- Comment on App Stores on Android: F-Droid? Accrescent? Others? 1 week ago:
Haven’t looked at it in detail. I like F-Droid because the apps seem to be non-predatory OSS that gets the job done. Its not really a ‘store’ though. I think some apps have a paid Play Store release and a free F-Droid release, to make it easy to support the devs if you want.
Does accrescent support non-free apps?
- Comment on How to get people to use Mastodon? 1 week ago:
I’ll add to this that when I first registered at, my default view was some fancied up multi-column monstrosity. I managed to turn most of that off, but it was super confusing at first. Start simple and let users add complexity.
- Comment on Can we please make a viable (federated!) amazon alternative? I have an idea! 2 weeks ago:
I order stuff from ebay. Got a phone on the way from china right now. Ebay work-alike might not be a bad place to start.
- Comment on Can we please make a viable (federated!) amazon alternative? I have an idea! 2 weeks ago:
Another issue might be, how do you deal with people selling illegal items/services? How do you avoid “Silk Road” style liability? Would there be a blacklist that someone running an instance could use so they don’t have to vet everyone they are federated with?
- Comment on Can we please make a viable (federated!) amazon alternative? I have an idea! 2 weeks ago:
I wonder if you can ‘outsource’ trust by relying on payment systems? If a seller uses stripe and scams some users, stripe would freeze their account right?
- Comment on Can we please make a viable (federated!) amazon alternative? I have an idea! 2 weeks ago:
I really like the idea of a grassroots Amazon competitor. That said,
You need to have a high level of trust. A federated network of shady scams that just take your money and send you nothing half the time is not going to fly. Is there a vetting process, who controls that process, how’s all that work. If its ‘good seller’ reviews, how are those stats protected from manipulation.
You need to have extreme ease of use. UI barriers that seem trivial to developers can sink a platform.
If there are problems solvable by centralization, maybe that could be done as a cooperative organization which devs and vendors can join and run democratically.
- Comment on Next week, Amazon is stripping away your ability to download your ebooks. 2 weeks ago:
Unaffected since I’ve never participated in the Kindle ecosystem. I’ve been gifted a few Kindles but never was on board with that walled garden. Fuck Amazon.
- Comment on Rust is Eating JavaScript 2 weeks ago:
What’s FE?
- Comment on Rust is Eating JavaScript 2 weeks ago:
I think there’s room for a rust-lite language that is GCed. Something with a functional-style type system and that compiles to machine code.
Roc is a candidate for this language. Basically Elm that compiles to machine code, but with a number of tweaks to make it work for more than just a web front end. Like Elm, the type system is haskell like, but simplified.
- Comment on Jeep's annoying pop-up nags you to buy an extended warranty at every stop sign 3 weeks ago:
Still loving my 2002 subaru. Cassette adapter bluetooth lol
- Comment on Is Tesla’s sales slump down to Elon Musk? 3 weeks ago:
Kinda rooting for the ULA sniper at this point
- Comment on Why I am not impressed by A.I. 4 weeks ago:
there are two 'r’s in ‘strawbery’
- Comment on would you buy a compact laptop that has spacebar touch sensitivity and allows you to adjust input sensitivity, giving it dual purpose (a spacebar and a mouse)+ it has integrated A5 printer in it? 1 month ago:
why do I want to carry a printer with me? no. this sounds more like a point-of-sale device.
- Comment on Assassination is a Leaky Abstraction 2 months ago:
More precisely, medical business strategy is a leaky abstraction; the assassination is the leak.
- Comment on Meta fined $102 million for storing passwords in plain text 5 months ago:
Whoa, better make sure all my pwds are in keepass! Didn’t know the fines were so hefty for that.
- Comment on cohost to shut down at end of 2024 5 months ago:
Wow never heard of this platform. RIP
- Comment on Tesla says it will launch Full Self Driving product in Europe and China early next year 5 months ago:
Ah yes the “Full Self Driving” brand of limited autopilot requiring constant human supervision.
- Comment on Kordia exits Public Safety Network contract 6 months ago:
Probably this article
- Comment on We Need to Talk About the State of Calendar Software on Desktop 8 months ago:
The author seems dead set on a tauri calendar implementation. I came across what is apparently a scheduling toolkit in rust:
Which I guess could be used to build a desktop calendar app. One flaw in the ointment is that a calendar program really needs email integration. Downloading an ICS file and manually transferring that over to your calendar app isn’t going to cut it.
Which brings us to the lack of solid calendar servers. I’ve searched but I haven’t found anything popular, OSS, easy to install, and useful for groups. Radicale exists but multi user support is a janky hack, while Nextcloud has unreliable sync. I’m looking for features like:
- reliable calendar sync
- sharable calendars.
- scheduling help - when to have a meeting?
- how many attendees for a group event, how many invited etc.
- Comment on We Need to Talk About the State of Calendar Software on Desktop 8 months ago:
- Comment on How to make an EV tire that won’t pollute the environment 8 months ago:
Hot take: tire particulates are a conservative anti-EV talking point. “My V8 mustang weighs less than an EV, therefore its better on pollution than a EV because tire particulates”. Totally disregarding the impact of tailpipe emissions.
- Comment on Elon Musk Begs Advertisers to Return as Twitter's Revenue Plunges 8 months ago:
aw, he may be a genocide loving nazi, but at least its from the heart. won’t someone give him some money?
- Comment on Tesla must face fraud suit for claiming its cars could fully drive themselves 9 months ago:
The word grok comes from stranger in a strange land, not hitchhikers guide.
- Comment on Hearing is be-leafing: Students invent quieter leaf blower 9 months ago:
Yes they literally pull in particles from the bathroom air and blow them directly on your hands.
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
Mercedes “full self driving” is only on designated routes.
- Comment on Will self driving trucks hit the roads with nobody on board or will they keep a human supervisor? 10 months ago:
Just like mercedes ‘full self driving’ this sounds like its on limited routes where there’s been extensive testing. I don’t expect truck driving to go full auto on arbitrary roads in the next few years. The tech is not there yet.
- Comment on palaeoartists are dreamers 10 months ago:
Do not go, paleo bird
- Comment on Chinese battery developer unveils new tech with 1,300-mile range that could revolutionize EVs: 'An important piece of the puzzle' 10 months ago:
Its kind of insane that EV manufacturers are making battery packs out of a lot of individual cells, rather than one integrated unit like this.
- Comment on Apple keeps flogging 8GB of RAM for its Mac computers but it's still a dead horse 10 months ago:
There’s the thinkpad x13s. But its pretty slow. Should be snapdragon elite laptops coming out this year tho.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Its longer than you think!