- Comment on Cars will need fewer screens and more buttons to earn a 5-star safety rating in Europe | Euro NCAP will introduce new testing rules in 2026 requiring physical controls for the highest safety score 1 week ago:
and good luck getting those regs passed with this congress and this administration. it’s likely never going to happen unless the auto industry demands them.
- Comment on Cars will need fewer screens and more buttons to earn a 5-star safety rating in Europe | Euro NCAP will introduce new testing rules in 2026 requiring physical controls for the highest safety score 1 week ago:
oh I agree. the thing is elon has explicitly said that he doesn’t want a bunch of knobs in his cars and they should only have a central control screen to run everything. even the backup shift device is a touch sensor somewhere around the rear view iirc (never driven one nor do I want to). I essence, an entire continent is telling one company explicitly that your cars are not the safest on the road no matter what you claim. that’s going to be a massive hit on the company’s reputation and value and it couldn’t happen to a more deserving induhvidual.
- Comment on Cars will need fewer screens and more buttons to earn a 5-star safety rating in Europe | Euro NCAP will introduce new testing rules in 2026 requiring physical controls for the highest safety score 1 week ago:
sounds like europe is really sending a very loud, deafining ^FUCK^ ^YOU^ to elon and tesla.
and I am absolutely here for it.
- Comment on Why do most Americans use an iPhone? 1 week ago:
- iphones are the first recognized “smartphone”.
- apple is an american company.
- apple has a massive fanbase that is completely dedicated to apple and all their products.
i’m not sure what the global usage of apple products is, but i think here it’s probably a lot higher than in other places. throw in the fact that there’s only one device capable of (legally) running apple’s mobile software, and there you have it.
also, their advertising didn’t hurt either. no one on the android side had the kind of advertising they did until maybe 6 or 7 years later and by that time you were probably already well established in the iphone ecosystem.
- Comment on ‘The tyranny of apps’: those without smartphones are unfairly penalised, say campaigners 2 weeks ago:
especially if you don’t have an iphone. I have seen so many accessories and apps that were made for use on iphones which would also be useful for android devices as well. my transplant clinic has a patient portal that has an app for iphones but nothing for android so you have to use their website.
- Comment on is it wrong/selfish to cut contact with my trump-supporting father? 2 weeks ago:
no. the entire personality of a trump supporter is donald trump. cutting yourself off from them at this point is not about politics as far as I’m concerned. it’s about morals. these people have shown, as many as two times, that they are cool and support every thing he does and says. that’s a moral issue. and cutting out the people who have the same morality as trump is not a you problem.
- Comment on Reddit Blames Google Algorithm Changes For Not Hitting User Growth. 3 weeks ago:
anyone with a tenth of a percentage of business sense could tell you a business that produces nothing but eyeballs to advertisers will be a massive failure if said business does anything to piss the owners of said eyeballs off.
and experts are confused why traded-on-the-markets social media companies are in freefall.
- Comment on Microsoft Study Finds Relying on AI Kills Your Critical Thinking Skills 3 weeks ago:
never used it in any practical function. i tested it to see if it was realistic and i found it extremely wanting. as in, it sounded nothing like the prompts i gave it.
- Comment on Looks like the good times are over for Temu ( and Chinese sites like them) 4 months ago:
let’s hope so.
somebody used my email address to order stuff from temu. the only reason I know about this is because paypal sent me a notice saying they were tracking my order.
fortunately for me, my paypal information (other than my email) wasn’t breached. after I notified paypal they told me they would monitor my account for suspicious activity and they hadn’t noticed any. and as it turns out neither was my email. I’ve got 2fa turned on and never got a suspicious notification.
if it’s that easy to use any email to order stuff these companies are showing they have no security and need to go.
- Comment on have you ever been given a warning or suspension for using profane language at work? 4 months ago:
the profanity flies frequently at my place of work. we do give writeups if our employees are saying that in front of customers.
except for me, because I don’t curse (out loud). in fact if I start doing it everyone around me would actually be worried if I was okay.
- Comment on X's idiocy is doing wonders for Bluesky. 4 months ago:
I honestly don’t think twitter will ever go away until all of a majority of all major sports teams and leagues, a majority of legislative body members, and major news and wire services have a sustained and active presence on bsky. it right now is literally coasting on everything that made it useful pre 2022 and every stupid fucking thing elon has done to make the twitter experience worse hasn’t done enough to cause a critical mass of people to jump.
once you see major popular twitter accounts like rex chapman, mark hamill, taylor swift and the like (and I say this not because of their politics but because of their massive follower base) regularly post on bsky you can probably start closing the book on twitter.
- Comment on If a planet was completely covered in water, wouldn't it all be freshwater? 4 months ago:
probably not.
unless the planet is water all the way down, I don’t think it’s possible to have life or even submerged landmasses that don’t have the chemical elements that can create salts. dead things would dissolve in the water and chemicals in rocks will leach into water over time.
now if this water planet is far enough away from the sun to freeze, sure. the frozen ice should be all fresh. I’m not aware of any salts that stay in frozen water ice. the stuff underneath the frozen stuff most definitely will be salty.
not a chemist or chemistry major but I’m using the word “salts” deliberately. there’s more types of salt than NaCl.
- Comment on NIST proposes barring some of the most nonsensical password rules 5 months ago:
i had to login for some functions at work. i believe the minimums were 8 characters, 1 caapitol, 1 number. and we all hated it, because the passwords had to be changed every 90 days, and you couldn’t reuse passwords. eventually you are going to run out of things you can reasonably use that you could remember and then would be forced to use some sort of password manager. but OOPSIE you couldn’t install any software on the office computer so you would have to resort to writing them down somewhere. it was a mess.
fortunately corporate decided to just change the entire system adopting most of these rules, min 15 characters, no special character, no hints, no forced changing passwords unless you think you have been compromised or just want to change it. we do have to use 2fa to access some things if you aren’t sitting at the office computer but other than that people are much happier about passwords now.
- Comment on I hate Clouds - a personal perspective on why I think Clouds suck 7 months ago:
there are too many points of failure for me to ever be comfortable using the cloud as a primary storage option.
i’ve always maintained this opinion when “the cloud” started being touted as being the future. and yet more corporations (including mine) are reliant on it. i mean sure, i can log in on my home computer and have some access to stuff as though i were physically at the office but that convenience ain’t worth the headache if the main storage site crashes.
- Comment on Twitter’s Clumsy Pivot to X.com Is a Gift to Phishers 10 months ago:
who else but a genius would buy a social media company, remove the things that made it functional and useful, reintegrate and allow to overpopulate elements that made it worse, and destroy a multi-billion dollar icon and name render useless a word that the thing you bought created and is universally understood because he thinks calling stuff X is cool?
not only a genius but ta soooper genius.
- Comment on Tesla scraps its plan for a $25,000 Model 2 EV 11 months ago:
I wouldn’t buy one. good job. elon destroying your brand name.
- Comment on Passenger sees Boeing 757-200 “wing coming apart” mid-air — United flight from San Francisco to Boston makes emergency landing in Denver 1 year ago:
the last time I was on an airplane was december 31, 2000.
nothing since that time has encouraged me to break that boycott.
- Comment on Why is living with your parents considered a bad thing? 1 year ago:
I would have but I got caught up in the great recession before I could leave.
then when I finally got enough money to consider looking for a place, I received a very serious medical condition that wiped out finances and seriously affected my working ability. this condition also makes it almost necessary for someone to be around. so unless I hit the powerball or megamillions I’m going to be in my parents house for a while.
- Comment on Skyrocketing bluesky engagement since opening to the public 1 year ago:
people are wondering if bluesky will end up like twitter. I’m not for one reason, twitter didn’t start going to shit until elon took over, fired the content mod team, and let the neo nazis, porn bots, and cryptobros run rampant. twitter before elon was fairly functional and useful.
when they eventually scale up I can see bluesky being what pre elon twitter was, especially with content moderation.
- Comment on SpaceX execs are accused of joking about sexual harassment and firing workers for speaking up, report says 1 year ago:
didn’t elon just have twins with a tesla staffer or am I misunderstanding? cause if that’s true I can very much see that kind of thing going on at spacex too.
the government should investigate that, and they really could do it since spacex has that multibillion dollar government contract.
- Comment on Kids Don’t Think Congress Has Their Best Interests In Mind With Their Grandstanding ‘Protect The Children’ Hearing 1 year ago:
the lesson that I’m afraid is being taught is that if we vote for our leaders and our leaders not only do nothing but act like they are or will do something just to get elected that voting is meaningless. I don’t want to perpetuate the thought that nothing will change so don’t bother voting because then nothing really will change.
- Comment on Kids Don’t Think Congress Has Their Best Interests In Mind With Their Grandstanding ‘Protect The Children’ Hearing 1 year ago:
I could have told them that. congress knows about school shootings and child poverty and healthcare and ineffective methods of teaching and they overwhelmingly choose not to do anything about it.
legislating mentions of homosexuality and transgenders out education doesn’t protect kids. refusing to acknowledge history to “protect” one subset of kids feelings doesn’t protect kids. and using kids as political chips because they don’t have agency doesn’t protect kids. it really and solely protects the old establishment which is becoming smaller and more irrelevant to society every day.
I don’t have kids myself but I would tell them that anyone who claims to speak for you you need to listen to what they are saying and decide for yourself if they are speaking for you. because I am for damn sure the vast majority are only appealing to the parents, not the kids.