- Comment on Bad UX is keeping the majority of people away from Lemmy 1 week ago:
You can use extreme examples about any group, like black americans, or chinese, japanese or vietnamese enemies and then use derogatory names for the whole group.
Doing that is called racism. Example: You’re a racist, like a nazi. Since we’re on lemmy, all lemmy users are nazis. See how stupid that is to say?
Once a war starts, law and order goes out the window and war crimes are inevitable, as well as awful death and destruction and untold suffering.
And Russia is not solely responsible for starting this war. Should others who helped to start it not be held accountable?
Also, the civilian death toll in the Ukraine war is still lower than the death toll in gaza or the (second) iraq invasion. It’s also hypocritical to dehumanize Russians but not USArians.
- Comment on Bad UX is keeping the majority of people away from Lemmy 1 week ago:
Lemmy has little reactionary people, but your definitions on who is authoritarian or who or what is “good” or “evil” have been manufactured by the mainstream media.
If you ever wonder on how to prevent foreign or capitalist interference into elections and mainstream social media, you will find yourself looking to China and Russia for inspiration.
Instead Lemmy has cut off any dissent from the actual socialists, those who oppose the systems that created the conditions for the rise of neofascism. People can’t even imagine or tolerate other ways of managing power. Therefor Lemmy is a failure.
- Comment on Bad UX is keeping the majority of people away from Lemmy 3 weeks ago:
Well, when I started to use lemmy I had a few problems:
- I read something on the landing page about “Mastodon account works too” so tried that, so basically confused fediverse, activitypub, mastodon and lemmy and wondered why nothing worked. Oops.
- I tried to join a community that was meant to migrate away from reddit, but found two duplicates. So I wasn’t sure which one was the correct one. Ultimately the migration failed, even though it was a software oriented community
- Then I soon wanted to make a new account on a server that doesn’t require an email. Because emails today are basically personally identifiable for security agencies.
- Then I found out that socialists are called tankies on lemmy and some of the main socialist instances are banned by the limbrols. So I made a new account and posted a little and had an interesting discussion about voting in proto-fascist democracies and promptly got banned by the tankies. Oh well.
- Then I had a discussion about how calling russian people “orcs” is racist. You guessed it, banned.
- Well several accounts later, here I am, the last sane man on the internet and you all fucking suck hahaha
I do think lemmy is worthwhile and can be fun, but as a reddit alternative it has already failed. You cannot purge insanity by splitting it up into smaller insanlets. That’s just schizophrenia.
- Comment on Bad UX is keeping the majority of people away from Lemmy 3 weeks ago:
Ah yes, the US is being run by a fascist pedophile and his 4 techbros of the apocalypse, but lets focus on the tankies because clearly they are the real problem haha.
- Comment on Bad UX is keeping the majority of people away from Lemmy 3 weeks ago:
The closer we are to irrelevance, the farther we are from harm!
- Comment on I'm a US citizen, people in other countries, what do you think when you read stories like these about the US health care system? 1 year ago:
what do you think when you read stories like these
Honestly they are so fucking sad I try to avoid reading them. Another example is this one: She Was Denied an Abortion After Roe Fell. This Is a Year in Her Family’s Life.
The monsters have been trying to do the same things in Europe though, UK has underfunded the NHS and healthcare in Germany is in deliberate decline too.
- Comment on delicious 1 year ago:
Yeah, check out the other detailed answers.
- Comment on Not there 1 year ago:
Can you see the stingers with the naked eye to pull them out? I thought they were microscopic.
I wonder if something like a vacuum would work.
- Comment on Not there 1 year ago:
Now the meme needs a new title: “Dave! I’ve been stung by a Jellyfish! Quick, get the credit card!” goes on to buy another burger
- Comment on For those thinking of going back to reddit. Gaze upon this comment section and reconsider. 1 year ago:
It’s certainly not a guarantee but I do think there is a “scalability problem” with democracy.
- Comment on Just a little late night TV 1 year ago:
I’m ashamed to say I liked this more than I should have
- Comment on The upcoming Crazy Taxi reboot is a triple-A game, according to Sega 1 year ago:
From what I remember it was kinda like a GTA 3 predecessor?
- Comment on For those thinking of going back to reddit. Gaze upon this comment section and reconsider. 1 year ago:
I think this is a huge problem with democracy as well. The larger a country, the worse democracy works. Any apparatus of power or wealth attracts parasites only interested in exploiting it. And the larger the lever, the more profit from manipulating it. And the larger the potential gain the more investment costs can you justify.
This isn’t an argument for states rights or federation though, with “divide and conquer” strategies you can copy and paste the same strategy to multiple instances. If there is monetary gain to be had, there will always be an unrelenting force trying to exploit it.
- Comment on Data contamination expert 👌 1 year ago:
I’m pissed at reddit but I still hate searching for something and finding a post on reddit discussing it, only to find some of the posts being deleted or overwritten.
- Comment on delicious 1 year ago:
Oh wow thanks for the detailed answer! I guess the most likely answer is that it probably will degrade over a long time span, and during that time negative effects could happen.
- Comment on delicious 1 year ago:
Is microplastic in soil any worse than silicate sand? I mean once it’s inert it’s inert right? Probably not the best sub to ask this lol
- Comment on Not there 1 year ago:
- Comment on Photofield v0.15.0 released: Google Photos alternative, now zoomier than ever! Plus related image search, map view, arm64, tags (alpha), and more! 1 year ago:
Cheers, didn’t know that something like a usable “open images dataset” existed. Awesome.
The last bit isn’t really relevant for your app, just a general rant really. It’s just that I’d like better image viewing support all around. Like in browsers there is an image and you can click on it but then a new tab opens. I have imagus but it’s not ideal and restricts the image to the smaller browser window. In the explorer I have quicklook now that opens images with space but the zoom feature is half assed too. Then many images apps have long startup times (>0.2 secs) or are bloaty. It’s just a bit annoying that it’s 2024 and PCs still can’t handle images really well.
- Comment on Photofield v0.15.0 released: Google Photos alternative, now zoomier than ever! Plus related image search, map view, arm64, tags (alpha), and more! 1 year ago:
Sorry if these are stupid questions.
Does this only show these foss_photo_libraries and your local photos?
Does it support jpegXL?
I’d love a seamless zoom feature for images in the browser. I use imagus but I’d love if the popup window could zoom to be bigger than the browser window.
- Comment on So glad I'm ditching these fucking idiots 1 year ago:
Yeah I got into Fusion360 a while back but predictably it gets worse and worse. Now I have to learn freecad so I don’t run into the same shit again lol
- Comment on Are there any genuine benefits to AI? 1 year ago:
Nice post. A while back I read something on reddit about a theory for technological advances always being used for the worst possible nightmare scenario. But I can’t find it now. Fundamentally I’m a technological optimist but I can’t even yet fully imagine the subtle systemic issues this will cause. Except the rather obvious one:
Algorithms on social media decide what people see and that shapes their perception of the world. It is relatively easy to manipulate in subtle ways. If AI can learn to categorize the psychology of users and then “blindly anticipate” what and how they will respond to stimuli (memes / news / framing) then that will in theory allow for a total control by means of psychological manipulation. I’m not sure how close we are to this, the counter argument would be that AI or LLMs currently don’t understand at all what is going on, but public relations / advertising / propaganda works on emotional levels and doesn’t “have to make sense”. The emotional logic is much easier to categorize and generate. So even if there is no blatant evil master plan just optimizing for max profit, max engagement, could make the AI pursue (dumbly) a broad strategy that is more evil than that.
- Comment on Are there any genuine benefits to AI? 1 year ago:
Have you tried out writing prompts for an image generating AI? If you have some idea and play around with it it’s quite a new thing. And extension of human imagination. YMMV
AI is helping us to correctly predict protein folding which will enable new medication. Afaik it’s a major breakthough that could allow alleviating a lot of suffering.
- Comment on Reddit has reportedly signed over its content to train AI models 1 year ago:
Yeah. I think there is a kind of power grab under way. Social media will try to push that they own the IP rights to the large texts uses for LLM. This will then require that producers of LLM software aquire the licensing rights which will cost many millions which in turn restricts the free use of LLM and in general any AI software that requires training data.
The end result is that as the “means of production” become less based on human work the “means of generation” and AI will be controlled by the capitalists. If you can turn something into a commodity (like knowledge with patents and IP) you can control it. Leading to a darker timeline.
- Comment on OpenAI introduces Sora, its text-to-video AI model 1 year ago:
Current AI can not conceptualise – much less realise – ideas, and so they can not be creative or create art by any sensible definition.
I kinda 100% agree with you on the art part since it can’t understand what it’s doing… On the other hand, I could swear that if you look at some generated AI imagines it’s kind of mocking us. It’s a reflection of our society in a weird mirror. Like a completely mad or autistic artist that is creating interesting imagery but has no clue what it means. Of course that exists only in my perception.
But it the sense of “inventive” or “imaginative” or “fertile” I find AI images absolutely creative. As such it’s telling us something about the nature of creative process, about the “limits” of human creativity - which is in itself art.
When you sit there thinking up or refining prompts you’re basically outsourcing the imaginative visualizing part of your brain. An “AI artist” might not be able draw well or even have the imagination, but he might have a purpose or meaning that he’s trying to visualize with the help of AI. So AI generation is at least some portion of the artistic or creative process but not all of it.
Imagine we could have a brain computer interface that lets us perceive virtual reality like with some extra pair of eyes. It could scan our thoughts and allows us to “write text” with our brain, and then immediately feeds back a visual AI generated stream that we “see”. You’d be a kind of creative superman. Seeing / imagining things in their head is of course what many people do their whole life but not in that quantity or breadth. You’d hear a joke and you would not just imagine it, you’d see it visualized in many different ways. Or you’d hear a tragedy and…
- Comment on OpenAI introduces Sora, its text-to-video AI model 1 year ago:
Lol you don’t know how cruel that is. For decades programmers have devoted their passion to creating hyperrealistic games and 3D graphics in general, and now poof it’s here like with a magic wand and people say “yeah well you should have made your 3D engine look like the real world, not to look like shit” :D
- Comment on 'We don't have shareholders, but we also don't think about them,' Larian Studios uses its stage time at the DICE Awards to speak out against a brutal industry climate 1 year ago:
The problem is publishers and the huge risk you’re selling to create a hit. You still have shareholders. Those who take the risk in financing a game development and those who own the IP.
Unless you got extremely lucky and can gamble with your own cash you always have shareholders in game development.
- Comment on Fox show hosts said Taylor Swift "should be conservative" given her background, because to them it's an identity. 1 year ago:
The problem is that FOX isn’t conservative, it’s reactionary. Conservative fundamentally means that you stick to what you know works, so they should all be social democrats. Because that is what worked the last 70 years. Not neoliberalism or magnifying fringe social issues
- Comment on 1 year ago:
Norm from Tested recently reviewed the “Ray-Ban Meta Smart Glasses”. The most interesting use case for him was to have good, non obtrusive earphones that allow you to hear normally without blocking people out.
- Comment on Tens of thousands protest in Budapest over sexual abuse case pardon 1 year ago:
the government would look to tighten child protection regulations
Online censorship and privacy invasion coming next lol
- Comment on Why do (desktop) PC have so few USB ports ? 1 year ago:
I’d be happy with a simple and cheap PCB with 6-8 USB-C ports that I can integrate into my desk similar to wall sockets. And that can do both high speed and power delivery.