A PHP developer who, in his spare time, plays tabletop and videogames; if the weathers nice I climb rocks, but mostly fall off of indoor bouldering ones.
- Comment on Amazon will remove the option to download/transfer Kindle e-books via USB by February 2025 1 week ago:
They’re removing the ability to download ebooks from Amazon. You are still able to add books via USB to your device.
The piracy is because you could download your Amazon ebook, strip the DRM and transform it to a more generic format, and distribute it. Unfortunately this now means you’ll be unable to make copies of your books for “backup in case Amazon decides to remove access” purposes.
- Comment on Elon Musk’s X blocks links to Signal, the encrypted messaging service 1 week ago:
There was a fuss a while back since the released source appeared to be waaaay out of date compared to what was being used.
They came out and said that they wanted the usernames feature to be developed fully before it got pushed public. Which they then did.
- Comment on What are your Homelab goals for 2025? 1 month ago:
Given the topic, the response and the location I’m going to go with “because it seems neat and could be fun”.
Now, since I now know if it I’m going to give it a crack. 😆
- Comment on Why are people preferring Blue Sky over Mastodon? 3 months ago:
I’m dabbling in Bluesky atm. Having run my own Masto server for over a year at this point. Here’s things I’ve found that Bluesky does just plain better - mostly cause it’s not beholden to the whims of the ActivityPub protocol.
- Shows me all replies to any post I happen to come across.
- Lets me see all posts about things I happen to search/look for, including hashtags.
- I don’t have to worry about being unable to see content I haven’t personally blocked (not so much of an issue on a small/single server like mine though).
- I can repost things (not actually too bothered with this one but many people want it).
- I can set per post reply permissions to a very granular level (no-one, mentioned, followers, specific followers)
- It handles video in a way that works i.e. I can post them, and people can watch them with minimal buffering/waiting.
- Gives me access to community built collections/algorithms that expose the content I want to see.
- It defaults to providing an additional feed driven by what the people I’m following are liking/interacting with.
- Finally, a big one for new users, it provided a default feed of content when I first logged in so that I had something to look at.
The first two are huge on a small/single user server. By default we get nothing, following a single account will get us the content of just that account and the replies that they happen to reply to. A post may get 200 replies, but unless I go looking on the original server I will see a fraction of that. Technical solutions exist to help with this but the Fediverse’s penchant for privacy and control (quite rightly) limits the effectiveness (Fedifetcher, GetMoarFedi).
3 is something most people won’t think about. But if they become aware they’re not seeing something they thought they’d be able to they then have to deep dive into who’s defederating who and why.
Most all the other points just make the whole thing a much more seamless experience for your average user. Bootstrapping a list of people to follow on a small server is hard (I’d absolutely recommend creating a Fediverse account somewhere large first to build up some sort of list before migrating)
- Comment on Revolut customers say e-money firm failed them after being scammed - BBC News 4 months ago:
It’s important to note that Revolut is not a bank. Had it been a bank provable fraud would be protected up to 85k under FCA regulations.
What kind of ***** runs a business out of a “e-money” company.
- Comment on static website generator 5 months ago:
Hugo can be as simple as installing it, configuring a site with some yaml that points at a really available theme and writing your markdown content.
It gets admittedly more complex if you’re wanting to write your own theme though.
But I think this realistically applies to most all static site generators.
- Comment on Lemmy devs are considering making all votes public - have your say 6 months ago:
How about you assume less? I spent 40+ minutes looking for this here, here, here and here and I’m already fairly familiar having done work on two other ActivityPub based projects.
In addition public-addressing (or the lack of use thereof) in no way claims to achieve what you’ve stated - which is probably why it’s not the answer to my query.
- Comment on Lemmy devs are considering making all votes public - have your say 6 months ago:
Ahh, didn’t even know there was a flag for that. I don’t suppose you could link to the relevant w3c or FEP for it?
- Comment on Lemmy devs are considering making all votes public - have your say 6 months ago:
All votes are public, they’re literally broadcast to the Fediverse writ large. You vote on something on your server, your server then tells the server owning the thing you voted on and that server then tells anyone who is interested (subscribers on other servers). That way everyone knows that this comment was voted on, but that information is indelibly tied to you - an entity on the Fediverse.
Lemmy devs just chose not to a) show that information in a UI (plenty of other software out there does) and b) not inform people that was the case. Which leads to the whole point of the thread, hiding this from users merely gives a false sense of security.
- Comment on Lemmy devs are considering making all votes public - have your say 6 months ago:
You say that, but you simply have to be using something that isn’t Lemmy and that information is there (doubly so if you’re an admin on any of these systems)
- Comment on Lemmy devs are considering making all votes public - have your say 6 months ago:
Except, if you’re using anything other than Lemmy at this point that information is already about. The Likes/Dislikes are considered public information by the protocol. Lemmy devs probably just didn’t get around to building out the UI for that before the Reddit APIcolypse.
- Comment on TitanFall 2 at 3$ 6 months ago:
Envious tbh.
- Comment on Switzerland mandates government agencies use open-source software and disclose the source code of software developed by or for the public sector unless third-party rights or security concerns apply 7 months ago:
I work for the UK government. Everything my organisation does is licensed in either MIT or OGL (…/3/)
Developing code in the open really helps ensure you nail down your secure coding practices.
- Comment on Google and Brave The Only Search Engines Able To Index Reddit 7 months ago:
blocked part of url because I have Kagi rewrite url to redirect to my private Redlib instance
I had no idea this was a thing. Thats going straight on my self-host todo list.
- Comment on [Help] I can't make Radarr's hardlink work 7 months ago:
It’s the multiple volumes that are throwing it.
You want to mount the drive at
or something like that and configure Radarr to use/media/movies
as it’s storage locations. - Comment on World’s 1st high-temperature superconducting tokamak built in China 8 months ago:
allows it to make its tokamaks at only two percent of the volume of conventional tokamaks
Strap that into a tank, with - hear me out - legs, and we’re golden.
- Comment on 'It should have been safe’: twin of woman found under coat in A&E says death avoidable 9 months ago:
Long story short the MRI showed no impinging of the cord so we were told to just monitor it. It’s slowly fading.
The long story is that the next day the GP repeated 111’s advice so we bundled up pillows and painkillers and, still very upset, we went back. After an hour the triage nurse told us that all the GP needed to do was a referral by email and we would have been admitted straight to the spinal unit.
She then rang the GP and actually tore them a new one. It was highly satisfying.
We spent the rest of the day in spinal, her on a bed, and got seen by excellent staff who did more explaining about the injury and what to expect than anyone else had done to that point. We were in limbo about the whole thing till then.
- Comment on ByteDance won't sell TikTok, would rather pull it from the US 10 months ago:
Let’s be honest, this is only their outlook until the courts make their decision. They’ll sell if that doesn’t go in their favour.
- Comment on 'It should have been safe’: twin of woman found under coat in A&E says death avoidable 10 months ago:
My wife and I were in this A&E 3 days later. She’d new lower body numbness appear some months into a broken back recovery. 101 said go straight there, this is a no fuck around situation.
We get there and are advised it’s a 12 hour wait, the place is rammed, ambulances are queuing and the corridors are full of gurneys and paramedics.
My wife at this point is in tears. The broken back means sitting for an hour on a shit waiting room chair is hard work. 12 literally can’t happen.
So we leave. What else can we do.
The situation was fucking awful, but I don’t blame the staff. I felt genuinely bad for all of them - there was just a complete lack of hope on any of their faces.
- Comment on Apple keeps flogging 8GB of RAM for its Mac computers but it's still a dead horse 10 months ago:
The fact you got downvoted for someone else’s assumption (that was upvoted) makes me chuckle. There’s some serious Apple hating going on here*.
*sometimes deserved. Not really in this case.
- Comment on Apple keeps flogging 8GB of RAM for its Mac computers but it's still a dead horse 10 months ago:
Written by someone who apparently has no understanding of virtual memory. Chrome may claim 500MB per tab but I’ll eat my hat if the majority of that isn’t shared between tabs and paged out.
If I’m misunderstanding then how the fuck is chrome with it’s 35+ open tabs functioning on my 16GB M1 machine (with a full other application load including IDE’s and docker (with 8GB allocated)
- Comment on fucking beautiful. almost a year into the 'verse and its starting to become more functional than that R place... better than i imagined. 10 months ago:
I’ve not tried it but have been keep tabs.
The two main problems appear to still be ongoing PRs/issues; magazine/community sidebar content doesn’t update and doesn’t federate out at all to lemmy, and moderation actions don’t federate at all (any of the various types) - which is particularly problematic.
- Comment on fucking beautiful. almost a year into the 'verse and its starting to become more functional than that R place... better than i imagined. 10 months ago:
If only k/mbin federated better - I’d be all over it :(
- Comment on Princess of Wales says she is undergoing cancer treatment - BBC News 11 months ago:
The news article/statement I read has it related to major abdominal surgery from back in January. So none of the good kinds. Not that any cancer is good.
- Comment on Oh, Zot! Nomadic Identity is Coming to ActivityPub 11 months ago:
I mean, the linked article does a pretty good explanation?
- Comment on Pixelfed introduces Loops, a Short-Form Video App 11 months ago:
You’ve not factored in egress costs. Which on Amazon can add up quite quickly.
- Comment on My take on selfhosted photo management 11 months ago:
There’s a couple of caveats with it, but I think neither are worse than your proposed flow.
- After putting things in an album you’ll need to manually run the migration job to have immich reorganise into album folders.
- Images in multiple albums will only be migrated to the path of the newest album.
- Comment on My take on selfhosted photo management 11 months ago:
Immich does support folders?
With this you can store your photos in whatever structure you want.
- Comment on Importing Google Photos Takeout to Immich 11 months ago:
- Comment on PSA: Docker nukes your firewall rules, and replaces them with its own. 11 months ago:
Docker will have only exposed container ports if you told it to.
If you used
-p 8080:80
(cli) or- 8080:80
(docker-compose) then docker will have dutifully NAT’d those ports through your firewall. You can either not do either of those if it’s a port you don’t want exposed or as says below you can ensure it’s only mapped to localhost (or an otherwise non-public) IP.