- Comment on Selfhosted alternative to Spotify 4 months ago:
I’ve been using a Navidrome server with Feishin as a desktop client (though I’m looking for something a bit more feature-rich) and play:Sub as a mobile client with a tailscale link. No idea if this is a dumb way to do this, but it works for me. I don’t really get any buffering unless I’m trying to play a FLAC out in the middle of nowhere.
- Comment on Toilet specific plungers get the job done faster and with way less effort and mess. 6 months ago:
Mix in some red food coloring and you’ve got yourself a good time
- Comment on Study: Congress literally doesn’t care what you think. The preferences of the average American appear to have only a miniscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy. 7 months ago:
Yes, but not only is it better than what we current have, but it goes against the whole “That’s a problem no matter how government officials are elected, and therefore irrelevant.” claim you made earlier.
- Comment on Study: Congress literally doesn’t care what you think. The preferences of the average American appear to have only a miniscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy. 8 months ago:
As opposed to the 50%+ we have in office now?
- Comment on Stay Mad 8 months ago:
If your chance of winning hinges on your opponent suddenly not being there anymore, that conclusion is kind of anti-democratic in nature. If (for example) someone says “Things will eventually start getting better once all the boomers are gone”, they’ve already decided who their enemy is and that there’s no use trying to have discussions with them about how to fix things. The world around them slowly becomes less about different people with different ideas and it metastasizes into a country where half of their neighbors want them dead and because of that, they’d see half their neighbors dead as well. This doesn’t go away if trump is defeated in November. Civil war will be right around the corner until people start talking to each other again. The militarism of both parties and the fascism of republicans will, over time, be seen as a less necessary weapon against “the enemy” and divisive politics will ease up. That being said, don’t waste your breath on literal armed Nazis/white supremacist groups. They’re an artifact of the fears and stresses of this current system and have decided the best course of action is the most harmful. They will be less of an issue once society at large isn’t gasping for air and don’t have to blame their woes on one particular group.
My point is, we don’t solve the issue of rising fascism within our borders by waiting it out and hoping it all blows away with time, only coming out from your shelter one day out of the whole year to do political action. Embrace democracy if you believe in it and talk to people who disagree with you(preferably in-person) about why you think the things you think and why it should be changed. Show up to town halls, get to know your local government, join local activism groups. If you want things to change for the better, you can’t just keep doing the same thing that got us into this mess.
- Comment on Stay Mad 8 months ago:
And the situation we’re in will continue to get worse as long as long as we’re playing the hand that’s been dealt to us instead of taking an active roll in improving things around us.
- Comment on Stay Mad 8 months ago:
Yes, yes. we all know republicans are worse. But democrats could’ve entirely prevented this, which they didn’t. They enabled it. Being better than republicans doesn’t mean the situation is better with democrats. In fact, it’s getting so much worse every single year.
- Comment on Stay Mad 8 months ago:
My state is ruby red and even the fairly large city I live in is red. Begging people to vote specifically for biden in situations like ours only makes people more apathetic since they know Biden has no shot. But if you tell people how to be more politically involved outside of voting, they’ll be more empowered to want to vote just so they can get people more aligned with them in their local and state elections. It’s the state government in red states like ours that will enact awful policies that we will actually feel. Pushing an unpopular president as the main reason to show up to the booth will only make them stay home instead.
Tangential: Covid is still killing a ton of people every month (though it gets better in warmer weather). This past January had over 10k covid deaths that were largely ignored by Biden and pretty much everyone else who are desperate to show how “good” things are now. But also, I’d caution against being hopeful for another pandemic that would wipe out conservatives since it’s tiptoeing on fascism, which you’re trying to be distinctly different to, eh? If a huge portion of Americans are fascist, America will be a fascist nation. I’ve heard conservatives wish that CA would sink into the ocean and that NYC would get swept away from a hurricane and I hope to god we haven’t ratcheted so far that now democrats are wishing and hoping for the deaths of their political enemy.
- Comment on Stay Mad 8 months ago:
- Comment on Stay Mad 8 months ago:
I feel like this reply is for someone else? We’re both coming from a leftist position. Democrats only think they’re being overrun with bots and propaganda because they aren’t actually politically informed enough to know the valid reasons why people don’t like them.
- Comment on Stay Mad 8 months ago:
You should research cop cities. Atlanta democrats voted to fund theirs.
- Comment on Stay Mad 8 months ago:
So you know what state that person resides? You’ve confirmed they live in a swing state where their vote for president actually matters? (This is not me advocating against voting since local/state positions are important, but if you’re focused on president, only a handful of states really make a difference at all).
- Comment on Stay Mad 8 months ago:
Queer person here: we’ve had to violently fight for our rights and were successful in the past and we will do it again if we need to, so expecting a vote for anything will fix the issues of the marginalized is very out of touch. Doing nothing but voting is 99% political apathy, and it very much feels like all this browbeating is coming from someone who only votes and mayyyyybe donates to the ACLU or planned parenthood once every couple years. Do some real work and stop spending so much of your mental energy on inconsequential (assuming you don’t live in a handful of swing states) things. Build coalitions. Form or join unions. Stand up for what is right and protest what is wrong.
- Comment on Stay Mad 8 months ago:
If you don’t know the answer to this already, I suppose the backlash against Biden from progressives might seem like bots or foreign propaganda.
- Comment on Stay Mad 8 months ago:
Or maybe if the average American stood with the marginalized instead of yelling at them to fall in line, we wouldn’t constantly have issues where the marginalized are systemically murdered and imprisoned. The blood isn’t on their hands for having morals and boundaries. It’s on the masses who refuse to give up even an ounce of comfort to lend a hand to the downtrodden. The path the democrats are on is the same path the current republicans have walked before.
Who are you willing to sacrifice for your own comfort? Why is that a valid position? Because the other guy points that same weapon at you instead and it’s scary? How many different groups are you willing to put on that sacrifice list until you just turn into a fascist republican? “Just following orders” is just as cowardly a response as “It was my only choice”.
- Comment on Study: Congress literally doesn’t care what you think. The preferences of the average American appear to have only a miniscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy. 8 months ago:
- Comment on Study: Congress literally doesn’t care what you think. The preferences of the average American appear to have only a miniscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy. 8 months ago:
If history tells us anything, fascists love advertising that they’re actually socialists and that you should definitely vote for them. And North Carolina got a little taste of what that might feel like last year.
- Comment on Study: Congress literally doesn’t care what you think. The preferences of the average American appear to have only a miniscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy. 8 months ago:
Does this also apply to primaries? My ruby red state has an open primary, and our democrat ran unopposed, so I voted for the less “trumpy” republican for state positions. Excited that my state will have the PSL candidate on the ticket this November though.
- Comment on Study: Congress literally doesn’t care what you think. The preferences of the average American appear to have only a miniscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy. 8 months ago:
Joining/starting unions and mass strikes would be much faster if you are able. Sure, vote too, but the premise of this post specifically says they don’t care what you think. Make them care.
- Comment on Study: Congress literally doesn’t care what you think. The preferences of the average American appear to have only a miniscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy. 8 months ago:
Representatives chosen by sortion like jury duty would be more representative compared to what we currently have, and that’s such a wild thought.
- Comment on Apple argues in favor of selling Macs with only 8GB of RAM 10 months ago:
Apple has a masterclass of tiering their products in just a way so that in every tier but the upper tiers, you’re giving up something really important. If you spend the least you possibly can on a MacBook, apple guarantees you’re going to have a very bad time for “doing the bare minimum to be seen with a laptop with an apple logo on it”. Their whole tier system is an exercise in “how can we get away with fucking up these things just enough so the customer feels like it is necessary to spend a little bit more” every step of the way. Then they make it unupgradable so you can’t sidestep their crafted feature tier system.
- Comment on Tesla scraps its plan for a $25,000 Model 2 EV 10 months ago:
Don’t have compete with BYD if you don’t allow them to be competition in the US.
- Comment on Build an Automated Hydroponic System 11 months ago:
His mushroom video is also super interesting! I keep stumbling upon his stuff every so often on YouTube, and I’m always wishing he’d post more.
- Comment on "tHeRe'$ n0 rEpL@CeMeNt FoR dIsPlaCeMeNt!!!1!!!1!!“ 1 year ago:
If transportation is necessary, find ways to mitigate emissions as best as possible. If emissions are unavoidable, use the thing with least emissions (small-tired lightweight vehicles) until you research a solution to a tire material that isn’t harmful (which is being worked on I think). Busses mitigate a dozen or two cars. Local rail mitigates a few busses and a few hundred cars. Essentially, personal vehicles should be small and lightweight, and essential mass transit or city services should be large enough to serve an entire area.
- Comment on "tHeRe'$ n0 rEpL@CeMeNt FoR dIsPlaCeMeNt!!!1!!!1!!“ 1 year ago:
I’m not sure if a study exists for it, but I’d assume walking produces more microplastics/km than bicycling because of how soft shoe rubber is and how scrubby the action is. Who knows. There is a study I saw that said that walking produces more CO2 per km than cycling, but I’m not sure if this is parallel to microplastic emissions.
The logic will make sense if you think that tailpipe emissions are so litte, it’s almost not worth considering in comparison to tire emissions. So the next step is to say “so how do we limit the microplastics in the air and in the ground on a necessary part of transportation”- the answer is to make it smaller and lighter. And if you want to go distances that you can’t get to by bike, that’s where public transportation comes in.
- Comment on "tHeRe'$ n0 rEpL@CeMeNt FoR dIsPlaCeMeNt!!!1!!!1!!“ 1 year ago:
But in the comparison of tailpipe emissions (0.02 mg/km) vs tire emissions (36mg/km), I know which one I’m more worried about.
Nick Molden of Emissions Analytics seems to think that the heavier the vehicle, the worse the wear on tires seems to be (though it greatly depends on driving style and torque). That’d probably mean heavy EVs and SUVs are the worst for this.
Not that bicycles are completely clean- but there’s probably a time in the future to worry about bicycle microplastics- after the cars have been phased out.
- Comment on All my girls know the real source of wisdom 1 year ago:
I’d give a Gould if I could.
- Comment on "tHeRe'$ n0 rEpL@CeMeNt FoR dIsPlaCeMeNt!!!1!!!1!!“ 1 year ago:
Breathing in Micro-rubber/micro-plastics from disintegrating car tires aren’t fixed at all by electrification.
I can also hear ICE cars approach from behind when I’m cycling, but that isn’t the case with electric vehicles (which might be using “autopilot” and can’t see me on the road). I’m not sure if that whirring sound is present outside of low speeds, but I certainly can’t hear it with wind crossing my ears. Sometimes tire noise is audible, but not always.
On the other hand, ICE drivers are more likely to intentionally try to hit me soooo
- Comment on They say in an infinite multiverse versions of you exist. Yet there's an infinity of fractional numbers between 1 and 2 with no whole number 3 between, so infinity can exist without every possibility. 1 year ago:
But what makes the infinite versions of you bound to a range of 1-2 rather than infinity itself?
If “>2 and <1” in this scenario are dimensions where you don’t exist, wouldn’t the range of 1-2 cover every possibility of who you could be?
- Comment on Alamo Drafthouse blames ‘nationwide’ theater outage on Sony projector fail 1 year ago:
Also interesting that Sony makes more money selling insurance and banking in Japan than they do with their music globally.