- Comment on Windows 98 Disk Defrag Simulator 7 months ago:
Can’t decrease seek time if you don’t seek :(
- Comment on Radicalized Students Will Regret Backing Hamas 10 months ago:
Yea, where is this garbage coming from
- Comment on We see what you're doing 10 months ago:
If they give the president full immunity, couldn’t Biden just do whatever he wanted
- Comment on ‘Bewildering’ to omit meat-eating reduction from UN climate plan 11 months ago:
Prob because it’s about as effective for plastic pollution as telling people to recycle which was pushed by companies instead of actually stopping production of single use plastics.
To actually address the issue, Major reforms are needed to manufacturing, transportation and by FAR most importantly, energy production. Attacking the 15% food production part is dumb and more likely to cause people to ignore the substantial benefits from the other initiatives because everyone changing their diet at once is a crazy goal.
- Comment on 4202 g 1 year ago:
Vegan not lying to try to make a point, challenge level impossible
- Comment on It males you wonder... 1 year ago:
What if you remove all the belongings, the body should be fine for the animals eh. Unless we are just too full of microplastics