end for downloading Youtube videos, and i'd love some feedback 5 months ago:
Why is this always the top comment when somebody makes something with the same functionality as another service?
It’s just good there are some different options, maybe the UI is better, better tech stack, more responsive dev, who knows.
- Comment on Microsoft Closes Redfall Developer Arkane Austin, Hi-Fi Rush Developer Tango Gameworks, and More in Devastating Cuts at Bethesda 9 months ago:
Hi-fi rush was very successful as far as I know, weird to close that.
- Comment on Apple iPhone sales decline 10% in first three months of 2024 10 months ago:
I mean how many people don’t have a smartphone by now? Do they expect to sell more and more every year?
- Comment on Samsung shifts executives to six-day workweeks to “inject a sense of crisis” 10 months ago:
Crisis mode because they “only” made $456 million last year. Year on year growth can’t go on forever, there has to be a max somewhere, crazy.
- Comment on Reddit Is Taking Over Google 10 months ago:
I was googling gen ai transformers yesterday and most of the results were just heavily SEOd websites, where the first few paragraphs are just repeats of as many related keywords as possible to get high up in Google. Then the actual content I was looking for was usually garbage.
- Comment on Formula 1 chief appalled to find team using Excel to manage 20,000 car parts 11 months ago:
Maybe not the best, but 20k things in Excel doesn’t sound like that big of a deal.