- Comment on Recommend me a steam deck game 1 week ago:
valheim and skyrim
i am a much more relaxed gamer on the deck and oh boy these games have such a satisfying layer to them when just vibing there. spent an hour hiking the mistlands for the vibe last week
- Comment on Hardcore gaming 2 weeks ago:
installs windows, instantly requires system tweaks and performance upgrades.
- Comment on What do you want for Christmas? 2 months ago:
3 pairs of cat work socks
- Comment on For me, Cyberpunk 2077 was uninteractive and has low replayablility value. 3 months ago:
im replaying the game in vr rn, usinf luke ross real vr mod. it bringsnonly barebones vr capabilities, you still need kbm or controller, but honestly, the open world complaint simply disintegrates in vr. a world this perfectly crafted is simply a joy in vr. since vr is generally slower, the dialogue parts also feel way less slow and tedious, and when modded appropriately difficult, you really start roleplaying to your charavters strength. starting off as a weak ass meatbag, having to stealth everything, chroming up more and more to the point where you go from dying in 4 shots to being able to go beserk bring a real sense of progression to it. currently modding via the new nexus app, as vortex doesnt work on linux, so i cant make a collection yet, but once i have it, i will definitely share it. i have 680 hours rn, 300 of them in vr (120ish i the current run) and i’m enjoying every minute of it
- Comment on How do you use only ipv6 server? 5 months ago:
have you tried using a vpn, e.g. tailscale?
extremely easy to set up, if you are a selfhost purist, there’s headscale as a direct alternative.
only really good at doing stuff in a personal workspace, not really made for exposing to the public internet, still very possible tho
- Comment on How a Child Got 65 Years for a Murder the Police Committed: lawyer explains broken US justice system 5 months ago:
the system isn’t broken, it works exactly as intended. the system doesn’t need to be fixed, it needs to be replaced.
same sentiment as your statement, just brings the point across stronger
- Comment on Do you think that there will be another event like 9/11 in the next decade in the United States of America? 1 year ago:
at its peak (which lasted for months), covid killed more people daily than 9/11 did, and noone cared.
so the question is more about whether people blow up some highrise buildings that will cause chaos and despair.
- Comment on How is Russia not Financially Crippled? 1 year ago:
they are selling it to countries which then sell it to europe so we just pay more for the same thing but can be happy we do definitely not fund the russian invasion :D :D :D
- Comment on What Are You Playing This Week? December 11, 2023 edition 1 year ago:
Vintage Story. Finally got a full set of copper gear.