- Submitted 1 month ago to | 3 comments
- Comment on Linus Torvalds affirms expulsion of Russian maintainers 4 months ago:
Not gonna lie, this is kinda a refutation of the whole open source model. I was led to believe that it shouldn’t matter who writes the code, as long the code is able to be interrogated/corrected.
- Comment on Norwegian government to set 15-year age limit for using social media 4 months ago:
If this is any guide, there should also be an upper limit on age too.
- Comment on Youtube has fully blocked Invidious 5 months ago:
I wonder if some kind of mesh might work. Maybe like a secret Santa type deal. By that I mean everyone who connects, gets a randomised, anonymous partner or partners. Everyone in the swarm streams for each other.
- Comment on Dozens from UK take up Putin’s offer to ditch ‘woke’ West and move to Russia 5 months ago:
At least 34 people have requested to move to Russia from the UK
What does this mean. So the actual number could be any number between 34 and the entire population of the UK?
Or, does it mean that there is 34 people that we know of. And they’re having trouble finding anyone else.
I wonder how many Russians have left Russia in the same time period.
I also wonder what percentage 34 people are of the entire population of the UK.
It just strikes me as a desperate propaganda ploy from the Kremlin. Inflating a nothing burger beyond all proportion.
I wish our expats well. And the best of luck to 'em.
- Comment on The $700 PS5 Pro doesn’t come with a disc drive 5 months ago:
This is yet another nail in the coffin of physical media. Or, in other words games you actually own instead of long term lease.
- Comment on The $700 PS5 Pro doesn’t come with a disc drive 5 months ago:
I think Sony never wanted a physical media PS5 console. The design made it seem like an after thought. Like a growth on the side of sleek lines.
- Comment on Trump promotes family's new crypto platform, 'The Defiant Ones' 5 months ago:
The main difference between these “shit coins” and fiat is once the shit coin scammers eventually pull the rug, they cannot just print more of that coin. Fiat scammers can just print more of that currency.
But in both situations one does need to look at the economics of the coins, and the priors of the people in control.
- Comment on Trump promotes family's new crypto platform, 'The Defiant Ones' 5 months ago:
I think I didn’t make myself clear. When I said “by volume” I meant was the amount of value the different systems hold and the amount of if not outright fraud, negative aspects of the systems. The fiat money systems’ money supply has a fundamental weakness, it can be created out of thin air so is constantly loosing value. Think of all the investment vehicles or other assets that tie themselves to this loosing value asset. Trillions in USD. And what’s it all backed by? Ultimately guns. Well most crypto currency is backed by maths and no matter how many guns you point at it, you cannot make 2+2= anything other than 4.
- Comment on Trump promotes family's new crypto platform, 'The Defiant Ones' 6 months ago:
While I support crypto you gotta pick your asset. And, boy this is a dud.
- Comment on Trump promotes family's new crypto platform, 'The Defiant Ones' 6 months ago:
I would say the fiat money system is the biggest con, at least by volume. What with all the quantitative easing and fractional reserve banking.
- Comment on Train cancellations up 9% in a year despite soaring fares and bonuses 7 months ago:
I would argue that cronyism is a symptom of capitalism. Regulatory capture and buying off politicians is a damn fine return on investment.
This is not to say communism didn’t also have it’s problem with corruption and bribes.
Without proper oversight, any human run thing is subject to this universal law: humans are lazy and greedy.
- Comment on Julian Assange has reached a plea deal with the U.S., allowing him to go free 8 months ago:
I wonder what he had to give up in the plea deal.
- Comment on Train cancellations up 9% in a year despite soaring fares and bonuses 8 months ago:
This is the outcome of Capitalism . Even the new Open Access Operators are no guarantee of sustainable salvation. As Capitalism in a free market will always seek to acquire and merge. Or out compete and destroy competition.
- Comment on After announcing increased prices, Spotify to Pay Songwriters About $150 Million Less Next Year 9 months ago:
While it doesn’t have well known artists, indie streaming Resonate prides itself as having the most generous (or at least, close to) payments to artists. To support this, it has an innovative payment model akin to higher purchase. You pay a little for the first listen to a track, but the price increases through subsequent listens. After 9 listens, you own the track outright. The total cost of ownership is around $0.9
- Submitted 9 months ago to | 0 comments
- Comment on Open source project seeks to clone classic Z80 chip • The Register 9 months ago:
Interesting, I see possible mutual assistance between this project and MisterFPGA, MARS and other FPGA projects. I guess the real difficulty is getting a fab set up to manufacture the chips. Once again, maybe they can take a page out of another project’s book like armsid or, more aptly the Apollo line of computer upgrades and cycle accurately emulate the functionality in some other freely available silicon.
- Comment on Promoted on TikTok, ‘No Thanks’ boycott app targets products tied to Israel 10 months ago:
Not always and not all the time. One only has to look at the many rightwing outrage, astroturf boycotts.
- Comment on Promoted on TikTok, ‘No Thanks’ boycott app targets products tied to Israel 10 months ago:
Slightly off topic, but wasn’t there a general purpose boycott app? One that allowed one to figure out the political stance behind products. Initially it was marketed as the anti-woke app, but further investigation showed that anti-woke was only one profile of many you could subscribe to.
- Comment on is harvesting your Discord history with no ability to opt-out 10 months ago:
This is assuming the bots are allowed (or, at least not prevented in coming) in by the server admin and the bot is not obfuscated some how. If the bots are taking advantage of an expolit, or not being up front, then we have trouble.
- Comment on So much for free speech on X; Musk confirms new users must soon pay to post 10 months ago:
I think the real solution is he wants money. If it was solely to reduce spam/bot activities, then there are other ways to do that. Maybe a Bitcoin-style proof of work scheme where evey post needs to show a hash of the message with a nonce. The difficulty needn’t be that hard to make mass posting computaionally unfeasible.
In fact, Bitcoin appropriated this proposal to reduce email spam. It never took off with email as it was an open system and network effects and a catch 22 meant that it floundered. But X, née twitter is a closed off dictatorship. They could force it through edict.