- Comment on Looking for personal cloud storage alternatives 3 weeks ago:
Seafile is great…with caveats that seem to bother people away from it:
Files are stored as git-like chunks on the server
Features behind a paywall for more than 3 users (Pro vs Comminity versions)
Documentation can be very confusing at times
Item 1 can be mitigated by utilizing tools like Rclone to mount the files on the server, reassembling the chunks, then back up and unmount when done. Item 2 isn’t a deal breaker for me.
It is super fast and reliable in my experience. I specify wanted the selective sync because my stupid MacBook has a tiny SSD, but I still wanted access to files from other device libraries.
- Comment on What do you use for notes? 4 weeks ago:
I’ve tried 'em all. And I am always on the lookout for new apps that can do what I want. So far, Obsidian is the best.
Joplin: adds meta data to your text files making it nearly impossible to find anything outside of Joplin unless you export
Logseq: the closest substitute to Obsidian. The android app is almost unusable in my testing. And it’s an outlined based note app, so it requires a different mindset
Silverbullet: such a neat project. The PWA runs great on every device I’ve tried it on. That said, I find it hard to navigate and will require more learning to take full advantage of its features
Nextcloud Notes: decent if you already have an instance running. Not worth it just for Notes though. It’s very spartan, feature-wise
Quillpad: the closest Google Keep alternative I’ve found so far. Does require Nextcloud insurance to sync though. At least currently.
Acreom: very cool project. Similar to Obsidian and Logseq. Local first…unless you’re on mobile, then you are required to have an account and use their sync.
Notesnook: has great features but does not store the notes on plain text (due to encryption), which is a deal breaker for my use case
Memos: very easy to selfhost. Think of it like a personal twitter feed. Stores entries in a db file, so it’s out for me
I tested others, and many didnt last long enough in my testing to even be worth writing about. I find Obsidian’s folder hierarchy easier to fit around how my brain works. And the plain text files in folders, maintaining the hierarchy, is a killer feature for me. Lots of folks self host a sync solution. And I want to but am currently paying for their basic sync plan of $5/mo.
- Comment on What are some self hosted services that you think are essential? 3 months ago:
Does Technitium support DNS rewrites like Adguard Home?
- Comment on Migrating from Nextcloud AIO to Owncloud Infinite Scale: Good Idea? 3 months ago:
Just to throw my own experience in the mix. I tried the AIO and standard versions of Nextcloud and found them to be flakey and slow. But I felt compelled to keep trying. That’s when I found NextcloudPi. I’ve installed it on a Pi4 running from an external SSD and it’s been rock solid. I believe that version is no longer in development though and I primarily use it as a sync platform for various apps rather than using the web apps directly.
And just to be contrary, have you looked at Seafile? It’s stupid fast and stable but some features are hidden behind a paywall if you have more than 3 users (community vs pro). Their documentation is poor, and the data is stored in Git-lik chunks on the server. All of which can be a deal breaker for some. The external storage feature works, but for a newb like me, it was a bear to get running.
- Comment on I want to feel like a bad-ass wizard 3 months ago:
I wonder how well it plays on Stem Deck because talking about it makes me want to play again.
- Comment on I want to feel like a bad-ass wizard 3 months ago:
I agree. Worth a play through for sure.
- Comment on I want to feel like a bad-ass wizard 3 months ago:
Story is generic and it’s a little bit jank, but has one of the best magic systems in any game I’ve played.
- Comment on Selfhosted alternative to google keep/onenote/evernote/goodnotes? 3 months ago:
Yes. I have a Pi4 running NextcloudPi image on it. I sync docs, pics, even backup my Obsidian vault. It’s worked really well for Quillpad in my experience. On desktop I use Iotas (Linux) if I need to update from that instead of my phone.
- Comment on Selfhosted alternative to google keep/onenote/evernote/goodnotes? 3 months ago:
Quillpad is the closest I’ve found. It’s simple markdown files. It can sync with Nextcloud as well. I use it for any short note or lists. Long form stuff including journal, I use Obsidian (not open source)
- Comment on which VPS do you recommend? 4 months ago:
I have two of their basic VPS and they’ve worked well. My few interactions with customer service has been less than awesome though.
- Comment on What's the ideal self hosted RSS setup? 7 months ago:
I live Miniflutt but found the scraper to miss quite a few articles. Five Filters seems to work well for these cases
- Comment on What's your financial cutoff point on game collecting? 7 months ago:
100% agree on ROMs for the super expensive stuff. I do like to play on original hardware whenever possible. And I definitely see more Everdrives in my future for those and the translated games we never got in the US. I was officially looking at repro SNES carts, for example and did buy one for Terranigma. But you quickly run into Everdrive price if you buy several repros.
- Comment on What's your financial cutoff point on game collecting? 7 months ago:
That adds up quick, doesn’t it? I had my Sony Trinitron RGB modded and now have SNES, Sega Genesis/Master system, and a self modded N64 all connected to a SCART RGB switch and have already ordered the parts to get the treatment done on my NES. Looks incredible though!
- Comment on What's your financial cutoff point on game collecting? 7 months ago:
I did picoboot instead of an ODE specifically so I could still play my admittedly small GameCube collection.
- Comment on What's your financial cutoff point on game collecting? 7 months ago:
That’s a great way to put it and is why my limit is around $60ish. But even then I’m not paying that for a fun but basic platformer on a retro console. But RPGs tend to get a higher spending allowance from me.
- Comment on What's your financial cutoff point on game collecting? 7 months ago:
I just sold my Dreamcast for that very reason. Well that and to focus more on Nintendo hardware since it’s what I grew up with. I know optical drive emulators exist, but for whatever reason I don’t like them as much as a flash cart type situation. Says the guy who has two picoboot GameCubes :)
- Submitted 7 months ago to retrogaming@lemmy.world | 16 comments
- Comment on What are some good YouTube channels about the Nintendo 64? 7 months ago:
He’s criminally understand but does deep dives on tons of n64 games. Really enjoy his content.
- Comment on The Force Unleashed I/II was not as fun as I thought 8 months ago:
It’s worth playing just for the Darth Vader slaughtering of Wookies, imo. But yeah, the rest is pretty bad.
- Comment on Am I the only one who missed the Owncloud rewrite in Go? 8 months ago:
I agree. I’m this case it works out for me since I’m under the 3 user limit.
- Comment on Are there any games you're planning to pick up during the Steam and GOG sales? 8 months ago:
From a new fan, I found that 3 had the coolest environment. New Vegas bad much better gun mechanics. And 4 is good, a lot better than reviews I read made it sound. And the Nuka Town DLC was a lot of fun.
- Comment on Suggestions for file sync / android backup / sharing software (nextcloud alternative) 8 months ago:
I chimed in on the vote for Seafile on this thread. But I think it’s worth trying NextcloudPi image to see if that does what you want. I’ve been presently surprised by how well it works compared to my experience with the AIO image.
- Comment on Suggestions for file sync / android backup / sharing software (nextcloud alternative) 8 months ago:
Came to say the same. Unlike Syncthing, it all syncs to the server and only downloads to your various devices when you want it to. Vital for my small SSD on MacBook Pro. Syncthing can do similar but requires individually selecting files and folders to ignore, which I did not want to do.
- Comment on Are there any games you're planning to pick up during the Steam and GOG sales? 8 months ago:
Pseudoregalia is on sale and actually super fun. Sort of PlayStation 1 graphics with cool traversal/parkour with a thicc bunny/deer lady protagonist.
- Comment on Are there any games you're planning to pick up during the Steam and GOG sales? 8 months ago:
I yoinked Undertale and Fallout 76. I just finished FO4, before that was New Vegas, and 3 before that. Finally got hooked on Fallout after years of trying and just not jiving. The show motivated me to try again.
- Comment on Am I the only one who missed the Owncloud rewrite in Go? 8 months ago:
What’s crazy is that I tried NC on my server, which is a HP Microserver G8 hosting 13 total services. And it ran like crap. Tried the standard and AIO versions. On a whim tried NextcloudPi on a Pi4 and it has been awesome! Web interface is still pretty sluggish but I use apps that sync to NC most of the time like:
- Quillpad for Google Keep type notes and checklists
- Floccus for bookmarks sync
- Deck for Kanban
- Gnome online accounts for desktop and laptop connection with documents
So far it’s been flawless. I doubt it would run well with more than a few users though.
- Comment on Am I the only one who missed the Owncloud rewrite in Go? 8 months ago:
You can get a free Seafile Pro license if you create an account with them. Limited to 3 users, iirc. That’s what I’ve been running and really using it to keep stuff on phone, desktop, and laptop reachable from any of the devices. I love it.
- Comment on Hack of Age Verification Company Shows Privacy Danger of Social Media Laws 8 months ago:
These laws don’t help when it’s insanely easy to install VPN clients on pretty much any device kids have access to. I have Adguard Home on our home network with the malicious and adult websites blocked. But still had a conversation with my kids about porn. And it turns out one of them had already been using a VPN on his phone and PC to bypass the local restrictions. We talked about it more, about being a good and safe “netizen” while discussing how unhealthy porn can be. I’m not anti-porn, but there is a lot of mistreatment of the people making it and can lead to some unhealthy misconceptions about sex and intimacy.
- Comment on How to sync local and remote calibre servers 11 months ago:
I guess I never thought of this sort of option. I run Calibre in a docker container on my unraid server. Any books I add are sent over via FTP from whatever device I’m on at the time. I do still have to go into the Calibre instance and add the book. I believe there’s a way to have it watch a folder for new items but not sure.
- Comment on Resticity - a cross-platform frontend for restic 11 months ago:
That looks nice! I tried to my brain wrapped around Restic CLI (and others) and just didn’t click for my smooth brain. I’ll have to try this.