- Comment on NIST proposes barring some of the most nonsensical password rules 5 months ago:
All too often it is a downgrade though. A lot of those webapps have terrible search and I only want to search for what is on the current page anyways. For example reddit search has been notoriously bad for a long time. Half the forums online seem to be using the exact same open source software with the exact same terrible search. When all too often I just want to find what is on the current page anyways.
- Comment on NIST proposes barring some of the most nonsensical password rules 5 months ago:
Browsers shouldn’t allow half of the stuff that they allow. You have to do the same thing not just with copy and paste, but also searching on the page with
ctrl + f
. Like I don’t care that websites won’t to create their own experience. Don’t mess with browser behavior. - Comment on Youtube has fully blocked Invidious 5 months ago:
I have people whom I still need to explain copy and paste to on a regular basis. Trust me, I understand.
- Comment on Youtube has fully blocked Invidious 5 months ago:
To summarize what I was telling another person. The number of people who care are far outnumbered by the number of people who don’t. It doesn’t matter if you or I or all 10,000 (just a random number for the sake of argument) of the people subscribed to a sub like this were to cancel when r/justworks or r/normie (made up subreddits for the sake of argument) has 100,000,000 who don’t give a damn about computers, privacy, or anything else beyond the service working or not.
- Comment on Youtube has fully blocked Invidious 5 months ago:
I know you weren’t using the number 5 as a hard example, but a thing that people still don’t seem to realize is that the people in threads like this are the people that actually care. Even if the few thousand redditors who subscribe to a subreddit where they discussed that topic were to all (and I mean 100% of them) cancel there subscriptions. That is still only a drop in the bucket for Netflix. Losing a few thousand subscribers is still nothing if they made more money with the addition of ads.
- Comment on Research shows more than 80% of AI projects fail, wasting billions of dollars in capital and resources: Report 6 months ago:
Exactly. I have used quite a few products and my thoughts have been. That’s cool, but when would I ever need this? The few useful usecases I have for it could use a small local model for very specific purposes and that’s it. Not make them billions of dollars level of usefulness.
- Comment on We need to nationalise Google, Facebook and Amazon. Here’s why 6 months ago:
Let’s just break them up like we should have done a long time ago.
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
That would certainly be a weird one.
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
Glad that it works for you. I may have to switch over to the flatpak then.
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
Nope, I’m on KDE.
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
I don’t do temporary conversations, but this is the open issue on the flatpak github.com/flathub/org.signal.Signal/issues/454. The thing is, I’m having the same issue as the flatpak even though I’m not using the flatpak.
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
Nope, its basically the same issue that the flatpak is happening, but I’m not using the flatpak. github.com/flathub/org.signal.Signal/issues/454
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
I have a couple problems with it aside from being electron.
On linux, whether it is a native package or flatpak. I have to launch it twice for it to open.
I can’t restore chats from my phone to the desktop application which frankly sucks. It makes sense if they don’t wanna have to store extra data on their servers, but at least let the backups that I manually take on my phone be usable on the desktop. Not having the majority of your conversations from before you linked the desktop app is a pain in the arse.
- Comment on Is TV Dead? Global TV Shipments Hit a Decade Low in 2023 11 months ago:
I keep hearing people say that, but I paid thousands of dollars for my TV to still have ads. The days of if you don’t pay for the product then you are the product is dead. You will pay for it and still be the product regardless of cost.
- Comment on Is TV Dead? Global TV Shipments Hit a Decade Low in 2023 11 months ago:
The one thing I disagree with is the technological advancement. I feel like there has been advancement, but the problem is the cost of those advancements. No one is pining to drop thousands/tens of thousands of dollars on OLED, Micro-led, or whatever the hell else they have come out with over the years. On top of that the crappy interfaces of these TV’s as well as privacy problems. See the recent roku debacle.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
So as it turns out, if you give people a choice. They will pick something else.
- Comment on More 128TB SSDs are coming as almost no one noticed this launch — another SSD controller that can support up to 128TB appeared paving the way for HDD-beating capacities 1 year ago:
Still can’t afford it.
- Comment on Licensing AI is not the answer—but it contains the answers 1 year ago:
That was pretty good read.
- Comment on You can remove or disable Windows 11 and 10's AI 'bloat' with new BloatynosyAI 1 year ago:
Yeah, but it is virtually impossible to read all code running on your machine. At the very least it is an option. While I personally wouldn’t search the code of random open source calculator app. I’ll be damned if I ain’t inspecting something like this.