- Comment on A system to organise your life • Johnny.Decimal 2 weeks ago:
I tried to usw this for my home folder in my daily driver, but it just did not work for me.
I’m now trying out the PARA system, and Iike it better.
I should also add I use obsidian.md for basically everything having to do with files/folders/organization, so I do have all sorts of tags, auto-updated tables, etc. So a simpler file structure suits me better.
- Comment on Why are there so many graybeards in FOSS? 3 weeks ago:
I don’t see anything that could be considered a “Youth bad” statement in that comment. It’s a complex issue, influenced by a myriad of factors.
For example, I could dissasemle and reassemble my first PC without any prior knowledge. I had to learn to use DOS to navigate the OS and get things done. I got a book from the library about it, and spent hours upon hours just learning about how the file structure, commands, programs, external media, etc. worked before I could do anything remotely useful.
Today a PC/tablet/phone is a black box, you have to actively WANT to tinker in order to learn such about how they work. And most big tech companies try to punish you for so much as trying to replace a battery yourself.
I suspect you are projecting some personal feelings onto a stranger’s comment.
- Comment on low spec gaming looking pretty sunny right now gang 1 month ago:
I considered getting a Pilet, but I can justify the cost when my 5-year-old lenovo flexpad does everything I need. Then I almost got a Raspberry Pi 500 just because it’s cool, but again, I don’t have any actual use case, I just love these sort of setups.
- Comment on Funded in 5 minutes - the open source modular mini computer 'Pilet' is on Kickstarter 1 month ago:
Or the time. I would’ve gotten one if I had just a little more time in my life to tinker with it. The main appeals for me are:
1.it’s 100% open source, all files and specs will be released when they actually start shipping. So 3D printing a case with better colors should be easy, as well as tinkering with it IH n other ways.
2.Battery management is taken care of.
- It will have an LTE hardware option soon.
3.It’s a Linux tablet with an OS that it basically ready to go from the day you get it.
- It’s made for a rasberry pi 5 (not included), so Arch ARM should have a build for it sometime soon.
That’s not for everybody, but for some of us it’s appealing.
- Comment on When Does Instagram Decide a Nipple Becomes Female? 4 months ago:
Define useful.
Just a rhetorical question, I’m not expecting an answer.
- Comment on On the importance of F-Droid 5 months ago:
Another reason to check out eOS. F-Droid is a standard source for the default app store, along with the usual play store apps. I just got a Fairphone 5 last week, an installed eOS. I’m loving it so far.
- Comment on Researchers observe “locked” electron pairs in a superconductor cuprate | SLAC 5 months ago:
“In superconductors, the electrons act like two reticent people at a dance party. At first, neither person wants to dance with the other. But then the DJ plays a song that both people like, allowing them to relax. They notice one another enjoying the song and become attracted from afar – they have paired but have not yet become coherent.
Then the DJ plays a new song, one that both people absolutely love. Suddenly, the two people pair and start to dance. Soon everyone at the dance party follows their lead: They all come together and start dancing to the same new tune. At this point, the party becomes coherent; it is in a superconducting state.
In the new study, the researchers observed electrons in a middle stage, where the electrons had locked eyes, but were not getting up to dance.”
This is an awesome ELI5.
- Comment on Secret calculator hack brings ChatGPT to the TI-84, enabling easy cheating 5 months ago:
Oh god I remember doing that too. Those “programs” were the best. I even mad sure to make the code long, so that even if someone thought to take a look at the code they would have to scroll for a while to find the notes.
- Comment on Amazon's Monopoly of the tech industry is ruining the US economy 5 months ago:
It’s about how they do it. They achieve this not only by being incredibly efficient through exploiting thier employees, but also by systematically destroying competition, and using thier marketplace to unfairly favor thier own products.
It’s techno-feudalism, here’s a great presentation/interview about it:
- Comment on Indestructible quartz crystal can store 360TB of data for billions of years 5 months ago:
Still considerably better than blueray.
- Comment on Words truly matter 6 months ago:
Well that’s an opinion I xan get behind, placebos are certainly more powerful than common sense would dictate.
- Comment on Can anyone suggest some good co-op games for two people? 6 months ago:
Outward is made to be played by two players. It’s a really beautiful survival rpg with difficult combat.
- Comment on What Can Be, Unburdened By What Has Been 7 months ago:
Yes, of ccourse. Thanks for letting us stay, we really need this right now.
- Comment on Self-hosted website for posting web novel/fiction 9 months ago:
Also a great idea, I didn’t know that.
- Comment on Self-hosted website for posting web novel/fiction 9 months ago:
Obsidian is awesome, and obsidian publish costs money but it’s very easy to use.
- Comment on We can dream right 10 months ago:
Actually I thought the aliens wouldn’t come back to conquer earth, that would be boring and a tired trope. I thought it would be about rescuing thier people, and everyone on earth just assumes they are here to invade.
I’m no screenwriter, and I’m not sure what social commentary would be appropriate, but it just sounds like a fun movie. And Wikus deserves some closure.
- Comment on We can dream right 10 months ago:
- Comment on We can dream right 10 months ago:
Most sequels are sub-par, agreed. But this story does seem half-finished at the end of the film, a sequel would practically write itself.
- Comment on How do you build complex shapes? 10 months ago:
I use openSCAD. It’s 100% programing code input, which seems like a giant learning curve at first. But if you aren’t afraid of it, you’ll soon see how powerful it is. Especially with the additional libraries available. (They have lots of fished parts & shapes, like threads or electronics cases) Also thingverse.com has lots of .scad files to download.
- Comment on Calculus made easy 10 months ago:
Yes, that’s the whole point of calculus. It’s useful for finding x if you don’t have other easier ways to do so.
Here’s an example of how dividing the area under a curve up into smaller and smaller bits helps to find a value for the area.
- Comment on Ascended to Spanish 10 months ago:
I was on reddit for years, now lemmy since the reddit enschittification started. This is the best comment I’ve ever read. So many layers of truth, meme reference, and wit!
You made my week.
- Comment on Woaaaaa 10 months ago:
There certainly are, but…
This treaty means the entire continent is for science only.
- Comment on Why I Lost Faith in Kagi 10 months ago:
I agree with you. I just felt it necessary to inform those that read comments and not the article itself. Especially because (here’s my opinion) I feel that if you don’t pay for a product, then you ARE the product. Even if Kagi isn’t perfect, the payment model should be supported to foster this kind of internet.
- Comment on Why I Lost Faith in Kagi 10 months ago:
I read the article, and nothing in there seems to be a valid criticism of Kagi as a search engine. It’s all about the founder not understood GDPR, or how Kagi wasted money on free t-shirts, or the writers personal opinion on AI.
This is largely an opinion piece. It has merit as such, but please don’t take this article as factual journalism.
- Comment on What web services do you subscribe to? 11 months ago:
Pcloud, NordVPN, Tidal, reMarkable sync
I’d use Obsidian Sync too if I used Obsidian across devices. I just back my vaults up in the cloud.
- Comment on irrefutable 11 months ago:
I believe so, yes.
- Comment on life pro tip!! 11 months ago:
This should be a stellaris litoid trait. Your pops need no minerals for food, but are highly radioactive.
- Comment on My moon is in Silty Loam but my Sun sign is Clay. 11 months ago:
Dig dig dig (^_^)
- Comment on Sahara dust cloud smothers Germany, France and Switzerland 11 months ago:
Just some background info for those not familiar with this Sahara-Dust phenomenon:
This happens all the time, and has for a long time. It is just a byproduct of being so close to this monster of a desert.
- Comment on The later books are really something 11 months ago:
That meme applies to f’n everything!