- Comment on Literally c/THE_PACK 2 months ago:
- Comment on Stop Wasting Pumpkins! 3 months ago:
That’s the only reason it got my upvote
- Comment on Colours of Blood 3 months ago:
- Penis worms?
- Comment on We lost Keanu 5 months ago:
I mean, I never said I did. I’m just throwing out another possibility (that has happened before) so that people don’t just walk away taking the headline at face value without engaging with it
- Comment on We lost Keanu 5 months ago:
Thanks friend!
- Comment on We lost Keanu 5 months ago:
He may not have been fully aware of what he was being filmed for. This wouldn’t be the first time a famous actor had been tricked into being part of an anti-science video:
- Comment on Distribution of English Letters 5 months ago:
Goddammit you got me
- Comment on You Should Show Grave of the Fireflies to Your Kids 5 months ago:
I’m definitely not taking the stance of “every child needs to see this film”, but I AM of the opinion that kids should occasionally be presented with something that might make them uncomfortable or try to instill empathy as a good thing that they should strive for. Yeah, it might be difficult for them, but that’s why they should have a parent/support system readily available so they can process and learn from it, instead of watching it at 2am alone in a dorm room and crying until 5am like I definitely didn’t do ahaha ha ha…
- Comment on It's no longer Wednesday, my dudes. 6 months ago:
I mean… I guess someone had to make those scientific contributions
- Comment on There It Is! 6 months ago:
“That’s why I must become Superman IV: The Quest for Peace”
- Comment on A millennial couple who make $250,000 say they can't find a home in their budget: 'We refuse to become house-poor' 6 months ago:
It’s Business Insider, always read whatever they say with spoonfuls of salt
- Comment on What have you been pondering about as of late? 6 months ago:
How the world seems to be more and more fucked up every single day and how the vast majority of us simply don’t seem to care. Climate change, corporations quickly becoming the new States, politicians who just lie and lie with no consequences, AI being viewed as the magical cure-all for all these problems when really it’ll just make bad decisions easier to justify, and most of all, how people seem to view everyone else around them with more and more suspicion which eliminates even the faint hope we have of working together to solve some of these. Idk, take your pick, they all have the potential to be the death of us
- Comment on People are returning Humane AI Pins faster than Humane can sell them, report says 6 months ago:
Well that just sounds like a terrible deal all around. Less than half of the features that make a smartphone valuable (almost necessary) for modern living, for roughly the same price. AND it’s ugly, probably awkward to use, and best of all, nobody asked for this
- Comment on US Court Rules Google a Monopoly in 'Biggest Antitrust Case of the 21st Century'. 6 months ago:
We can only hope
- Comment on Americans say they need to earn $186K to live comfortably — but is it enough? 7 months ago:
Uhm, is that supposed to be achievable?
- Comment on Mothers of Miss USA and Miss Teen USA allege 'abuse' 9 months ago:
I was about to say, sadly this isn’t surprising. Definitely glad to see the perpetrators get called out though
- Comment on Remedy Makes Changes to Core Management Team, Wants to Grow Alan Wake and Control into Larger Franchises 10 months ago:
Ahti is GOATed
- Comment on Ahead of Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 the first medieval RPG is 80% on Steam 10 months ago:
Once I reached the part where I could use the practice field with whats-his-name, I just grinder that for like 90 minutes until the combat made sense to my fingers
- Comment on Cops can force suspect to unlock phone with thumbprint, US court rules 10 months ago:
Draw a pattern with the dots? There’s several ways to protect your privacy and thumbprints are by far one of the laziest and easiest to exploit options available
- Comment on The later books are really something 11 months ago:
So really this should one of those distribution graph memes where most people in the middle are crying saying it was Leto II while the extreme ends (very dumb and very smart) are saying it’s Paul
- Comment on literally me 11 months ago:
I’m pretty bad at comprehending anything spoken the first time around so I watch almost everything with subtitles. I had no issues understanding TENET (outside the theater where there’s obviously no subs)
- Comment on Taylor Swift has won the Superbowl! 1 year ago:
My favorite part was when the 49s set a record for the longest FG in a Super Bowl, and then less than an hour later the Chiefs broke that record
- Comment on Haha gotem 1 year ago:
Pinch and zoom. Aka touch your screen with 2 fingers kinda close together, maybe an inch apart, then slowly spread your asshole and insert the fingers
- Comment on Greta Thunberg: Case thrown because of 'no evidence' 1 year ago:
Don’t forget his Law Blog
- Comment on Greta Thunberg: Case thrown because of 'no evidence' 1 year ago:
There’s no fucking way that judge’s real name is John Law
- Comment on How can I slash Dr. Phil's tires, and why? 1 year ago:
That is true…but it’s not nearly as fun to do it safely
- Comment on How can I slash Dr. Phil's tires, and why? 1 year ago:
Pay a data broker for Dr. Phil’s home address, travel to said location, wait until the witching hour (~2am-4am), whip out a knife, stabby stabby, go home. Because he deserves it
- Comment on shit post 1 year ago:
Appropriate Dickbutt
- Comment on shit post 1 year ago:
I’ve come to repost you again
- Comment on Twitter Moment 1 year ago:
I’ve taken LSD roughly a dozen times over the last 5 years give-or-take, and I’m not joking. I will admit that I embellished a couple of details because I was remembering rather than citing. Technically, no, it is not possible to overdose on LSD, but I think everyone who has taken it can attest that bad trips can and do happen sometimes, and it has the potential to be truly traumatizing. Annecdotally, I’ve certainly had my fair share of bad trips… Going back to Miller, here’s an article going over some of the allegations in question. Admittedly, there is a lot of he-said-she-said, but just going off of the facts, Erza developed a close relationship with a minor 11 years younger than him, and allegedly gave them access to drugs and alcohol (LSD included), took away their ability to communicate with others (their parents), and “took control” over their personal possessions (i.e. ID and passport). The parents are the ones who claim their child suffered from a “days-long bad trip” just fyi. While Ezra and the (now) young adult deny it being sexual in nature… it has been described by many third-party witnesses as “extremely uncomfortable” and “basically a mini R. Kelly situation”