In the darkest of nights, you won’t be scared, UNTIL the red pigeon arrives
- Comment on Calcrelatable 3 months ago:
Curious to know why ? Basic functionality seems very obvious and friendly to me.
- Comment on What does this emoji mean? Is this a British thumbs up? 4 months ago:
Why ? The sign has different meaning in different cultures. It is just your ignorance of anything outside your bubble.
- Comment on Forget security – Google's reCAPTCHA v2 is exploiting users for profit | Web puzzles don't protect against bots, but humans have spent 819 million unpaid hours solving them 7 months ago:
Honestly at first read, the paper feels like a bunch of whining text to prove a point the author believes in without any alternate proposal.
- Comment on How are engine sounds in racing games played ? 8 months ago:
Wow this is really cool. Thanks
- Submitted 8 months ago to | 29 comments
- Comment on Microsoft’s AI boss thinks it’s perfectly OK to steal content if it’s on the open web 8 months ago:
Isn’t web scraping copying ?
- Comment on People left seriously creeped out after woman shares how to find out everything Google knows about you 9 months ago:
Also one or a few people turning it off doesn’t matter much. The tech giants still get their demographic statistics from the ones who haven’t (which is the larger percentage of the population). You could be spending money on things based on targeted ads for your demographic.
In other words, you are creeped out about wondering what they could do with your personal data if you turn it on. But you should be even more creeped out about how your daily decisions are already influenced by them using others data
- Submitted 10 months ago to | 45 comments
- Comment on Microsoft is blocking Windows Customization Tools 10 months ago:
A wasted opportunity to natively support these features and make the user base happy.
- Comment on Are the languages that can be fluently spoken only if you are descendent of a particular community/country ? 11 months ago:
Well if you can’t tell the difference. There is nothing more to say.
Hope you can look at the world more positively and leave the rest of us alone.
- Comment on Are the languages that can be fluently spoken only if you are descendent of a particular community/country ? 11 months ago:
Ok. I thought I’ll clear things up. Yes I had received the relevant responses and I’m happy with the answers I got.
But I’d like to bring attention to comments like yours or the one prior to it, because I see such comments throughout lemmy. It assumes the worst from someone’s post/comment and gives a negative spin for the discussion.
My question was genuine and if you must know it arose from my curiosity that if there will be a language that I cannot be 100% fluent in even if I try. Thought I’d ask with others.
But now I’m wondering if any of my comments were offensive and reading through them again I don’t think I was (hence this response). Again since I’m a non native English speaker, I apologise if it were.
But the whole discussion has moved away from the original point. I had never heard of Eugenics, which from the little I read now, are deeply disturbing concepts. I’m sad that my question could be compared to it.
The point is to ask stupid questions here. And mine was stupid enough. I got my responses from others. But please stop this trend of putting words into people’s mouths and negativistic spin on things. It doesn’t brew a healthy community. People will fear asking questions here (or anywhere in Lemmy).
- Comment on Are the languages that can be fluently spoken only if you are descendent of a particular community/country ? 11 months ago:
Great thanks
- Comment on Are the languages that can be fluently spoken only if you are descendent of a particular community/country ? 11 months ago:
I know. It is useful for laying some context though
- Comment on Are the languages that can be fluently spoken only if you are descendent of a particular community/country ? 11 months ago:
Oh no I didn’t mean incapacity. I meant fluency. One could be mildly or extremely fluent. Was wondering if origin makes a difference.
- Comment on Are the languages that can be fluently spoken only if you are descendent of a particular community/country ? 11 months ago:
No idea what race theory is. But what you say does makes sense. As an adult, yes it is mostly dependent on not being used to. But as another user pointed out, there are some languages with clicks in it that are difficult for someone outside the community to speak.
- Comment on Are the languages that can be fluently spoken only if you are descendent of a particular community/country ? 11 months ago:
Ah interesting
- Comment on Are the languages that can be fluently spoken only if you are descendent of a particular community/country ? 11 months ago:
No. Non native. But brought up in the same culture. I guess it didn’t make a difference then. Chatgpt gave a weird response, so I thought I’d check with people with more knowledge about this.
- Comment on Are the languages that can be fluently spoken only if you are descendent of a particular community/country ? 11 months ago:
May be. Would things like facial structure impact the fluency of the language ?
- Comment on What's stopping people who lash out at the world from going after corporations? 11 months ago:
- Comment on Are the languages that can be fluently spoken only if you are descendent of a particular community/country ? 11 months ago:
Sorry that is not what I’m asking. Of course anyone can learn skills. But there are certain mannerisms that are imprinted on us because we are from a certain community.
My question is if there exists a language that let’s say among two children (one from the same country, but one from a different one) going through the same upbringing, but only non-native child cannot be as fluent as the native child ?
- Submitted 11 months ago to | 34 comments
- Comment on Reddit started doing what they always wanted to do, sell user content to AI. 1 year ago:
I stopped using reddit after they dropped the bomb on the devs and I’m not a fan of the company.
I understand the hatred towards them, but this is definitely expected from a company like reddit, and any other social media for that matter. As users we must be aware that we don’t own the content in their platform.
- Comment on Cable can't compete with 5G home internet, so it's cheating 1 year ago:
Where did I say it prevents monopolies ?
Where I’m from if it goes public I’m sure the govt is going to take advantage of it with piss poor speeds. When it’s private, at least there are companies competing with decent speeds even though it’s expensive. It’s a choice between the lesser of two evils.
- Comment on Cable can't compete with 5G home internet, so it's cheating 1 year ago:
Won’t they start pulling more and more tax for it then ? Having it private keeps the competition at least, wouldn’t you agree ?
- Comment on Mozilla lays off 60 people, wants to build AI into Firefox 1 year ago:
Oh come on, don’t be a troglodyte. Nowadays we are supposed to need AI everywhere. I’m waiting for my AI bidet so that I can chat with it when I do my business.
- Comment on Browser maker love-in snubs Google-shunned JPEG XL 1 year ago:
I still don’t understand. WTF are we talking about. This is tech news, not a celeb scandal. Why can’t we just use simple words !
- Comment on Your washing machine could be sending 3.7 GB of data a day — LG washing machine owner disconnected his device from Wi-Fi after noticing excessive outgoing daily data traffic 1 year ago:
How do I know this kind of thing ? What app can I use to measure this for my devices at home ?