- Comment on Terrified friends burn to death trapped in Tesla as doors won't open after crash 3 months ago:
Hey I have an idea, let’s put him in charge of… “Technology”?
- Comment on Academic Rizzlers 9 months ago:
- Comment on My phone is just one big shitpost 10 months ago:
he wouldn’t get this concept
Emphasis on the would not, as distinguished from can not, it is refuses to.
Some people listen, others exclusively talk. Thank you for being part of the former:-).
- Comment on My phone is just one big shitpost 10 months ago:
iirc, we did legislate it. Surprise: Trump un-legislated it, and even before that Congress de-funded it.
bUt ThE eCoNoMy ThO
- Comment on Boeing is changing their brand name 10 months ago:
I feel like you will appreciate it when I say that this song was crap-tastic!:-)
- Comment on Boeing is changing their brand name 10 months ago:
Listen here young’un, back in my day the only thing that would randomly fall from the sky was bird poop - and we liked it that way!
- Comment on Nervous systems 10 months ago:
Fwiw, this is how I choose to view the situation:
- Comment on Strange goblin creature 10 months ago: and
We are beings of electric patterns, with our thoughts riding our brains the way the brain rides the body, and it begs us to wonder then: what rides us in like manner - memes & TV commercials? :-P
- Comment on Strange goblin creature 10 months ago:
In that case, what are we?
Meat suits hung onto skeleton hangers, obvi.
Or even more foundationally, proteins doing things with fatty membranes.
Basically piles of highly organized goo.
- Comment on The Eurobean Mind Cannot Comprehend 10 months ago:
That sucks - I keep hearing that kind of thing from more and more people, the last one in Canada. Fwiw, it is a Saturday Night Live sketch, poking fun at ourselves as to how we inconsistently use measurement schemes, like some less popular sports use meters, but the most popular ones use the English ones like feet. I wonder why it is blocked, wherever you are.
If anyone knows, I would be interested in hearing: like should I not share YouTube videos anymore these days? Or only share/avoid certain corporate types? (Whereas certain others such as CPG Grey’s videos would truly be a tragic loss if they could not be shared) I presume Piped videos would likewise be blocked too? Are they blocked only in certain countries, or like most ones outside of the USA? Is the URL still useful, like to put into Vanced or some such, or would something else help better like the title, or again should I just not share them? I don’t know any of these answers but in any case, thank you for sharing with me your experience here.
- Comment on The Eurobean Mind Cannot Comprehend 10 months ago:
- Comment on European mind cannot comprehend this 10 months ago:
If someone told you to just use Windows on your computer, b/c it will take care of you, would you listen?
There is some truth to both statements, but in any capitalist society it behooves one to be aware, since many people and especially corporations will try to take advantage of ignorance.
- Comment on Americans Sleeping Less, More Stressed 10 months ago:
In both suburban(+rural?) and city areas, I hear a lot more of people racing their cars and honking lately. I suppose it is how they deal with their stress, by ignoring the needs of others as they think only of themselves.
Even if the former stuff is not the actual and literal cause of sleeplessness, I do find it highly emblematic/symbolic. People get theirs and everyone else can deal with it as best they can, or not, whatevs.
- Comment on Taylor Swift needs a glass of water at night too 10 months ago:
I doubt its authenticity… b/c I do not see her wearing jeans, while eating beans!? :-P
- Comment on Admit, who of you is this? 10 months ago:
- Comment on Total ecstasy 10 months ago:
- Comment on thsi is the way 10 months ago:
Hrm, strategic placement there… :-P
- Comment on betrayal 10 months ago:
- Comment on Star Trek Coffees Launching In May With Several Blends 10 months ago:
Life is difficult for redshirts. Fortunately not for long though! :-P
- Comment on English, old 10 months ago:
- Comment on the internet 10 months ago:
To be more clear, I was incompletely referencing only the left side of this curve:
since it seemed closer to what the person I was responding to was speaking about. Ofc you are correct that the right side of the curve also exists, though the amount of effort to reach it seems extremely out of proportion to the level of confidence gained - i.e. it is far easier to just be dumb and think that (or rather, act as if) you know everything, than to make yourself smart and actually know everything, about a particular topic.
- Comment on the internet 10 months ago:
Confidence and Knowledge are anti-correlated… so please, be proud of the extent of your ignorance:-).
- Comment on I'll take a more innocent name for my research like the NMR people who created the Proton Enhanced Nuclear Induction Spectroscopy 11 months ago:
what a “PAWG” is:-P.
- Comment on I believe! 11 months ago:
How would we test it though? My thought: no shaving in
Novemberyears that begin with “2”? :-P - Comment on He died for our sins 11 months ago:
He didn’t even bother with the pattern buffer on that one… :-D
- Comment on funny title goes here 11 months ago:
Hrm, it sounds like the teacher already knew the answer.
Maybe stop wasting the time of the student then!?
You’re welcome.
- Comment on *So far* 11 months ago:
Thank you so much for volunteering, for the sake of science! :-P
- Comment on Ray Stantz approved 11 months ago:
If she gets divorced would she say “boo hoo”?
- Comment on xkcd #2909: Moon Landing Mission Profiles 11 months ago:
That’s not “fair”! Such an unbalanced relationship.
- Comment on MOOSEY 11 months ago:
Life is pain. Sometimes the sex is real.