- Comment on where the magic happens owo 3 months ago:
Some kinda lab work, maybe blood chem or urinalysis. I should clarify that since I’m a software person I don’t even know what they do, really, I just fix it when they stop transmitting lab test results to the database.
- Comment on where the magic happens owo 3 months ago:
I fix software on these things! No one ever quite gets what I do for work, it’s nice to run across in the wild.
I feel seen lol
- Comment on Smart sous vide cooker to start charging $2/month for 10-year-old companion app 6 months ago:
Nope, wildly wrong lol
Fancy restaurant tool that became a home appliance.
- Comment on Smart sous vide cooker to start charging $2/month for 10-year-old companion app 6 months ago:
Plus they are about 20x cheaper to cook with than an oven in terms of energy efficiency
- Comment on Ah sweet! 6 months ago:
Thats what im thinking- i rarely eat meat but how could i pass up ethical long pig? Im too curious
- Comment on Elon Musk has another secret child with exec at his brain implant company 8 months ago:
Another employee says she refused Musk’s requests to have children with him several times, according to the Journal.
What. The. Fuck.
- Comment on Ordered back to the office, top tech talent left instead, study finds 9 months ago:
Same boat! My company is in Cali, I’m in midwest. I cost less than a Cali hire, but i make decent money for my area.
- Comment on 40-year-old delivers for DoorDash to help pay down her $100,000 student loan debt—on top of her full-time job 10 months ago:
Same- all threats, don’t know anyone actually being garnished.
When my choice was pay loans or eat, i ate, and i sure af am not going to call someone and offer them money just because it got slightly better a couple years later. Ive never owned a new couch, i am not well off.
If debtors prisons come back, I’m fucked, but until then, frankly, what can they do? I can’t afford a house or kids either way, and i am not throwing away anything on interest that will only grow and stress me out.
I have no idea what i must owe now, over triple my salary, min.
They sold a for-profit bullshit degree.
Fuck em
- Comment on 40-year-old delivers for DoorDash to help pay down her $100,000 student loan debt—on top of her full-time job 10 months ago:
My parent encouraged me to take out loans including housing, then charged me rent from it lol
Not all parents are helpful
- Comment on 40-year-old delivers for DoorDash to help pay down her $100,000 student loan debt—on top of her full-time job 10 months ago:
You’re right. Im late 30s, took out tons of loans at 17yo, and my dad swindled me out of anything that didnt go directly to tuition.
I stopped paying a decade ago, keep waiting for my checks to be garnished, but hasn’t happened yet.
I don’t use credit, im financially not an adult in many ways, but i kept waaaaay more of my money than anyone else i know.
- Comment on Thanks, Grandma! 10 months ago:
Note to self, future thrift project!
- Comment on Doing nothing is a mandatory biological function. 10 months ago:
Yeah i had that realization when i lost my job and actually caught up on sleep- if i get at least nine hours of good sleep a night, all the time, and don’t live in constant burnout, i have almost no symptoms.
I’m sick from trying to live up to their standards. I’m just a sleepy critter, not a broken person ffs.
- Comment on Doing nothing is a mandatory biological function. 10 months ago:
When people around me complain about being worn out, i cheerfully remind them that we’re about the only critters that don’t just fucking REST when we’re TIRED.
Why the FUCK is it normal to down stimulants ‘like an adult’ instead of napping?
I’m narcoleptic, and I’ve been defending my need for sleep my whole life- but mostly, its me reminding people that I nap when my body feels fatigued, like every other mammal I’m aware of, and perhaps I’m not the unusual one.
- Comment on average reddit user 11 months ago:
I saw that shit, did you see how hard that guy had to work that thing to keep it upright? Probably not the couch potato weekend toy people hope it is.
Totally an ad.
- Comment on Canada: Indigenous fishermen left to walk shoeless after officers seized boots 11 months ago:
Thats pretty fucked up after those starlight tours. ACAB
- Comment on Young people becoming less happy than older generations, research shows 11 months ago:
How bout this-
Tell us something to be happy about that isn’t being profitized or enshittified. Did the older generations get that?
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Hell yes. I’m sick of collaborating in my own long term destruction just so I’m not immediately homeless.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
we wouldn’t have to go full communism
That’s a feature, not a bug
- Comment on Mississippi police officer accused of forcing prisoner to drink his own urine 11 months ago:
Right there with you. Cruelty is stomach turning, full stop.
- Comment on Mississippi police officer accused of forcing prisoner to drink his own urine 11 months ago:
That’s somehow still worse than I was expecting